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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. What the actual shit!?!?! who does that!?! :eek2:
  2. Stories like this really make me rage as well. I saw a video a while back (I wish I could find it) of a dog who had been set fire, front paw cut off, and tossed off a bridge into a storm drain to die. This all took place in California and a local animal rescue found the dog and by some miracle of god help the dog and get it back to %100 (minus the front paw). I have no shame in admitting that when I watched the video there might have been some man tears... People really do suck sometimes
  3. Great shots as always Wagner :thumbup: ... You ever wear something to protect your ears down there? its gotta be loud as hell, haha
  4. I love the little cheat move he tried to pull, very tricky. You have to wonder how many people he tries that on everyday to win. The GM was amazing! Here is a good one of a GM losing to a 1400 ELO player. very "tricky" plays
  5. I blinked and missed the race Awesome story to this video though
  6. Awesome phone! gotta love that 6" screen for watching...things....( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  7. Good point in your post. My first Alienware was the generation just before Dell acquired them. I then moved on to an M17x R1 with the anodized aluminium body and a GTX 260m =) I'v had an M11x R1 and a M17x R3 with a 7970m (beast of a GPU) Anyone who buys this Alienware will be very happy. Invest a little more money into the GPU amplifier and you honestly have a laptop that can go toe-to-toe with a good amount of desktops out there. Best of luck with the sale man :-)
  8. Third!!! :thumbup: Make sure AHCI is enabled in your BIOS for best performance if this is your first SSD.
  9. i'v owned 4 Alienware Laptops in the past and this is the generation that always felt a little...meh... I could have swore these things shipped with a minimum GPU of a 970m, but i'm not 100% sure on that. I still can't deny that it's an awesome laptop. I can't recommend this more for a gamer on the go. If you can pay the money, buy the amplifier for this thing and slap a GTX 970 in it. You will have very happy with the results =)
  10. have you considered doing the free Windows 10 update? Windows 10 runs much faster then Windows 8.1 on most systems and Windows 10 is more stable. If your system is slowing down to the point where you are considering another OS, then I would consider spending $80 on an SSD and doing the free Windows 10 upgrade. You would be surprised at how much extra life you can squeeze out of an old machine with a simple SSD upgrade and Windows 10.
  11. As tempting as that is, I would really be giving it away at that price. The lowest I would really consider is $175 for someone on CR. At some places this tablet still retails for ~$300 and eBay puts it at $200. I'm trying to get some money out of this thing to buy parts for my 8. Thanks for the offer though =) $175 and the oil cap? =P
  12. Like everyone else is saying, the VGA port on the back should function fine. That laptop should have an i5 processor which is more then enough to drive a 1080p display. Can you confirm that your laptop has the VGA or diplayport on the back?
  13. That is a weird one... if you don't mind my asking, why dual boot into ChromeOS? One solution that might better for you would be to download VirtualBox and create a VM of ChromeOS within Windows 8.1 Any reason it needs to dual boot? I'm just wondering.
  14. I'm in Westerville. I will be at CC&C on Saturday. I can bring the tablet if you are interesting in looking at it?
  15. *Bump* No takers on CL or CR... still have this thing $200
  16. nice looking ride man, congratz! :thumbup:
  17. I will look into this and send an email to ryan.
  18. The verity of content looks promising. Is this going to be similar to Motor Trend's "On Demand" service? I tried their site and the content is just not there yet... how much content do you think will get posted? how regularly? Keep doing what you do man, always great to read your work
  19. http://freethoughtblogs.com/entequilaesverdad/files/2014/03/ignorance.jpg
  20. Meh, i'm not going to argue with you... you are ignorant and impossible to have a discussion with.
  21. Spent like... 25 minutes writing a reply to this entire post.. Had to delete it... not worth it... TL;DR: Its a damn shame how the guy decided to end his life and I honestly feel bad for him. I really wish the guy could have gotten the help he needed. You are completely misinformed on BLM and I disagree with how they go about their business 100% (Google their cringe worthy moments sometime). The country has not failed anyone... many people failed themselves sadly. Making yourself a better person is a never ending process, nothing is perfect.
  22. Not even kinda thought that... just to get that out there. It seemed to me like a really bad way to "stick it to the man" and a very sad situation.
  23. oh boy... Could be put in the Kitchen? http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/activist-marshawn-mccarrel-kills-ohio-statehouse-article-1.2525393
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