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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. In all honesty the degree does not help as much as you would think (IMO). Many if not most people who hire these days are not interested in your education or your background. In the 20 interviews I had in 2015 only once was I asked to describe or discuss my education. Many of the interviews were more interested in the experience I had or how I choose to problem solve different situations. In the event of my educational interviews people were more interested in my experiences with children and what other teachers had to say about me. In short, 4 years at a university does not mean much. Many places now add "4 years at university or equivalent experience" to their job descriptions. Yes, I have a degree... No, it does not mean much in the real world. My B.S. is in Education for the record. I am currently applying to every place that looks fun to me. Jewtoys has a point. Pick something that you enjoy doing. What do you wake up in the morning and dream of doing each day? pick a carrier path that excites you or makes you want to leave your house and go to each day. I am currently trying to apply to every IT position I can find, sure 90% of the people don't give a shit about my resume, but i'm trying my best to advance my dreams and make a life for myself... why should you be any different? I disagree with "Asking others for career advise won't lead to happiness." On the contrary, I think you can learn a lot from your peers. Starting with the question "what do you enjoy doing?" is it cars? tech? anything else? make a list of things that excite you or what you are passionate about and go from there. the only person though, in the end who will motivate you is yourself. you got to have the drive and the motivation to take control of your life and point it in the direction that you want to go. You got this! :thumbup:
  2. I'm watching this thread very closely... I'm not far off from Sammy. Any advice helps.
  3. Hey Clay, this would be right up Ashley's way. She loves web design and could contribute some input or help to touching things up if needed. Let me know, she would be willing to help if asked.
  4. Another great article Wagner, they always are great to read :thumbup: Dat Corvette though, #sexy
  5. ShowHBK

    Go Fund Me

    There are some truly fucked up people on GoFundMe and Kickstarter. My personal favorite was a guy who wanted people to donate money to him so he could start up his own gaming channel on Twitch. He was asking people to donate $10,000 to him so that he could build a computer and all the equipment for streaming. The guy was a nobody and had no real gaming skills to mention but he constantly begged for money. oddly enough, "buy my computer shit" is more common then you might think on those sites.
  6. *Bump* Last bump before I put this thing on CL.
  7. http://img.memecdn.com/grammar-nazis-start-crying-when-they-see-your-posts_o_334445.gif
  8. So, serious question if someone could break this down for me. How does this directly effect me? lets say the stock market crashes or has a deep dip, are we going to see something like what happened back in 1929? or is this going to cause prices of things to go all wacky. This is coming form someone who has no experience in the stock market, but I am curious to hear someone break this down on how this effects average Joe.
  9. http://sd.keepcalm-o-matic.co.uk/i/keep-calm-and-let-it-crash-2.png
  10. Could CR create a group event? cut down on the price? I would sign up for a CR party at this place if we did something like that. I would be interested to see group pricing for a large CR event
  11. OUCH! sorry to hear about that... I would get a quote for sure, you never know what was damaged.
  12. Though I agree with Doc 100% to keep things simple, I do like the idea of doing a cruise or special event after people meet at Cup O'Joe. nothing crazy or fee based, but maybe do something where after everyone meets up at the normal time and anyone else who wants to cruise for lunch, hangout, or other special event afterword is more then welcome to tag along. CC&C is special to me because it is a simple group who are passionate about cars. The best things about CC&C are that there are no fees or memberships, there is no initiation or right to membership. It is a welcoming group who love cars and thats what brought me here in the first place. I don't think it was ever even about owning a fancy car or sponsorship, but to me it was about the community that has been built here. I have only been going to CC&C for three years now and I have to say that the community is why I keep coming back. The community that you have built Clay is awesome! Whatever changes we make, lets try and keep what makes CC&C awesome the same as well. I am all for trying something new, but I say... "If it ain't broke, don't fix it"
  13. Ebay parts... only from dealers in China for my dad's Honda! http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/OTI5WDE2MDA=/z/LlQAAMXQE9hR8kLl/$T2eC16F,!)kE9s4Z-UlsBR8kLkMbZQ~~60_35.JPG USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST
  14. When you go that low in price you are really looking at an AMD A6 processor with Windows 10 and MAYBE 4GB of ram. sometimes you can find an i3 or i5... but not many good ones or new* systems. Something like this guy is rated Business class and is $299 at the stop of your budget. It is also rated at 9 hours of battery on a single charge which is always a plus. https://www.cdwg.com/shop/products/HP-255-G4-15.6in-A-series-A6-6310-Windows-10-Home-64-bit-Edition-4-G/3916301.aspx?pfm=srh Another system to look at would be something on Woot like a convertible ASUS for business. Once updated to Windows 10 they run good for the most part. Just throwing the idea out there. http://computers.woot.com/offers/asus-t200ta-11-6-32gb500gb-2-in-1-laptop-1?ref=cp_cnt_wp_14_9 Last... In my opinion the Cadillac of business computers are still Lenovo (IBM) Thinkpad systems. This system is a little over your budget and lacks in the battery department, but it makes up for all that in the raw specs. The processor is a very good i5 5200U (2.2GHz) that can really give good performance and reliability. All that, and Lenovo always puts rock solid networking in their system. (two different systems to consider) http://www.microcenter.com/product/458947/Ideapad_100_156_Laptop_Computer_-_Black http://www.microcenter.com/product/456756/ThinkPad_E555_156_Laptop_Computer_-_Black
  15. I have a Dell 1850 Blade that still works that I am not currently using if you want to buy that from me... I would sell It very cheep... just needs an OS. Has 2 drives in it still I believe and ready for RAID 1
  16. The title is deceiving... I agree with Clay. 10-'13 Camaro :thumbup:
  17. *Bump* I would like to get rid of this thing. $200 CR price
  18. R.I.P my phone's internet browser... So the guy converted a Miata to look like a Ferrari but kept the Mazda badge which would confuse uneducated people into thinking it was a Mazda, but then have to explain to them that its actually a Ferrari look on a Miata which he decided to keep the Mazda badge and not put on a Ferrari badge which would confuse them even more into thinking why hack up the Miata in the first place? Having him explain that he enjoyed his Mazda so much that he hacked it up to LOOK like a Ferrari, only to keep the Mazda logo all because he loved two different cars but wanted them to be one in the same... Makes perfect sense to me :thumbup:
  19. my contribution http://i.imgur.com/kIJ5IRX.jpg http://i.imgur.com/81oL2wv.jpg
  20. http://i.imgur.com/pIvKZxD.gif
  21. *Bump* Willing to entertain offers
  22. Sounds like a huge flop... For a company who's never built a car, they should take baby steps first before sprinting out of the gate. Maybe make a cheep, affordable, and dependable electric car first... Then build this beast? I do like the design of the concept though.
  23. I know it's been a while since I have updated this thread but I felt like letting everyone know whats going on. The vibrations have stopped completely. I have changed nothing and continued to drive the car each day. Power and MPG are still very low, but the vibrations have stopped. I am currently waiting for a chance to put the new parts on because the lift that I was going to use is being used by someone else so I am waiting my turn. No misfires from the engine yet, but it hates the cold. I started it up this morning in 10 degrees and the idle was 4500 RPM for about 20-25 seconds. once the new parts are in I will update the thread with more information, but for now things are stable. More information to come.
  24. the GTX 980 is such a great card! Here is a good review of the card for anyone interested.
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