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Everything posted by Dafunk13

  1. I wandered around for a half-hour after dinner. Saw your duo out there Cordell...nice looking cars.
  2. To update: Took the car to Charley at CNS. They communicated with me through the whole thing, even taking care of the rental car hassle, and the car looks awesome. Charley was a pleasure to work with and the ladies in the office were really friendly. 5 minutes into speaking with Charley and his passion was pretty evident. Pulling up to 1.5 million dollars in cars sitting across 8 parking spots out front told me I was at the right place. A+ operation
  3. Anywhere in the northern part of the LP of MI is absolutely beautiful in fall. Traverse City is awesome but not exactly cheap. Check out Petosky.
  4. Yeah, your syntax was a little fudged, but I got your point. As I said, the best way to combat that vocal minority is to set the example. The left's demonizing of semi-auto rifles because they look scary (OMG assault rifle) and 30 round magazines is just as ridiculous. Again, the best way to combat that is to take a hippie out to shoot my AR15. Most people are just stupid, but some are willing to re-evaluate their shit after they've had a day at the range with a guy they probably assumed doesn't have a safe full of babykillers in his closet and they actually had FUN. I think the more easily addressed issues here are in gun security (not leaving the pistol where little Jimmy can find it and show the neighbor boy, or leaving it in your center console while drinking at the bar) and thorough BG checks. Not in banning foregrips and barrel lengths and "scary" looking guns. Most people with any gun experience, liberal or conservative, would agree.
  5. I'm a pretty left-leaning "gun guy" and I've found the most productive thing I can do is to invite some of those "dumb liberals" to actually go shoot. Most aren't too shy to tell me that they now understand the appeal. Not every dude with a safe full of firearms is some backwoods tool daydreaming fantasies about thwarting a robbery or shooting military personnel when Obama starts shipping us into internment camps. Some of us just like them because they're fun! They're not autonomous killing machines and they aren't that scary. A little understanding goes a long way towards shaping political beliefs, IMO.
  6. Awesome car! If I could ever be convinced to dump my G8 I'd be looking at one myself. I had an '05 CTS (non-v) as my last car and loved it. An updated version with 500hp seems like a swell idea.
  7. One of my favorite cars ever. Gorgeous. Congrats!
  8. I'm running 275 Hankook v12s in the back and I wish I had more, and I'm still on stock cam.
  9. People who say "you'll never understand" to people like that sound awful silly to those people that do.
  10. I can't say specifically as my little handle here is probably attached to some shit that I would rather not have associated with the business. I run a hotel. Why?
  11. I said nothing for your quality of work, Kevin. I simply had gripes with your inability to communicate with a customer in a timely and professional manner. At the time of my writing that I'd been unable to contact you after numerous calls to both the number you initially contacted me from AND the number on your website. I'd tried both numbers a handful of times between our first convo and that morning...a solid 6 days, to no avail. I had just sat in your lot for 20 minutes and had a quick chat with a guy who claimed he rented you the space and he said you were "hard to get a-hold of." He even tried calling you while I stood there. I was pissed. There was no mention of a key drop during your one and only call, only that I would meet you there at 8am. No offense, but I don't know you and you don't even have a sign advertising your workspace...no way I'm leaving my key in some slot on a blank building without having met you, signed something, etc. I would have told you that on the phone had you told me that you intended for me to leave the car. I found you on a website full of mostly strangers, dude. I expected to meet the guy who would have possession of my baby. So maybe this whole thing is my fault...but I sure don't feel that way. I just wanted my car fixed. When I couldn't get you on the phone I felt this was necessary. I'm not looking to drag you though the mud. I manage a business myself and I run the place based on customer reviews. I was just looking to leave some negative feedback the only way I could. I appreciate that you did call me later that day. Had you caught me before I posted this I could have aired it out to you then. Good luck to you in the future.
  12. Since this dude doesn't answer or return phone calls I'll post this here. Kevin, First, when someone sends you personal info about their vehicle and the insurance claim it's good practice to call them back to confirm the info was received. The point was so that you could get parts ordered and be ready to go when I dropped the car off. I had to line up things like rental cars, etc. and these things cost time and money. A phone call would go a long way to easing my anxieties about the whole thing. Second, when you don't call me back to confirm the receipt of this info you should at least answer MY calls. I called 4 different times since the middle of last week, both the number you called me on AND the number of your shop (with no way to leave a message at either number). Again, I'm having to line up rental car, transportation after I drop my car off, etc. These things cost time and money. Third, when I schedule an appointment with you to drop the car off at a certain time I expect you to honor it. I don't expect to miss 2 hours of work, inconvenience my lady to follow me down there in another vehicle, and schedule a rental just to have you stand me up. I hate to leave a shitty review on here for all to see, but your lack of professionalism just cost me time and money and a good bit of frustration. I'm thinking I can find someone else to take my thousands of dollars. How this kind of behavior has gotten you the recommendations I saw here is baffling, but you just lost what could have been a loyal customer.
  13. I'll be around crosswoods again around 7 until it gets boring. I manage a hotel in the area so I work all day while these dudes are at the show. When I get off work I go home to change and head back up there to have a beer and check shit out as they pile back in. I'll be in a grey "C-bus" t-shirt driving a black G8. Come say hi if you see me. Be cool to meet some of you guys in person.
  14. Saw a few cars do it up after things dried out, but yeah...it kinda rained on our parade...literally. Tonight should be a blast though.
  15. Crosswoods is crawling with cops but I talked to a couple officers last night (I work for a hotel up there) and they said they would "let 'em play" like last year and that the focus was on drinking and driving. He said they weren't worried about smoke shows and that kind of stuff but they were cracking down on speeders and people boozing. I'll be up and around that area all weekend, speeding and boozing.
  16. Those wheels look GREAT on a G8 though. http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l263/fukaol13/IMAG0163_zps117716c5.jpg
  17. It only makes sense to get away from anything that can't be computer controlled. Sadly 25 years from now those of us who actually like piloting our vehicle will be enthusiasts. Here's hoping we'll at least be allowed to drive our own car then.
  18. http://www.amazon.com/Wolfgang-Deep-Gloss-Paint-Sealant/dp/B009W3KHSQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=automotive&ie=UTF8&qid=1436365581&sr=1-1&keywords=wolfgang+deep+gloss+paint+sealant+3.0 This is my go-to. I usually wax over the top of this with some kind of traditional wax (Megs #26 this last time) for added protection, but this stuff alone stands up to dozens of washes and makes my black G8 pop. Easy on and easy off.
  19. Man I can't wait for this weekend.
  20. Cell is 269-274-5416. Would love to get it fixed up before Good Guys this weekend, so if it would run through that I'd rather wait until next week. Let me know when to bring it to ya!



  21. Definitely better than stock. I'd get something lighter if I were buying new.
  22. Awesome. Calling them as soon as I get done with the adjuster. Thanks!
  23. A lady backed her hitch into my front bumper yesterday and I'm expecting a check from her insurance by the end of the week. Looks like a new front bumper cover and some paint are all that is needed. Any recommendations for where I should take it? Thanks guys.
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