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Everything posted by M0nk3y

  1. Kinda old news, but it hasn't really been made public either. Renewed my tags for a year, next year I'm grabbing one of these. I still have the old bicentennial plate but it's torn up and starting to rust.
  2. It's like $429? I have the M&P15-22 and I'm in love with it.
  3. Have you checked the Ohio Division of wildlife ranges? Some have pretty long rifle set-ups and it's $5 for the whole day, or $27 IIRC for the year. It's no 1000 yard, but you might be able to get 200-300 yards I think
  4. I haven't uploaded many, I need to edit more. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8306/7989183284_71d86cef34_b.jpg Lifting Porsche by M0nk3yy31, on Flickr
  5. That is the video. The news had raw video, but have since removed it from their database online. Man was trying to get into his car and leave, and the suspects were pulling him out, we was able to get his gun in the center console, turn and pull 2 rounds off. Duty to retreat only goes so far when you can retreat. If you're presented with a threat, and cant move then that goes out the window
  6. They didn't detain because of probable cause. That's FL, this is OH. Shooting at Dayton Gas Station, 2 suspects approached car and tried to rob and beat the man. He had a Glock 36, turned and shot one twice. Got in the car, drove away and called 911. When cops arrived he came back, and was detained for the night. After reviewing video evidence, he was released b/c of self defense.
  7. In any situation where a gun is discharged resulting in the injury or death of someone else, you will be put into a car and/or taken to the station. The Zimmerman case is from an inexperienced officer.
  8. Good purchase Kale, I think you made the right move on a 5 versus the tourings.
  9. LOL it looks like it was taken w/a 3MP camera.
  10. Never posted in here, but I have 2 weeks left in phase 3 for P90x2. I feel so much better overall from day to day doing it. On my off days i swim 25-30 laps at the university pool. Didn't need to lose any weight, just needed to tone myself and get rid of fat. Currently at around 178 and a 33 pant size. I still want to cut more body fat and get down to 10-12%. Prior to starting, i was around 172 and 34 pant size. When Im done, im considering starting phase 2 over and.keep doing 2 and 3, or actually going to hit the gym.
  11. Here is a DIY I did on my car using Leatherique. Hopefully you can see it okay. http://www.zpost.com/forums/showthread.php?t=498946
  12. Let me know if you find any decent, multiple deals. I want a barrel that has a removable choke for my wingmaster.
  13. He cheats, don't listen to his reasons :lolguy: But seriously, ride with Kale...makes a world of a difference to see the line and feel the differences on how he approaches the course.
  14. Wheels can have defects you know....
  15. Bent wheel or bent band inside the tire
  16. Towards the end of the video I was starting my turn basically under the Bridge in T1. Others told me to start the turn at the black mark on the right wall. I know I can brake later. I had a scare in the AM where I hit oil and the car didn't like it (Aka the back end starting come around in a straight brake). The car caught grip and tightened back up, but stuck in my mind. I know I can brake later, I have the brakes to do so as well. It's hard to judge braking distances when you have never gone that type of speed w/full brakes. I know what 60-0 stopping is, I don't know what 130-whatever that corner speed is yet. It's all in the learning process. Thanks for the other comments. I knew I took it pretty light, I know now what the car can do.
  17. 12 hours is mandated by Ohio law. 10 hours class time, 2 hours range time.
  18. Go somewhere reputable. Place I went to Cleveland was awesome, former LEO who really hit home on what you're getting into. Practiced FTF drills...yada yada. It was beyond what I expected. Regardless, the 12 hour class sucks the life out of you.
  19. That track was like ice. Of course I've never experienced before that weekend...but my car hated it. I couldn't power down unless I was 100% straight.
  20. It's certainly a tricky section. I was topping 4th gear, which is 130 mph. If I exit T2 better and late brake into T4, I can get into 5th.
  21. Finally finished up my first HPDE Friday at Mid-Ohio! Caught 2 wet sessions in the AM and 2 dry sessions in the PM. The wet was an interesting experience, little to no traction certainly sums it up. But it was good experience. There are plenty of areas to work on, obviously. China Beach, Madness, The Esses is a pretty tricky section to get it right. I was being a baby braking into China Beach...the first session I hit oil into the braking zone and it was not a fun experience. Kept it straight and all...just had the o-shi moment. It was still a little cold and the track wasn't completely dried up, so threshold braking wasn't really worked on at all Overall though, It was really fun. I'm amazing at what type of grip is out there. Here's my last session. Critique if you want.
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