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Everything posted by lemosley01

  1. Norwalk fall smackdown is October 22nd - that wouldn't be the best weekend to do this.
  2. I usually do this - give the bike in front of me plenty of space. I also don't like having anyone near me. If I have to make a sudden emergency maneuver my options are limited. I know my skill level - I don't know other's. Braking while cornering is one of the easiest ways to recognize a new rider. Also, not looking through a turn.
  3. There are other sites on the interweb? I thought CR WAS the internet...
  4. Where is Vances (or a website)
  5. It's a fun game, there are just some hard parts. I played on medium and didn't find it impossible, just difficult. It has a realistic setting if you're really hardcore. It's more realistic than games like quake and unreal tournament, but not hyperrealistic like, say the Ghost Recon series or SWAT 4 (where if someone looks at you cross-eyed, you will die). It's unlike other WWII-based FPS, in that you spend a lot of time creeping through the jungle looking to get the bad guys. You are part of a team of 4 or more throughout the entire game, one of which is a medic. You can command the guys in basic manner (eg, covering fire, advance, retreat), and you can get healed by your medic a limited number of times per mission. I thought it was well put together, although, I'll admit, I didn't like it as much as the original MOH:Allied Assault.
  6. I just bought Medal of Honor:Pacific Assault Director's cut and have beaten it already. Good game and difficult - you will spend many frustrating hours yelling at the computer, but it is worth it when you beat the level. Time well spent. I got this from EBGames used for 17.99. I'd like 15 OBO for it. BTW, the Director's Cut is on DVD, so if you don't have DVD-ROM in your computer, this will not work. http://www.eagames.com/official/moh/pacificassault/us/home.jsp
  7. Your Linguistic Profile: 70% General American English 15% Dixie 10% Yankee 5% Midwestern 0% Upper Midwestern
  8. The results of building a city where no city should have been built.
  9. Interesting. I'm thinking that someone needs to drain the oil out of his car for him. In the middle of the night. And forget to leave a note. Pass the word on that I'm looking out for his sorry butt.
  10. Nice bike! I looked at the ZX-12 too, but never really considered it. Too much for me (right now...heheh).
  11. BFG Asylum GeForce Ti-4200 128MB AGP video card for sale Specs: http://www.bfgtech.com/4200_redux.html (this is the 128 MB version) Pic: http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/vidcard/bfg_ti4200.jpg I've had this card for about 18 months. It has never been overclocked and performed flawlessly for me. I just upgraded and therefore do not need it anymore. This is for AGP mother boards only. $25 OBO.
  12. Yes and no. If they have some sort of screen capture utility/key logger, etc, it won't prevent that, but it will stop them from snooping the content of shit you download. They can log the packets, but they'll all be going to the same place, the google VPN server, and they'll all be in encrypted.
  13. Ben, you have to be the unluckiest rider on here this year. Glad to hear you are sort of OK. I hope you catch the assbag. Maybe you should store the bike for the year before a tornado drops you in the land of Oz...
  14. http://www.anandtech.com http://www.tomshardware.com Those are two of the best resources you will find.
  15. Mallard and Anthony - a lot of people don't realize that the word 'jewed' (spelling?) is a slur. I didn't realize it was an insult for a number of years. I always thought of it as a compliment of someone's bargaining skills (at least that is how I always used it).
  16. I'll take it. Are you interested in a partial trade? I have a size L AFX Helmet I am interested in getting rid of and I see you have a bike. http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/agv_helmet/Back.jpg http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/agv_helmet/Front.jpg http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/agv_helmet/Left.jpg http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/agv_helmet/Right.jpg http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/agv_helmet/three_quarter.jpg
  17. How old is the video card? Has it been overclocked? I'm interested in it.
  18. Don't care. They've ripped us off for years (price collusion on CDs, CDs with 8 songs, 7 of which suck ass). Payback is a bitch.
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