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Everything posted by miller11386

  1. Added a new Screen filter to my turbo to keep small animals and babies out of the turbo: Finally have the Targa back on the car. On the right is the old existing paint and on the left is the freshly painted targa top. It matches perfectly!
  2. I would only be interested if we could do it the day before or sometime before 4/26. I need to get some testing in on my new setup.
  3. I know last year CR did a track rental on the day before IFO. This year IFO in the spring is on 4/26. Are there any plans to do this again?
  4. Agreed! I wouldn't hesitate to use their services again
  5. Ah ok. I reached out to them but they didn't end up getting back with me on it. No worries as they seem busy
  6. Come buy it! I will build another one R32 are unique, but parts are a PITA. If I had a GTR id would keep it very basic. I got the supra because you can find parts everywhere, and there are plenty of companies making and developing parts on the platform even after it has been "dead" in the US since 1998. Its nice to say "wow I need (random part)" and make a few clicks on the web and it shows up a few days later. Even most of the stock parts including interior panels, body panels, etc. can still be purchased new from Toyota.
  7. Not sure who Beige is. I am having a local shop that has done many of my cars do the paint work. Typically they don't even consider work like this, however they are really slow at the moment, so they took on the job. Gotta love that lifetime guarantee on paint work
  8. Havent updated in a while... heres where im heading.... Had the entire car buffed to see what needed paint fixes. As an added bonus, they polished the engine bay up. Looks Purdy now! The car was dropped off at the body shop... prepping a few small areas that need improvement for paint. I am excited to get this thing looking proper and not be embarrassed to get photos of it with the black primer roof, dented hood, dented quarter, etc. And as always... gathering parts is a sickness for me. Here Is one of the latest additions for the 2015 racing season: I should have no issue with fuel now with this on top of my triple 300s. I just need to mock it up and install it in the existing -10AN line, then she is ready to be turned up to make the 88 work a little bit. Currently limited to 34 psi now due to a lack of corn. Hoping the block holds together and I can get this car where it needs to be power wise. I hope to get some pictures in the spring as well once it is all ready to rock on the new drag pack.
  9. goodluck on MS3. Many have tried it on the MKIV platform and end up dumping it for Pro-efi/Motec/AEM V2
  10. Because its for wanna-be's who think their truck is "fast" or "badass"... GTFO. Truck owners who use their trucks are fine. Towing, hauling, getting chores done that require a truck. The people who don't use them as trucks usually add retarded lifts, stupid useless tires, loud annoying exhausts, etc. just to show how small they are and how much their "badass truck" makes up for said lack of whatever. 99% of these piles never see anything but paved roads. You can easily spot them with their chromed out wheels with little bitty rubber band tires, CB radio antennas without the CB radio, loud/glass pack exhausts, silicone balls hanging on the pintle hitch that has never been hooked to any trailer (and most don't even know what a pintle hitch is/is used for), and lifts for no reason (other than to look down on everyone) are usually a tell tale sign that you are looking at a poser with his "badass" truck. Its as bad as Honda kids putting fart cans on their stock D series Honda IMO. But hey, if you want to take a part that doesn't rust or fall off in 220k miles and replace it with some POS system that will rust off in 5 years, that's up to the owner. I can say from experience, my fenders will fall off the truck before the stock exhaust will.
  11. Obviously that's his goal No reason to put an exhaust on a truck other than to be obnoxious. Stock system on my 2002 Avy is still holding strong at 220k+ miles
  12. I rolled the dice on these cheapo cameras. Going to see what they can do if they ever get here! http://www.ebay.com/itm/271657795353?_trksid=p2060778.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  13. Another View. You can hear the air rushing past the camera into the turbo LOL
  14. No clearance on the tires in that dyno setup. Just a local shop in akron. Pro Car Associates. They helped me with a few little things and gave a reasonable rate for dyno time. I only put it on to load the motor and seal up the rings. It seemed to do the job nicely. Very friendly guys. I was glad to work with them.
  15. You got what you wanted JP... nothing but burnouts on the dyno lol
  16. Dropped the car off to fix some oil leaks at a local vendor. Hope to have them wrapped up and making a few low boost hits in the next few weeks! Videos will be posted if/when she gets turned up.
  17. No. RB's shit the bed when you throw power at them Bottom line, you can make anything "take power" with aftermarket parts. The good ones 5.3/LS series and 2jz do it with all stock internals. Hell Alex was running a stock bottom end with cams and springs making 800 to the wheels. 5.3L junkyard motors take up to 700 or so stock. That defines a good "OE motor" the 4G63 and F20c engines are also beasts in stock form. Many folks running over 500whp with all stock internals.
  18. She was just too late to the part this year. Now with 15 degree weather in ohio, the nail is in the coffin. See you again in 2015...
  19. agreed. That being said, im getting a hood dump built this winter for my race hood
  20. looking solid! I look forward to see what power this setup makes. You have a TON of turbo, so its a matter of how much you want to push the motor setup. all that being said, you should have just gone straight up with cheetah hood exit exhaust
  21. Mark, his car, and his team always impress me with their consistency and ability to click off 6 second passes like it is effortless.... and it is NOT. Congrats to Mark and his team for another victory. I hope he doesn't end up cutting the car to go to a different route because I love the way that car is setup currently, however I understand if the pool is getting a bit tiny for him now.
  22. Exactly. You can probably get away with 100's but your base pressure will be ridiculously high. Weldon 2345a, magnafuel 4703 or go mechanical pump. Edit, Triple 340s are 100% out of pump at 1100whp reguardless of cylinder quantity lol
  23. Magnafuel 4703. -10 feed, big return. Sump it from a cell or use a bolt in tank. Aftermarket regulator. and yes you probably need 2000cc injectors (200lb) You can get away with smaller high impedance injectors if you crank up the fuel pressure, however odds are you are going to wear stuff out prematurely. I would recommend 200lb injectors for 1000whp on e85. FYI I run 3 Aeromotive 340lph pumps and the car is out of pump at 1100whp on e90. -10 feed, 2000cc injectors and aeromotive regulator on a flex fuel setup.
  24. VP sells some. Its stupid money though.
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