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Everything posted by Geeesammy

  1. Power balance test, then if that doesn't yield any answers I'd check the valves and see if that are within specification
  2. I agree .22 is an effective round, but I was mainly trying to emphasize the Chinese junk part.
  3. Well if you are having second thoughts about shooting someone why even make the thread? I'd buy a good name brand, not some Chinese made Hi-Point that all the dumbfuck thugs use. I plan on buying a Glock 17 for home defense. Dead nuts reliable and they are chambered in 9mm so ammo will always be around. I wouldn't use anything less than 9mm for home defense, I know a lot of other people will feel differently but that is all preference. Another good one is a Walther PPX, I bought it to carry, but they make excellent nightstand guns as well. 500+ rounds of different manufacturers ammo through it and not a single hiccup. New they are like $500? Used I got mine with maybe 2 magazines through it for $400 OTD. Whatever you do just don't cheap out on some Chinese junk that shoots .22. If you do, you might as well stick to using the BB gun.
  4. How much are you looking to spend?
  5. Why do you always seem to have the coolest shit?
  6. Is it just something dumb the is added or modified or what?
  7. I can't tell if they are all the same guy, but are they all walking to the truck from roughly the same area?
  8. I know the government locally was a pita to work with and rumors I heard were that they made it a pita for them to remodel, also heard that the flood zone at the end of the track was kind of a bullshit move too. If the track shut down was a little longer it woulda been a sweet track.
  9. Interesting on how sudden this was. I know ownership changed around 2012, anyone hear any rumors on why? http://m.whio.com/news/news/local/breaking-kilkare-raceway-closes-unexpectedly/nhbX6/
  10. http://weknowmemes.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/wat-meme.jpg
  11. Needing some ideas on moving a fairly decent-sized box from my current employer to my garage. it is roughly 56" long and 42" tall, 22" deep. Any ideas? Does any company around Columbus rent pickups with a liftgate on the back? Loading it will be the easy part, unloading it is totally different. I could get a few people to help pick it up out of the truck but that would mean totally emptying the box, which will take awhile. I'm trying to avoid paying a tow-truck company to do it as I've heard it is near or above $100...
  12. Stupid. But I think I saw the buster, he is short.
  13. Other than that it isn't near as entertaining as the old spot.
  14. I'll have to dig up what I have. Dad had a few things left over from Vietnam, he was originally a Diesel tech, but from what my uncle has told me is that he was quickly moved to infantry after being in country for a week. I've got a few cools pictures from him in country in 'Nam as well as him in Okinawa and some medals he earned along the way.
  15. Atta boy buster. You'll be the suspension guru in no time. Make sure you get the arms all the way onto the spring. No one needs a spring shooting around the shop....
  16. That thing sounded amazing, not sure if this was the same car, but I saw one identical to yours at Little Bar down on campus last night. Loved running the course, even in my little poverty Saturn. For being the least sporty vehicle there I'd say I didn't do half bad.... Bad news is my front tires are toast :dumb:
  17. Bump. Wanting this gone make a reasonable offer.
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