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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Beat me to it. Gun rights proponents are becoming their own worst enemies with this stuff.
  2. Looked like an ad to me. 300+ wheel in a fwd.... Hope you have an anchor on the floorboard and a ratchet strap attached between it and the wheel to keep you out of the ditch.
  3. If this is the case this is even more reason to get this shit done quicker before she is in deeper. If that is possible.
  4. What a squeaky fucking cunt. I was pissed until the end where he came in with the body slam finish.
  5. This what in the holy fuck are you waiting for. No one deserves to have someone like this in their life.
  6. Interested in the bipod if you could provide a pic or two.
  7. Geeesammy

    CR Cooks

    I can order a large pizza from papa johns in less than 30 seconds. I also make a MEAN pancake off of the "Just add water" mix. This all looks amazing. I need to do a better job of cooking at home.
  8. You're digging awful deep into your bag of "Shit that doesn't relate to the topic" on that one... :gabe: This is what no one is understanding. We aren't asking for lane splitting ot be legalized at freeway speeds. Just low speed, IMO 15mph or less. Even 15mph seems high.
  9. I'm 60/40 in favor of hangout. Will know before 6.
  10. No idea what helmets have to do with this argument. I'm sure your family will be just fine. And if someone hits them on a bike I'm pretty sure they won't be on their bike anymore for your to pull them off. :dumb: I would much rather be rear ended in a 1987 Yugo by that F150 doing 35, than on a bike being rear ended by the same thing. It's like asking whether you'd want to be shot with a .22 or a .50 cal, drive a GTR or an FRS. Most people will pick the .22 and the GTR.... I'm sure 99% of people feel the same. But I suppose to be fair lets let cars lane split if they feel like they can do so in a manner that will not impede other drivers each time they do it. I never said me putting miles on my bike makes me an expert, but it does make you much more aware of things that can and do happen to people on bikes. I guess since this is CR and all I should have not subjected myself to someone trying to twist words that aren't stated clearly into something else. What I should have said is "But what do I know about almost being hit, I've only put 10,000 miles on my bike per year for the last 2 years" It seems like almost everyone in here opposed to it has never owned or operated a motorcycle on the road. Maybe I'm mistaken. None of these things I have said. The only thing remotely close is that I am one of the best riders out of the people I have ridden with. Nothing more nothing less. All that could mean is that I am the shinest and less stinkiest of the 20 turds sitting in the toilet. I'm glad you spend so much time analyzing each and everything I say though. Since this has obviously turned into a "trolly post" thread by an Admin, maybe it should be moved to the kitchen since this has seemed more and more like a kitchen thread since Truckin had his tirade. Ignorance of the law you say? BRB, gonna go rob a bank and shoot a few people. I'll just plead ignorance and be acquitted right? I mean this seems to be how Jones logic works.
  11. I see what you did. 10/10 for effort but 3/10 for it not really being used in the same context. Ill round you up to a 6/10 because I like you.
  12. Dang it Doc. If anyone else has Amazon card's or PS network card's I'm interested. WNAPLAY do you still have yours FS or not?
  13. I've kind of been wanting to go back down soon. I have (or had) their membership thing, still don't know what it does for me but I am getting sick of being cooped up inside already. Any interest in getting a group together or if we have enough a rental or something?
  14. Sooooooooo.... I haven't thought about this car for the past few months really outside of going back and forth with either A. Parting it out and scrapping or selling the shell. B. Throwing an LSx in it with a T56 C. Getting it done a little cheaper so I could justify doing it. While still saving up for a house and a few other big purchases I need to make in the next 2-3 years. Ended up deciding on C. finally after buyers for the engine and transmission flaked (no surprise. Sold my ProEFI 48 a few months back as I wanted to go to either their new 118 setup, or the 128, but wasn't wanting to spend $2,000 just for an ecu, plus another $500 for the plug/pin kit and wiring as well as connectors, etc. Decided to change things up and learn some more along the way. Buying a Megasquirt 3 with the "3X" board add on as well as a few modules in addition to that so I can do what I want with it. It'll be a fraction of the cost and it can do everything the ProEFI can except rolling ricer anti lag. I got the pre-built 10' harness for it, hopefully those come in soon as it has been almost a month. Pretty nifty as it comes color-coded and has what each wire is written on it. http://www.diyautotune.com/images/products/ms3x-harness/ms3x-harness_closeup_med.jpg I'm placing the order for my clutch disc and pressure plate within the next few weeks so I can throw the trans back in it as well as the driveshaft once I throw some new U-joints in it. I also bought an .84 A/R Twin Scroll Turbine housing as well. Hoping after this all comes in I'll get the turbo hung on the engine and make all my oil feed/return lines for the turbo. No pics yet unfortunately, everything is en route. Maybe this thing will actually run before spring.
  15. Anyone who has never ridden a motorcycle legally on the road for more than a few days really should not comment on this. Until you've heard a car schreeching it's tires behind you while their ABS kicks in and out and see them go flying past you onto the shoulder and look over at you in disbelief they almost hit you since they were too busy texting their BFF to pay attention that traffic was stopped, you really can't hold water in this debate. It is scary as fuck being stopped quickly and you see a car 1/4-1/2 mile behind you still FLYING towards you not paying attention and then suddenly see the nose dip down. Lane splitting would alleviate a LOT of riders going down due to cars rear ending them. Think about it, 71N at Polaris is a perfect example. Suddenly traffic stops about 3/4 mile from the exit ramp and you stop in plenty of time on your bike. Unfortunately, Susie P. Textalot just had a breakup of her true love of 2 weeks right before homecoming. She is too distraught and texting her BFF about finding a new date to see the brake lights. You thought ahead and got into lane 1 within you lane, hoping to avoid a direct hit. Luckily for you, you did this and only lost your right leg and hand when she went plowing into the car in front of you and grazed you. Meanwhile, in California, the same situation unfolds when traffic suddenly stops. The rider is able to split lanes at a reasonable speed with caution, and only hears the crunch behind him, and hopes all involved are OK. Tell me, why shouldn't it be legalized again? Because someone may change lanes in front of you? That responsibility falls on both you, the rider, to be aware of your surroundings and proceed in splitting at a reasonable speed, No more than 5-10mph, as well as the driver to signal their intentions before checking their mirrors so other drivers and riders are aware of what they are thinking. Just my $.02. But what do I know, I've only put 10,000 miles on my bike per year for the last 2 years
  16. Can you tell me the percentage of Americans who are totally deaf? If you are that concerned about being killed by police, get a fucking sign made up and slap it in your yard or on your door that a deaf person resides in the home.
  17. You've clearly never met Shane.
  18. No doubt getting out of your car to threaten someone or trying to run them off the road is way out of line. As I said, psycho lady was in no way right in what she did, but I am sure these two did something to pull her trigger. When I have been given the bird I have deserved it, and even knowing that usually return the gesture :lolguy:.
  19. Recommended them on a thread before and they won't do anything non-dealer is what they were told upon calling.
  20. When he gets to the pearly gates. "Son, why are you here?"
  21. I hate to go against the grain on this one, but being roughly the same age as the girls, I'll bet the conversation went similar to this. Driver- "Like OMG, why the fuuuuck is this truck like on my bumper!!!" Passenger- "OMG, they are like super close Vanessa, like idk what to do? Should we like slam on our brakes?" D- "Like flip her off or something, that will definitely like show her who is like her boss since we are boss ass B*tchasssssssss!!" P- "Like totalllyyyyyyyyyyyyy" *Flips Bird* D-"Duuuuuude like OMG WTF, she is trying to ram me now!! Call the cops! We like didn't even do anything!!" I'm not joking about this dialogue either. Get into a car with some early-mid 20's girls and this is how they will talk. Taken directly from link/CHP. "When the Mazda passenger made 'a rude hand gesture' toward the Explorer just west of the Gold Run rest area, Orozco pulled in front of the Mazda and slammed on the brakes, forcing the car to stop, according to a CHP news release." I'm not saying what the psycho lady in the truck did was right at all, but if you are gonna do something that may egg on the situation, then cry when it escalates due to your actions? I think both parties are to blame here, but I do feel bad that they feared for their lives. If my girlfriend or sister were put into the same situation I'd be pretty pissed off.
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