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Everything posted by lemosley01

  1. I don't care for the bumper on the back, nor the spoiler. Front looks good, except I think the bumper/splitter/whatever it is is a little too busy - if it were a smoother piece (without the angular cuts in it) it would flow better.
  2. I'll try to get some pics tomorrow. I won't get home until after it is dark.
  3. Like the title says, 94 Ford Taurus for sale. Color is gold. 125K miles on it. The Good: Runs well. Body has some rust spots, but overall is in good shape considering the abuse these cars typically take. The interior is also in pretty good shape. Doesn't smoke. Automatic w/ PS/PB/PW/Cruise control/Power mirrors. A/C worked fine last summer -I obviously haven't run it since it cooled down. Tires have a decent amount of life left on them. Decent gas mileage - probably 25 mpg or so. Comes with a CD player and I have the original factor radio. Did very well in the snow. The bad: has a small antifreeze leak when you first start it up. I have never bothered to run it down so I just add antifreeze to it here and there. Temperature gauge will swing up high (not to overheating) then drop back to normal and stay there after it warms up all the way. Possibly a head gasket leak causing things to freak out. The previous owner had the T-stat and water pump changed and these two things did not make a difference. Vacuum leak from a hose (which I plan on fixing) Heat shield on the catalytic convertor rattles at idle. Windows sometimes stick, but pushing the button gets them down (or back up). The button you push in to move the gear shift comes out - the clip that holds it in broke. This does not affect moving it from gear to gear - it's just annoying. Also have the Haynes manual and the 93-94 Ford CD to go with it. Asking $400. Will also consider trades for Mustang parts that would work on a 99 Cobra (I'm really looking for an SCT XCal2), computer parts or bike parts that would fit a 2003 ZX-9. However, let me know what you have - sometimes there are things I need or want but forgot about. edit: also looking for a welder and an air compressor - 15-25 gallons or so. I don't plan to be doing a ton of painting or body work, so it doesn't need to be huge It's been a good car, but I haven't been driving it much recently so it's sitting a lot. Shitty weather would probably help, but I don't really NEED to have 4 vehicles.
  4. I'm interested in the memory. What is the model# on it?
  5. Amp is sold. Thanks, Greg! Still have the scanner and printer.
  6. I suppose, as long as you like to go in a straight-line, then this is the advice to follow. Any newer 600 supersport WILL stunt your learning curve on everything but going fast in a straight line. If you were to step back to a early/mid-90s 600, it wouldn't be as bad, but seriously look at Drew (Muthapucka's) 650SV, or another like it. I saw it this summer and I was seriously impressed. Very nice bike - plenty powerful to break every law on the road (by FAR), but more forgiving than the 600 supersports if you get ignorant with the throttle. It will still happily throw you into the ditch, but you'll have a little more time to recover.
  7. Like the title says. I'd like a triple-tree stand for the front, but a fork stand is fine also. If anyone has any they want to get rid of, let me know.
  8. I love our 'justice' system. Wonder why thieves aren't too concerned about getting caught by the owner and are so bold? The above is the reason why. Now if they knew that the owners had every legal right to turn them into pasta with a pipe or bat, or make them useful as sieves with a gun, they *might* think twice. I can guarantee they think twice after a few hundred of them have been killed. Anybody see that blurb on the news about the guy that just got out of jail for killing the pitbull that attacked and fucked up his girlfriend's kid's face? I guess it was like 6 months after the attack. He finally got a crack at the dog and stuck a knife in it. They convicted him for it and he got a week in jail, has to pay the owner back, and take anger management class. I have no idea how he didn't stick the knife in the owner. That one has me so pissed off, I hate to think about it. I'd like to know why that animal wasn't destroyed, to begin with. Some 'protection' the victims get from the system. At least that dog won't have a chance to attack anyone else.
  9. +1. It would be worth someone breaking into my car if I could just catch them doing it. That's what I have dreams about.
  10. Pretty amazing, huh? Supposedly better educated americans have to see a doctor for the simplest shit and a prescription. Meanwhile 'uneducated' Mexicans can buy what they need OTC.
  11. Another example of how the system is setup to screw the 'evil man'. Remember, men are to blame for everything. If you assume that, as a male, any legal battle with a woman will always go in her favor, you are not far from the truth.
  12. Ben, I assume this could be installed to VMWare? Do you happen to have the .img file they are referencing (torrents can be notoriously slow). Thanks.
  13. You don't seem to believe that: Couldn't resist. Sorry. Interesting though - how does one go about installing Mac OSX install to a PC? Got any links The only thing that has really kept me from trying it is I don't want to spend $1000 on another computer. I'd like to give it a try - it has been a few years since I last touched MacOS.
  14. If you are looking for good battery life, the V551 is probably not for you. The phone only lasts about 3-4 days on a full charge, most of that time being spent in standby. My Nokia 6800 would go for 7 days or more. I've had several times where I didn't use it at all for a 3 day period and the phone was nearly discharged. Granted, the battery on my Motorola V551 is smaller than my old Nokia, but Motorola makes a claim of 225 hours of standby (over 9 days) and 3.75 hours of talk time. My phone has never gotten near these claimed figures even when brand new. I also had the phone replaced in the first 30 days because of the battery life, but that didn't help. That is really my only gripe with it, but it is a major one because Motorola's battery life claims seem to be outrageous. On the plus side, the screen is very nice, and the little display on the front is very useful because it display the caller and time without having to flip open the phone.
  15. Nick, sent you a PM and left a VM. Do you still want the scanner/amp?
  16. Define 'basic' pentium 4? How fast, how old? Does it have hyperthreading, etc? The boosts you see from a AMD 64 on 32-bit windows are due to the higher clockspeed/more efficient pipelines. Unless you are planning to upgrade to Windows XP 64, you won't gain any of the benefits. You will also need to buy a new motherboard. That being said, if I were shopping for a new processor/mobo combo, I would definitely do a 64-bit to somewhat prepare myself for the future. If you play 3d games, then most of those are NOT CPU bound, if you have any reasonably recent processor. They are typically video-card bound.
  17. Wouldn't work. Chuck Norris is faster than the future. What Yoda would see is an alternative, Chuck-less future. While Yoda was viewing the alternative future, Chuck Norris would then proceed to beat the living crap out of the little, green bugger. Remember, behind Chuck Norris' beard is another fist.
  18. Hot wheels leading the way! (where do you think their engineers got the design)
  19. Speed test: http://www.dslreports.com/stest
  20. Nick - sure - sounds good to me. When do you want to come get them?
  21. Good price! How did you swing that?
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