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Everything posted by ShowHBK

  1. yea, sounds a little out of my area of expertise. I mainly would have given teaching advice on delivering the content, but from what you say I would not want to insult you and tell you something you already know. haha, best of luck with the class man... there are people on CR who know more about the content then I would.
  2. Is the advice you are looking for more on the delivery side of things, content side of things, or both? Would this be your first time teaching something to a group of people or do you do this everyday? I ask, because I don't want to give advice you might already know. I have had multiple instances of teaching groups of adults and kids, but I am not sure of your capacity or experience with teaching something. I am willing to offer plenty or tips and information about content delivery if you are rusty on that.
  3. Just drive faster then them. It worked in this 100% factual movie.
  4. Anyone on CR do classes? I have always wondered about this, or anyone know where to take the classes for a discount?
  5. No worries man, Best of luck with the sale =)
  6. My 2 cents: 1. Try and fix the UEFI boot settings back to default values. After starting your system press F2 to get to the BIOS, then (if memory serves me correct) hit F9 to load up the default values. head over to the "Boot Devices" tab and ensure that the HD your OS is on is showing up and put it at the top of the list using "page up" and "page down" to switch the values. Not working still? 2. Try and press ALT + F10 with the default HD in the system. This should launch Acer Recovery software. Which might boot so that you can run a repair. I am not 100% sure if this will work, but it was never mentioned so worth a try in my book. 3. Last resort: Here is a link to Acer's official site which runs you through how to create your own recovery media on a DVD or USB. http://community.acer.com/t5/Knowledge-Base/Windows-10-Installation-Recovery-Media-Creation-and-Use/ta-p/394236 In my opinion, something in your system is not pointing to the correct HD. This happened to me when I switched out my HD and had to reinstall Windows 10. The system simply would not accept that the new HD was the correct boot drive and wanted something different. I ended up having to reset my UEFI boot settings and my BIOS altogether and reconfigure the boot order. I hope this helps. Let me know if it continues to give you trouble man, I would be more then happy to offer any assistance I can.
  7. Sorry for the late buzz in... 87GT: When you try and boot, do you get a blue screen that says "your system needs to be repaired" with a little sad face on it? The reason I ask is because (strangely enough) I had a similar problem with my system just recently where my SSD was the problem, not the Motherboard. Let me know if at any point during your problems you have received such a message and I can follow up with the steps I took to fix things. I would be slow to call this a bad MB. let me know the details and I would be happy to help. Most of the time if a MB is bad then the system will not POST at all (not in every case, but most).
  8. GOD DAMNIT!!!! I WAS JUST ABOUT TO POST THIS!!! Dank memes yo...
  9. This is a stretch, but trade for an Android tablet? I have a real nice 2014 Galaxy Tab 10 inch tablet in great shape I would be willing to trade? no worries if you say no
  10. I know people will buy these and will enjoy them... but, I really was hoping for an evolution of the car. Maybe a new model or new look? I can only hope that this is just a small step for something much bigger. remake a new 2017 DeLorean with the same design language as the previous one but make some "modern" touches to the car. That would be cool to see.
  11. so, 30 CR members for 5 hours = $50 a person? would that even be worth it? I would rather get a CR Autocross event set up and save money.
  12. This is not my personal setup... But I did construct, setup, and calibrate this for a friend who wanted to get into iRacing on PC. Wheel, Shifter, and Pedals are all Logitech G29 TV: TCL Roku 42" Front facing speakers System: FX:6300 (No OC) MSI R9 370 8GB Corsair Vengeance 1866 mhz OCZ 128 GB SSD In testing it ran the game on "Quality settings" at a butter smooth 81 FPS and the lowest I saw was 72 FPS. Was very pleased with the build.
  13. Advice not clear. Burnt down my house and married a goat. Please clarify.
  14. Bob has inspired me. +1 to you Bob... Thanks I'v been to hard on myself.
  15. Any idea so far? what places have you looked at that deal with numbers or are challenging for you? Just to get the ball rolling.
  16. I look at it with a different meaning. I have been asking people on CR and at CC&C for career advice for some time now and I am always interested to hear what people have to say. Every bit of it is great advice and has helped me out a lot. I don't think in any way someone else should run your life or sell you on a path, but hearing advice from them always helps.
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