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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. I think the electric motors in the rear will help with acceleration and launch but i'm not a fan of the idea. Does this mean it's a Hybrid all wheel drive system? are the rear motors always running or can they be turned off?
  2. Can you give an example? I have always been curious as to what things actually go for. I browse the site every now and then, but never follow-up on how a listing ended. I have seen some crazy low listings and some that were pure sales which I look at for usable parts but never bite.
  3. Sounds fun, I will be there for sure
  4. That response seems VERY bull shit to me. "we do not handle amazon at this end, this is another department of XPO that handles amazon." WTF does that even mean? they have multiple different departments in charge of different Amazon orders? or did she mean to say "there is another department"?
  5. I am going to assume you don't have Amazon Prime? that will get you free two day shipping on all "qualified" items. I have always received my packages by Fedex in my area. In the event your item was shipped by a third party vendor on Amazon make sure to leave them feedback once you get the item and if your delay continues make sure you open up a claim on Amazon's website. A while back, I ordered a headset for my brother and it arrived 12 days past the target date. I gave the vendor hell and Amazon gave me a credit on the website for my troubles. Hope all works out for ya man.
  6. Chromebook FTW! you can pick up one on woot right now for next to nothing. They get good battery life and google docs is very underrated. I love using Google docs and you can export to Word if you ever need to transfer your stuff. Link to Woot: http://computers.woot.com/offers/hp-14-16gb-chromebooks-2014-model-30?ref=cp_cnt_gw_dly_wobtn List of file types a chromebook can read: https://support.google.com/chromebook/answer/183093?hl=en **************************************** Chromebooks are not all good though. they can't run x86 applications or anything that Windows can and you have to enjoy the Google ecosystem of apps. you can't run Android apps on ChromeOS and you have to treat it as something completely different from Android or anything else.
  7. i'v had no problems getting in contact with him. Very happy with his response time thus far.
  8. Just emailed Kevin. I will definitely be using him to fix the spoiler on my 8. Based on the feedback here i'm looking forward to working with him.
  9. I 100% agree with Apex... I would not recommend 4K to anyone because the content is not there yet. I am yet to see something in 4k that made me freak out or want to rush out and buy a 4k TV. Sony had a cool demo unit at there old store where they had a 144hz+ TV playing BR content at 1080p and I was shocked. I actually had to ask the guy what it was running because at the time I had no idea what resolution it was at, sure enough it was 1080p at high hz. TL;DR... Skip 4k, get a high pixel density, 120/144hz, 1080p TV and enjoy.
  10. $1 says Brian will go see it at some point in some fashion.
  11. I would not even hesitate to slap a 26b in my 8... I would daily that fucker everyday! http://rack.1.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEzLzA3LzE4L2EwL2NyeWluZ3dhdGVyLjQ2NzZiLmdpZgpwCXRodW1iCTEyMDB4OTYwMD4/9fead436/c15/crying-waterfalls.gif
  12. I would agree 100%... I really hope they don't do something stupid (even more stupid then what they have already done) with the pilot's bodies. We have enough shit going on as is in the world and the last thing we need is Turkey at war with Russia over something like this. I really hope they can sort this mess out. They were saying on BBC this morning that I guess Turkey changed it laws recently to make it so that anything within 8 km of its boarders could be shot down if they did not turn away... guess they told the fighters 8 times to fuck off and they did not leave so they shot them down... WTF?
  13. topped off my tank the other day for $24 with Premium =) no complaints over here. More money I can spend at the strip club.
  14. From Reddit: This just in: Turkey’s news agency Dogan repeats reports that Turkmen commanders have stated that their forces shot both Russian pilots while they were parachuting down, and that they have the bodies. Wait until Putin hears this.
  15. Newegg has some good deals on SSD. 250 GB Samsung SSD for $90 is hard to argue with. Newegg links: SSD Here is a really good Fire Tablet bundle on Amazon: Link One site I know of that always has good deals is http://www.massdrop.com which is a site where people group together, buy things in bulk and you get a discount. Some good deals are going on right now but the site is mostly for Audio Lovers and tech nerds. Last site I know of to find a wide range of good deals is http://www.gearchase.com which is where you can find a lot of outdoor, running, and sport related items on the cheep. the site scans a bunch of other "trusted" sites and finds you the best deal. I'm just going to wait for Cyber Monday myself =)
  16. OUCH! sorry to hear that man... that's weird though, mines never had any issues.
  17. I would be interested to know how far away both devices are from your wireless router. I have a 1st gen Chromecast which is about 10 feet and one wall away from my wireless and I have never seen any lag or skipping According to every article I have read, the Steam Link is only usable on games purchased in your steam library. Below is a decent review for the Steam Link: The one thing I have never liked about streaming boxes is that you can't use the PC that you are streaming from while you are using the Steam Link. The box is basically just mirring your computers display and if you look over at the main computer you will just see the same image that is on your TV.
  18. Steam Link is your best bet to play PC on the couch. Steam streaming is local so as long as you have a decent network speed and WIFI router you should be fine. a while back my GPU shit out on me and I had to stream games via stream for about a week and I had little to no lag. Another option (though pricey) would be to buy a steam machine from someplace like Alienware which run off SteamOS. Reviews have been mixed, but its a solid device overall if you can deal with Linux. Lots of people don't know this, but you can stream games to any Xbox One in your home with a Windows 10 device which is really nice and for the most part lag free. Microsoft also has a $50 wireless device you can buy here which will allow you to stream to a TV over your home network. Just make sure your TV has a USB port or you get an adapter to power the device. Hope this helps
  19. privilege point system!!! http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/tdrpw/images/4/42/Laugh_Cry_Emoji.png/revision/latest?cb=20150206065722 I know this has been posted before on CR, but this is the type of crazy fucks I think of when I see videos like this.
  20. Awesome man! Clay, I am begging you! PLEASE LET ME RIDE IN THAT THING! can you bring it to CC&C this weekend?
  21. Math has shown me that two positives make a negative... He needs two negatives to make a positive.
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