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Everything posted by lemosley01

  1. Thanks Anthony! I had forgotten about this (my wife, hasn't though).
  2. details - what size (width, etc). What brand of tire, how much tread left?
  3. No - I meant 6-pot as in '6 cylinders'. Heheh - sorry. Forgot it means different things when you have a bike as well.
  4. It had dual exhaust, so I ASSumed it was a V8. Maybe a Z28, but I didn't get a good look at the badges. Of course, it could have been a 6-pot converted to duals, but it picked up speed a little too quickly to be a 6. Thanks for the ID information. I can ID mustangs, but Camaros are not my thing, other than knowing it is a Camaro or a 'Bird.
  5. 'Designed to break even my ass' - if they are having a problem with people getting in crashes on that highway due to excessive speed, then put police out there to slow them down. The state sees a potential revenue generating opportunity and can't stand not getting into it.
  6. If that was you...yes. We do (sometimes). Just not in traffic. And I was close to my exit.
  7. Me me! From a dig to 330'. Or you can take on the 9... Blue by U - what do you have done to the goat?
  8. No, I think this car was dark reddish. It was getting dark so I couldn't tell exactly. Ha! I ph34r nothing. J00 w1ll b3 0w|\|3d!
  9. Dude, why do you have to be a douchebag? You can SEE that I can't possibly accelerate, what with another vehicle 30 yards in front of me and traffic all around, yet you want to pace me then try to take off like some billy badass. WHOA! You sure showed me the PH34R! Synopsis: Douchebag in a 2000 or earlier (I believe) LT1 Camaro (I believe) with paper plates (for certain), wants to pace me on 270 SB on the westside in heavy traffic at ~5:45pm tonight, then 'try' to jump on it so I would be impressed. I wasn't, and neither was my little red Cobra.
  10. What is there to discuss? It's true. We might as well try to argue that the sky will be made of swiss cheese tomorrow. What a season. I can only hope the plan from the beginning was to lose as many games as possible to ensure the first pick so they can draft Leinhart. If I were him, though, I would hope that Cleveland doesn't pick me, not with their recent stellar job they've done with the previous 6 first round picks.
  11. He's getting past the POST and into the actual boot screen. Processor is not likely the problem. RAM could be. If you have more than one stick of ram in the computer, pull all but one and see what happens. My experience has been a fux0r3d hard-drive or something blasted a device driver. Could also be a bad device. Pull all non-essential devices from the computer. Does it get all the way to a login prompt or desktop or does it give you the Windows splash screen then reboot? Start pulling all non-essential hardware. BTW, anyone reading this - Maxtor hard-drive sucks. I've had 3 or 4 of them die on me in the last 5 years. Haven't had any of the other brands (IBM, WD) fail yet.
  12. Except for when they play teams with winning records... I'm about to give up on Cleveland this year. The time is just miserable. I am still trying to figure out how they lost that game yesterday.
  13. LOL. What the hell were you trying to type?
  14. lemosley01

    It/is Guys

    Is it a protected connection or can you associate to it? If you can, then you should be able to 'see' the other computer over the wireless connection. Once you have done that, you can then run (from a command-line): nbtstat -A <ip address of other computer> That should return a computer name. If that computer is also on your internal network, it should have the same name. Otherwise, there may be something 'revealing' in the name that you can use to identify that person.
  15. Sean - I have experience with SQL Server and some limited experience with VB 6.0, recently learned C# (and by extension some of .NET). Is this something that needs VB.NET experience out of the box?
  16. Kurtis, for whatever reason I just never found it funny, but you are correct - tt did accomplish it's goal and show people how damn ignorant disliking someone because of their race is. I think too many people look at the show now and go 'OMG he is such a racist/homophobe, how could they show this on TV', without understanding the intent.
  17. I'm almost the same age as yourself - I thought that 'All in the Family' sucked - as a kid, a teenager, and an adult. It just was/is never funny to me. Archie Bunker WAS racist - that was the point of the show. In a way it was an expose' on racism and how narrow-minded some people can be. No one tried to hide the fact Archie hated blacks - it was put on display for the whole world to see, and showed the ignorance of hating someone based on their race. M*A*S*H was also politically correct and that was filmed during the 70s. You could say there was no PC back in the 30s, 40s, and 50s, but PC started in the 60s and grew from there.
  18. Buy a cheap turbo car. That way you have a reliable DD and a 'fun' car that you don't have to worry about. It really sets the mind at ease, and you don't have to spend all weekend thrashing just trying to get the car back together for Monday morning commute.
  19. Wow - I know that cars are supposed to collapse some to absorb the impact, but that thing folded like a noodle. Did anyone notice how far the steering wheel moved in toward the driver? Jesus. I'm guessing this will be a 'disposable' car, like pretty much all of the other shit that is 'Made in China'. Appears to me they think it's occupants are also disposable. Wait until they get introduced to the American landsharks (lawyers).
  20. Why? Then they'll just be pissed off because we DON'T participate, and call us greedy and self-centered. Damned if you do. Damned if you don't. We can't win, so why worry about it?
  21. Interesting. However, there are two problems with these two statements. 1) The guy Rick went off on is physically located in the USA, aka America. You know, that country between MEXICO and CANADA in the Western Hemisphere? This guy was driving like a DOUCHEBAG in America (according to Rick, we weren't there, so we'll have to take his word for it). So, if you come to AMERICA (see above if you have already forgotten it's location), and you 'drive like a degenerate' (as someone pointed out) and fail to obey the laws, how is it that an AMERICAN (read: a citizen of these United States) in AMERICA pointing out that you are a moron causes people to hate America? You're right, we shouldn't yell at anyone acting like an idiot in our county, let alone one that drives over here for a living and SHOULD know the laws. It's OK to yell at Americans for doing it, but not these poor, poor foreigners. Further, said douchebag attacked Rick's nationality ('stupid American') - IN AMERICA! Does anyone else see the irony in your first statement? WTF were you thinking Rick? Picking on these defenseless foreigners. How dare you demand they conform to our laws and not put other citizen's lives at risk. 2) Rick indicated that he insulted said douchebag based on his NATIONALITY. Nationality means the country from which you originate. Rick's nationality is American, his RACE is white, or black, or jewish or indian or whatever. Racism involves RACE not nationality. If he had said 'I had some choice words for his ARAB butt' THEN it would be racist. As it was worded he commented on his nationality which could mean he found some insult for whatever country he was from that had nothing to do with race. Congratulations on your Mother's family arriving here in 1812. I can trace my family back to Jamestown. BFD. That and 1.20 will buy me a coffee at the corner UDF.
  22. The old fuel pump is in it, too. It is dead, but the sender and all is still there. I think you can just put a new module in it. It is missing one line - I had to pull it to use with the new setup. It is the long black plastic line that runs from one side of the tank to the other and connects to the hoses on the passenger and driver side.
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