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Everything posted by lemosley01

  1. Couple things that are taking up space Summary: Rockford Fosgate Punch 160.2 - $40 or make an offer Canon BJC-6000 printer - $30 or make an offer Acerscane 620U flatbed scanner - $20 or make an offer First: Rockford Fosgate Punch 160.2. - asking 40 or make an offer. Number Of Channels: 2 40 watts X 2 at 4 ohns 80 watts x 2 at 2 ohms 160 watts x 1 in bridged mode 80 Hz low-pass/high-pass crossover This model uses the remote bass knob which I do not have. Also, missing an allen screw to hold down one of the end caps. It was plenty powerful to run a 12 infinity subwoofer. Pics: http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/amp/amp1.jpg http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/amp/amp_back.jpg http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/amp/amp_side.jpg I removed this from the car 1/14/06 and it was working then. Next - Canon BJC-6000 Parallel port printer - $30 or make me an offer: I have had this printer for about 4 years now and hardly use it. It prints in color and uses separate tanks for the 3 colors and black. When a certain color runs out, all you do is replace that specific color. I tried printing a test page with it and it does try to print, but the black tank in it is dry. I would recommend replacing the carriers that hold the tanks as well. Here are the specs: http://downloadlibrary.usa.canon.com/cpr/pdf/Brochures/BJC-6000_spec.pdf I will include the 9' parallel printer cable with it: http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/amp/printer.jpg Finally - an Acerscan 620U flatbed USB scanner. - $20 or make an offer I've had this scanner for about 6 years and it has served me well, but I haven't used it much recently. Here are the specs: http://www.usbgear.com/usa/item_82.html It has been plug and play on Windows XP and has worked well. I will include a 10' USB cable with it. http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/amp/scanner1.jpg http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/amp/scanner2.jpg
  2. Did you try WideOpenWest? You could also got to satellite. We switched to Dish (kept roadrunner though) and are very happy with it so far.
  3. bump from the dead. $10 bux or make an offer.
  4. bump from the dead. Interested in trades also. (old as hell, but why create a new thread?)
  5. David, was it a cruiser or a sportbike? That's sad. Already have a bad accident this early in the year. Hope this isn't a sign of things to come.
  6. Anyone know the different between the SCT XCal 1 and XCal 2 (for Fords).
  7. West side about 6:15pm tonight. I think it has personalized plates starting with 3G<something>. Very nice looking car. I was in the red Cobra with stripes. I would have run with you, but my exit was coming up. Maybe I'll see you around again. If anyone knows him pass this on. <edit>: Traffic wasn't conducive. BTW, I see the troopers in that area between Broad and Georgesville during morning and evening rush enough times that I'm careful.
  8. DJ - sounds like a bad drive. You could try cleaning the lense - maybe the reflectivity of the disk is less than others so it is having a hard time reading it. Here is a link that I think might help you. It covers replacing the DVD drive. I can't open it at work to verify that it has what you need (work blocks it). http://www.xbox-scene.com/articles/dvddrive.php&e=9797 This might help to (covers cleaning and troubleshooting). http://www.llamma.com/xbox/Repairs/xbox_dvd_repair.htm Hearing this reminds me I need to backup my Xbox hard drive in case it takes a shit and I have to replace it.
  9. Better pay for an upgrade to those powers! Tough game for me. I hate both teams (Browns fan. Yes, I'm jealous). Hate is too strong a word, but you know what I mean. Steelers fans suck, but I've been dealing with them for so long that I know how to handle them. I didn't want to have to deal with Bengals AND Steelers fans. Cleveland, Cincinatti, and Baltimore are now all tied for first place in the AFC North. When will Pittsburgh join them?
  10. I have a Nokia 6800 that is unlocked. I believe it will work with Verizon assuming they use SIM cards.
  11. Wow Rick, you rode a bunch. I thought your shadow was newer than that when I saw it at Alex's during the cookout.
  12. I'm wondering if she is on CR. She certainly is an attention-whore and would fit in well with many of the ladies that come through here. Saw her in that sideline interview - I was like ugggghhh.
  13. We're really going to need to see some nudes to make this determination. We want to be totally fair and objective ya know.
  14. 3k for me. Sure was nice during the $3+/gal gas prices this year.
  15. I am getting rid of my laptop, a HP ZE1210. The specs are: AMD Mobile 1.2 GHZ 14.1" screen 20GB HD 512 MB of ram (I added ram to bring it to 512) Integrated 10/100 network card Integrated modem CDRW/DVD-rom combo drive 2 USB ports 1 PC Card slot I will also include a laptop carrying case since I won't need it. The battery appears to be dead on it, but it works fine and boots when plugged in - you will need to replace the battery if you plan to unplug it. I was running a version of Gentoo linux on it, so it is possible to configure this to run Linux. However, I restored it using the system restore disks, so it is now in it's 'as arrived from the factory' configuration. You will have to go through the first time setup. I have the restore disks, startup guide, and getting started poster. It came with Windows XP home and that is what the system restore disks put on it. Here are some pics. I have wiped down the case, so the laptop itself is clean and in very good condition, The F11 key sticks sometimes. My mother-in-law managed to spill some sweetened ice tea on it after I first got it. I apparently didn't clean up under the F11 key well enough and have never gotten around to recleaning it since that key is hardly ever used. Here are some pics: http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/laptop/Laptop_back.jpg http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/laptop/Laptop_closed.JPG http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/laptop/Laptop_side.jpg http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/laptop/Laptop_top.JPG PM me here or e-mail me at lemosley01@yahoo.com.
  16. Paul - I have a love seat I wouldn't mind getting rid of. It's one of the 'overstuffed' style and is upholstered in green corduroy style. LMK if you want some pics. $200 or make me an offer.
  17. Lots of guys do this - riding on the street is dangerous compared to the controlled track environment, especially for those guys that can't control themselves and are always pushing on the street. If you go to the track a lot, riding on the street becomes boring.
  18. Congrats Drew! Can't see the pics because I'm at work, though. What did you do with the SV?
  19. I have an HP ZE1210 that would do it for you. 1200 MHZ AMD, 512 MB RAM, 20GB HD. edit: Changed price - wasn't paying attention when I put this in. I'd like to get $350 out of it.
  20. Truckin hit it right on the head. This was not an accident - it was a crash and TOTALLY preventable. Yes it sucks that they were killed, but it was preventable. Did you know that the NHTSA stopped referring to them as 'accidents' and started calling them 'crashes'? My condolences to their families because they are the ones left to bear the pain. I hope they didn't leave any little ones behind. David, what you went through is horrific. I hope you are ok from the experience. Oooh...scary! Sounds like you are a little stuck on yourself, too. That or J.A.A.W.
  21. Anyone else disappointed by the distinctly console flavor this series has now taken on with COD2? Examples: You can no longer switch weapons with the mouse scroll wheel. Standard in EVERY first person shooter on the PC made in the last 10 years. I guess they would have had to spend an extra 2 hours of time to enable this. The stance up button and jump commands are not the same. If you use the right mouse to jump, that will take you out of crouching or crawling, to standing all the way up. In COD 1, if you clicked you're jump button, the you would jump if standing or raise up one level (ie, crawl to crouch, crouch to standing). The killer to me - no health packs. You have no health, instead you can take a certain number of hits quickly and you die. To recover, all you have to do is stop getting shot by ducking into cover, etc. WTF?!? I'm playing it on the second hardest level and it isn't any more difficult than the first one on a medium level. The graphics don't 'feel' any better than the first game although control is quick. It's the little things like this that irritate me and make what could have been another great game into an also-ran. If I wanted to play on a console I would have gotten it for the console. I'm almost as disappointed in this game as I was in 'Doom 3' (what a turkey). If you're looking for a good FPS for the PC, this is not it. I surely wouldn't pay $50 for it. It's probably ok for a console, if you can handle the controls. Good thing I downloaded it to try it out before I bought it.
  22. John, my next door neighbors girl is named 'Teighan' (I think that is how they spell it). Please, PLEASE tell me the woman's name is not Beverly. If it is, run...run far far away.
  23. Oppressed people? Jesus man, get a grip. You are in America, typing on a computer, to a forum located in America. You aren't some 19th century russian peasant who doesn't have sheepskin and charcoal to write with. Down with the bourgeoisie! World workers unite!
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