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Everything posted by lemosley01
On a bike, a Jegs sticker merely serves to flatten the torque curve. It will essentially convert an inline 4 into a V-twin, torquewise.
And they'll be much more expensive because everyone is buying then. This is a bad time to sell the bike Ben. I would keep it, myself, but if money is tight, you have to do what you have to.
I have a good idea - why not deport the fuckers. Sue him, get what you can out of him, then call INS on the fucker and have his sorry ass deported. This is going to become a HUGE problem in the next few years. I say we landmine the US/Mexico and US/Canada border. THAT will control access.
FreeBSD is not based on linux. The two have binary compatibility, but they don't use the same kernel. Further Linux is not based on the AT&T code. So no - Linux is not FreeBSD and FreeBSD is not Linux. They do not even share a common ancestor although they function similarly. One can write an OS that looks like another OS, yet not use the original OS code. Links for your reading pleasure: Linux: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux FreeBSD: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FreeBSD
For that price, you should buy 2 and run them both!
I haven't ridden in the snow, but I've ridden in January in single digit temps (without the heavy ass gear I have now, mind you). This was necessity not choice and it was on my old CBR which didn't protect my hands and legs as well from the wind as the ZX-9 does. It was one of those situations where you didn't know if you should ride slow so you were less cold (but for longer), or speed up, freeze more, and get it over with faster. Congrats Chad - you are officially hardcore. Not only in freezing temps, in the snow, but also at night, so you don't have the benefit of sunlight to warm you a tiny bit.
God hasn't shown up yet?
I am interested in this unit. Any idea how long ago it was purchased?
OMFG - I suggest you take up a new hobby...like drinking or shooting heroin. Congratulations, but wow, 3 is a handful. I can't imagine dealing with 2 simultaneously. The 1 monster we have is more than enough. Need a baby walker? We have one that we were just going to give to goodwill. You are certainly welcome to it.
Edit: here is a link to get you started...just in case. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=how+to+insult+because+I+am+a+bitch
Negative. The implication wasn't a child - it was merely a straightforward way for you to understand that you have a lack of skills, and, thus far, I am unimpressed. Surely you have something better than 'fag'? With 2000+ posts to your name and 'Trouble Maker' as your handle you MUST have something good? I mean it appears that you have spent a good deal of time here. You had to have picked up SOMETHING! I assume that since your previous post was so short, you are currently researching some good insults with which to keyboard warrior me to death? I breathlessly await your reply. Hugs and kisses from all.
I did this, too. Wasn't paying close enough attention and clicked donations. I prefer the optional fees.
Uh-oh, here the come the veiled homoesexual references, indicative of a small pee-pee (reference to the strap-on you have to use to pleasure the ho...errr 'ladies') and insecurity about one's sexual orientation (ie, 'you are gay'). Where is Tilley to analyze this one for us? Is that all you have? What next, 'Your Momma...' jokes? Why is the first thing everyone goes for is 'you're a fag?' We wore that shit out when I was in grade school like a fiddy cent hooker. Speaking of which, I saw your girlfriend last night (well, I *think* it was a girl). I keep having to remind her that loitering is illegal. Can you talk to her, again? It's OK. You can come out of the closet. We'll still love you (well, some of us will anyway). PS: Mainly I stopped because I didn't feel like idle banter and often these things degenerate to the point where there is some real animosity between the two parties, especially when they don't know one another well. So, to clarify I am not taking any of this seriously. I certainly hope you aren't, either. However, if you do, I won't lose any sleep. Frankly, what people on 'teh intarweb' think of me contributes nothing to my sense of self.
Bwahaha. Fuck you very much. :asshole: (She does the catching, but I married this woman so sometimes you have to know when to walk, for sanity's sake).
If I'm going to ride a passenger, I make sure wherever I ride her at is nice and comfy... God - I can't believe you guys didn't pick that up. Must be brain freeze setting in.
We need to raise the limit so more of the bastards can be killed off. I hate deer.
+1 - small groups of no more than 3-5 are ok, but big groups suck. Too easy to endanger/be endangered.
+1, although I'll have to take a pass on the kiss. Sorry Anthony, you have a little too much hair for me. Oh, and the car wash thing. I don't think we would make too much money on that. I've seen most of us, and while we aren't FUGLY, I suspect most of us aren't receiving calls to pose in Men's Fitness or FHM... Now if we got a topless car wash with hot women...I'm in, as long as my wife doesn't find out and someone hides my face in the pictures! Ben, one thing to consider is that the overhead of who has donated and when their time is up and due for another donation might become a little cumbersome.
Where the hell do you guys come of with this stuff... Gumball guy?
It's all good. I'll admit. I'm a dumbass (this time). Mensan... :finger:
Ironray - I know where that is and may show up.
LOL. Wow, this thread has gone OT.
Since I don't KNOW you, I don't KNOW how serious you are/were. Did that ever occur to you? I'm a 'dumbass' because I can't read inflections and expressions that don't exist in the written word? The problem might be that you just don't know how to convey sarcasm...mmmmmkkaaay? edit: For some reason, I thought you had a bike in the past.
Nothing but pure rumor at this point. There have been some photochops floating about the web, but that's all.
Ummmm. Obviously I am a dumbass, because yourself, at 24, has heard every term there ever was. I know there are many people who live their whole lives and still don't know every word in the English language, especially jargon. Must be nice to be a prodigy. Good thing I put this in the kitchen. :finger: edit: Google is your friend: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=6-pot+engine