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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. oh god yes!!! Land Yachts are awesome! This gets my vote :thumbup:
  2. So... This is apparently a thing Sorry if this is a repost... http://www.bloomberg.com/news/videos/b/cffde5be-af7c-49a6-b3e1-8156c97e8434 http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/1674e8071cfd3672433f06906186956085173c1e/c=1-0-1022-768&r=x404&c=534x401/local/-/media/2015/08/31/Nashville/Nashville/635766383718474737-carvana.jpg http://www.gannett-cdn.com/-mm-/39b7e6f492f2b155a2cbfb9c62bdb69164e164f9/c=107-0-1994-1419&r=x404&c=534x401/local/-/media/2015/11/11/Nashville/Nashville/635828625063096298-carvana-1.jpg
  3. I have tears in my eyes! http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Dear-God-Its-Beautiful-Zoolander-Mugatu.gif
  4. I was wondering the same thing... Anyone willing to give a TL;DR on this guy? What did he do? what is he going to do? etc.
  5. "Thanks Clay!" There... I said it for you. You're welcome.
  6. I know how you feel, while it might not be a dog I raised to pet mice (sisters) from birth to death. Seeing them grow up and help me through difficult times was something I will never forget and I can honestly say that something as small as two mice can make your day so much better. One of the hardest things I had to watch was one of them die right in my hand from old age and that week I was so sad having to witness that and it was a kick in the teeth to see her sister go just a week after the other. I am very sorry for your situation and I know it can't be easy =(
  7. Fallout 4 is almost here... Here is some appropriate music
  8. The baby bit was kinda fucked up... http://i3.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/006/482/template.jpg
  9. Mine was incorrect. It claims a Lien was reported on my car 1 year after I purchased it, that it was used as a rental/fleet car, and that there have been 3 owners. All of which are incorrect. Cool trick though, about 70% of the information was true.
  10. Found on the front page of Reddit, Enjoy.
  11. ShowHBK


  12. Needs to be all electric or go home... period! A discount model with a 100 mile range would be more then enough to the simple person who drives to work then back home. I would buy something like that if such a thing was competitive with with ~30k-40k price range
  13. I wanna drive there... feelsbadman.jpeg
  14. Do you have contact information for anyone of these people? My wing has three areas where the clear coat is coming off and I would like to get it fixed ASAP. What would something like that set me back? assuming the paint is in good condition, could you just do a clear coat layer? or would you ALWAYS have to repaint and coat?
  15. Ya, I can see that being a problem with what class it fits in. With those big ass tires and long hood on the concept car it got me thinking It would be a DREAM for Mazda to make this thing a 20b/20c (3-rotor) from the factory with that long hood. Turbo? Maybe? With no information on the engine its alllllllllllllll the speculation at this point. I'm very interested to see the official specs of the engine when then post it. How they will design a rotary based around Skyactive is beyond me.
  16. The next engine was known to already exist back in 2007 but the page on Mazda's site for it is long gone. It was known in development as the 16x engine, but most of the community called it the 16c (to come after the 13b). The only solid information on the engine was that (at the time of development) it had up to 300 hp, a lengthened stroke, reduced width rotor housing, direct injection, and aluminum side housings. The two rotor engine was set to be a 1600cc engine giving each rotor 800cc which would have been been larger then the RX-8 and RX-7 engines. What does this all mean? The new engine for this car (SKYACTIVE-R Engine) will most likely be the 16x or 16c with Skyactive-R. If I had to guess, this thing will make 300HP and a bit more torque then any other RX before it. Everything is speculation at this point, but if Mazda is smart they will turbo this thing form the factory to give it 350hp. I honestly think that Mazda is making great progress with the engine and I am excited to see what comes out of this concept.
  17. Mazda RX-VISION major specifications Seating capacity 2 persons Overall length x width x height 4,389mm x 1,925mm x 1,160mm Wheelbase 2,700mm Engine SKYACTIV-R Powertrain Front engine, rear-wheel drive Tires Front: 245/40R20 / Rear: 285/35R20 Rim width Front: 9.5J / Rear: 11J http://www.mazdausamedia.com/image/03_RX-VISION_H+reg.jpg http://www.mazdausamedia.com/image/01_RX-VISION_H+reg.jpg http://www.mazdausamedia.com/image/02_RX-VISION_H+reg.jpg http://www.mazdausamedia.com/image/05_RX-VISION_H+reg.jpg http://www.mazdausamedia.com/image/07_RX-VISION_H+reg.jpg http://www.mazdausamedia.com/image/13_RX-VISION_H+reg.jpg
  18. Skyactive Rotary confirmed! The concept is called RX-Vision I don't speak Japanese so I have no clue as to what they are saying
  19. According to the news I have been reading this will for sure be a rotary powered car. That being said, it would be powered by the x16 engine which is a larger 13b MSP based rotary. We have no solid information so I guess anything is speculation at this point. They could just pull a Volkswagen and "pass" emissions trollface.jpeg
  20. It has been confirmed that tonight at 7:30 PM EST Mazda will unveil their new rotary powered sports car. here is the link to the live stream for anyone interested. IB4 "torque" jokes http://roa.h-cdn.co/assets/15/40/980x490/landscape-1443620865-msc01.jpg http://liveimages.motoring.com.au/motoring/general/editorial/ge5147201386244368711.jpg?aspect=centered&height=290&width=440 http://liveimages.motoring.com.au/motoring/general/editorial/ge5328323034088782871.jpg?aspect=centered&height=290&width=440
  21. Figures... just when I thought this season was going to be "the one", shit like this happens. Season is over as far as i'm concerned, why not give some guys up in Lake Eire a shot? if the guys in Columbus are not going to work for it then why keep them here?
  22. Everyone saw this coming... not the best way to start a season. http://espn.go.com/nhl/story/_/id/13938098/columbus-blue-jackets-fire-todd-richards-turn-john-tortorella
  23. Great photos! Looks like you all had fun
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