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Everything posted by lemosley01

  1. Thorne, what brand are these? edit: What dimensions also? (HxWXdepth) or if you have a link that would be good.
  2. Josh is right on with this one. Whatever happens DO NOT COSIGN FOR HIM! If he totals that bike and decides to not pay on it, you are stuck holding the bag. Family and money don't mix.
  3. Underdrive pulleys for a 96-99 Cobra. I don't know what brand these are because it is not stamped anywhere. It is the crankshaft and water pulley. No alternator pulley. I bought these and never put them on. The crankshaft pulley is nicked, but should be ok. $50 or make an offer. http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/carstuff/underdrives_side.jpg http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/carstuff/underdrives_front.jpg PM me here or e-mail lemosley01@yahoo.com. Sub box is gone
  4. I have a case of the 40z playtex nursers - the kind of bottles that you put the disposable liners in. There are 6 packages of 6 (total 36), with each package still in it's original shrink wrap. Each bottle comes with 15 disposable liners. These are perfect for feeding newborns up to about 3-6 months (when they can only finish one of these at a time. I'll take $30 for the whole case or $6 per package of 6. http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/stuff/nursers.jpg I also have a Craftsman 32cc weedeater with additional trimmer inserts. I believe it is the same as this: http://www.sears.com/sr/javasr/product.do?BV_UseBVCookie=Yes&vertical=LAWN&pid=07179158000&subcat=Line+Trimmers Pics of the actual trimmer: http://home.columbus.rr.com/lmosle/stuff/weedeater.jpg It is 32cc and uses a two stroke motor. My only complain with it is that it likes to stall if you set it down and don't continue to give it gas. I believe it still has 1 year of the 3 year service warranty on it (from sears), I'll have to find the receipt. I am selling this because I have a Ryobi that has attachments. I'll take $50 for this (firm)
  5. The groveport police don't have a lot to do. They are notorious for the minor infringements. Those are no less illegal, but you get the picture. I guess it's good that they don't have anything else to do. That means there aren't many burglars or rapists around. I wish all the police had to do was stop us for minor equipment violations.
  6. lemosley01

    new bike

    +1 - everyone says they are a blast.
  7. Haha - that would be some shit to have on a bike. I'm sure someone has done it. OT: Are you going to Kilkare for the 3/11 test & tune?
  8. Jesus dude - this reads like one of those spam posts. Are you sure this is legit?
  9. I didn't realize they had cast pistons? Ti rods and cast pistons? Was it a weight issue that they chose cast pistons over forged slugs? I'm thinking 11:1 compression + FI probably aren't a good combo...
  10. By grip tape, you mean that sandpaper feeling shit that sticks like tape? John's talking about these: http://www.stompdesign.com/stompgrip/features.asp Unfortunately they don't make them for my bike, so I would need the universal kit. Here is a comparo article: http://www.mcnews.com/mcn/features/June%20tank%20grips.pdf
  11. Ummm..yeah. I'm not taking sandpaper to my street bike for any purpose other than repainting it. Thanks. Clearcoat is nice, but it is slick as shit.
  12. Yes, but even God makes mistakes. That's why we got Eve.
  13. What do you think holds you upper body upright? Your legs are the base, but the back (and abs to some extent) keep you upright. I'm talking about in a non-cornering riding posture. I remember Drew saying something about the pads they use on snowboards to keep you from slipping that you can apply to your tank so you have something to grip. My bike lets me slip-slide all over the place. Do you happen to use them on your tank and what are they called? Guilty as charged. This happens to all of us at one time or another when we're just crusing down the road. Got that one two. The others are easier to handle but Twist II is definitely on the list. Keith's writing style is sort of...strange, but it's good reading. God I hate SRs.
  14. You are putting weight on your wrists. You'll have to learn to hold yourself up using your abdominal muscles and back muscles. You'll get used to it, just concentrate on holding yourself up. The handlebars are a place to control the bike and have your controls located, not a weight support. Low speed maneuvers are hard on a sportbike. You have to practice, but you will end up dropping your first bike. That's why a used one is a good idea - so you don't feel so bad when you scratch it up. However, I have been caught by surprise on my ZX-9 a couple of times hitting bumps and accidentally whacking the throttle. The real part that is a problem is in a corner. A 600 is generally unforgiving and you don't have good throttle control yet. While you are cornering, throttle control is king. I'll admit I'm not a good rider even yet, I'm still learning and remember things I had forgotten (I had an F2, sold it in 99 and got my ZX-9 last year). But practice practice practice when you get chance. Recommended reading: Proficient Motorcycling - David Hough Total Control - Lee Parks Twist of the Wrist II - Keith Code +1 - you are the first person I have seen who realized this on their own. Whatever you get, let us know. I would recommend seriously looking now, because, when spring comes, bike prices tend to go up and people won't deal as much (since the riding season is just starting and there are lots of riders). Don't rush into anything, but there are a lot of good deals out there right now.
  15. Ignoring them doesn't work either. Sticking your head in the sand (a la the 'European Way') will get you kicked in the teeth. At least we're trying to do something, and it is more than 'killing terrorists'. Do you think the troops in Afghanistan and Iraq do nothing more than patrol and look for bad guys? I guess you would, since that is what the media wants us all to believe. We have to educate these people as well. Ignorance allows them to be easy targets for the terrorists to indocrtrinate. When we show them we aren't what the bad guys say, maybe they'll change. Or we could simply cut the leash on Israel, and let them deal with it. Of course, oil is pretty hard to get out of the ground when it's buried under hundreds of feet of glass, but just think of how cheap the silicon for microchips will be for years and years. Capitalism. Like Lustalbert said - deal with it or find another country. Maybe you should have watched that 20/20 that John Stossel did last week - it covered the very issue of public vs. private ownership.
  16. chrismindless - sv650 is what you are looking for. Get a used one (so you won't feel bad about dropping it). And if you decide you don't like riding that much, you haven't lost much. How much experience do you have?
  17. While I don't necessarily agree with strip clubs, I feel that, if a woman chooses to do it, it is her right. I've never understood how a woman can 'choose' to have an abortion (her body) but can't 'choose' to be a prostitute (her body again). If it doesn't hurt others, then it's your right to do it. I might not agree with you, but have fun doing it.
  18. I said tax REVENUE is up. That means they took in more taxes than before the tax cuts. It has nothing to do cutting funding to programs, which needs to be done anyway. Like I said, the government is not in the business of owning land. The government is in a lot of businesses it shouldn't be in. Like pretty much anything that doesn't involve defense of the citizens.
  19. Sure it can - if they can ban smoking in privately owned businesses, how is this any different?
  20. Tax revenue increased even though taxes were cut. Things that make you go hmmmmm.... The government is not in the business of owning land. Private parties will take better care of it than the government. Why should they hang on to land when they are not using it and it is just sitting there, most likely consuming tax dollars for 'care'. And, finally, you can thank the recent Supreme Court decision reaffirming and granting more eminent domain power, sealed by the libs on the court, for allowing oil companies, and pretty much ANYONE who can generate more tax revenue with that land, the ability to take it. Kelo v. New London: http://www.njslom.org/press_release_06-23-05.html
  21. Fixed: http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ferrari-F40-Ferrari-F40-Never-Titled-MSO-326-Miles-Only-One-Rare_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6212QQitemZ4614619918QQrdZ1 edit: w00d.
  22. Don't listen to this guy. EVERYONE knows that that Kawi 636 is the way to go for a beginner. He's just biased toward Yamaha. Honestly, none of the new supersports are forgiving. They don't care about you and will happily do what you say, including driving you into a retaining wall. If you want a forgiving bike for beginners, get a Ninja 500 or a SV650. If you REALLY feel like you have to have a 600SS, then look at mid 90s 600s. They aren't as twitchy, don't cost as much, and weigh a little more. They are sort of forgiving, although they'll happily toss your butt in the ditch as well. Before you do anything, check around on insurance. I think you will be astounded by what it costs for someone your age with no riding experience. It can easily be more than the payment itself. And please don't tell me you're going to finance a bike and not put full coverage on it. Read these threads: http://www.sportbikes.net/forums/showthread.php?t=274759 http://www.sportbikes.net/forums/showthread.php?t=262785 http://www.sportbikes.net/forums/showthread.php?t=273407
  23. Small tank or shitty mileage or both? V-Max...yum...
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