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Everything posted by AJ

  1. mainly classics, hot rods and muscle cars?
  2. saltwaterfish.com is a good message board you might want to check out too. what size is the tank? on my 75g i had a 20g long that fit inside the stand under it. worked out great. too bad you already have the wet/dry, a fuge is cheeper to build than buying that filter. the 75g http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c80/CamaroAJ/fish1002.jpg http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c80/CamaroAJ/fish1001.jpg
  3. that is a wet/dry filter. you have to change the bio balls out every so often is have high levels of stuff you don't want. refugium is like a sump but broken up into sections. on my refugium i have a small part where the heaters and skimmer are then it goes into another section where the return pump is. the rest of the tank is a deep sand bed 3"-6" is best. there is also a few types of good algae that i have growing in there. you have a light on it that comes on when your display tank lights go off. that helps keep the Ph from fluctuating. something like this http://www.wetwebmedia.com/refugdesfaq6_files/image004.gif on my 75g tank i had i used a 20g long for a sump/refugium. on the 210 i have now i used a 210 split, 2/3 is refugium and the last 1/3 is where the skimmer is then it goes into a 55g so no micro bubbles get into my tank. i had the room and the tanks so thats why i have such a big system. this is when i was setting it up. http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/35458_10150324786275277_537465276_15957967_3199450_n.jpg the only things i do to maintain my tank are change water every month or two (will be every other week once i start adding coral) clean the skimmer once every week or two and feed the fish. everything else is on a timer and i have an auto water top off system.
  4. are you doing a real sump? that looks more like a wet/dry filter lid. i have something to do so i'll have to post pics later but you should look into a refugium set up. way easier to maintain the tank than just a sump or a wet/dry.
  5. AJ

    GoodGuys Friday

    i'll be there all 3 days working in the a/c.
  6. thats mostly with E85.
  7. there isn't one in mine yet. it will be an electric tube style with no moving parts.
  8. some cells are sold with a dip stick.
  9. thats how we ended up with a mod motor ford.:lolguy:
  10. LS6 block is different to breath better in the crank case. not as stong for a forced induction engine vs. the LS1. LS2 was 2005.
  11. AJ

    new dog

    that turn you on? :lolguy:
  12. at mid ohio you'll be in the high 130's maybe 140's from what friends with c5z's have said they run. a friend of mine with his z on slicks and t1 sway bars runs 1:39 around there. he is an ok driver but doesn't push really hard since he has to drive that car home.
  13. the active handling kicks in only when its needed. on a track i only kept it on when it was raining in competive drive mode. in the dry i never had it kick in. i liked 27 psi in my tires, you'll have to play with the pressures depending on what tires you have. if they are the stock goodyear run flats just stick with 30 psi since they are total junk. ate is good or wilwood extream 600. i've used both and liked both. wilwood you can get at jegs ate you can get from ips. lowered on the bolts with an agressive alignment is a good start. i ran T1 sway bars on mine as the first upgrade.
  14. PT on my knee after i broke my leg.
  15. the red circle and arrow wwas a dead give away.
  16. AJ

    That's it

    doing both heads or just the one?
  17. i had them on my vette http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/10322_266008465276_537465276_8976468_518896_n.jpg
  18. don't rev it and it won't get very messy at all.
  19. no. just as long as you do all of them. i start front to back on one bank then switch to the other bank and start front to back again.
  20. AJ

    1999 CR250

    if you can get the stock tank i may be intrested but if not than i'll pass.
  21. AJ

    1999 CR250

    do you have the stock gas tank?
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