WHAT?! are you fucking kidding me? when i had my first DSM it was a 1g Fwd and i got ragged about it all the time. Of course it was a turd anyway but still. I never thought people would actually WANT an automatic. either way good luck with the sale seems like a nice ride.
I think we just have a difference of opinion. ALOT of people wouldn't neccessarily look at it as defacing the office of the president but rather an expression of his national policies. What do all the hippies always say? Art is just a form of expression? So if you and I can talk about how we dont agree or support his policies but someone else would rather display dissinterest in a picture or a cartoon whats the difference? WE have a freedom, a liberty of expression that we should take advantage of in ANY WAY POSSIBLE. I dont care if you want to sit down and have a town hall meeting or make a sculpture just the fact that your expressing your dissapproval means alot to this country. The day we lose that right, that ability is the day we should all fear.
One of my best friends got a divorce a few years ago. The day it was finalized i took him out and got him shitfaced. congrats but why did it take 2 years?!
Dont forget Silva has never faced an opponent like Forrest before. Yes he's fought light heavy weights before and ran them over but those guys were no where near the caliber of fighter that Forrest is (not saying he's the best, simply saying he's alot better then most). Im gonna go on a ledge and say Forrest.
EXACTLY! Its capitalism at its best, the company is only doing what the company does. Make money and by doing so they're going to make the smartest BUSINESS decision possible to help itself stay profitable.
The real issue here is how to take capitalism out of healthcare so there's no combating issues of wether or not the healthcare provided is both good for the company and good for the patient. Goodluck.
Oh and Tim, you cant MAKE people do those things. Those are thing's people SHOULD do regardless but dont simply because its easier not to.
The only people who hate that intersection are the one's who dont understand which light is their's, its pretty damn simple and ALOT faster than the old alternative was (ive lived on this side of town for a long time). I have seen more than one drunk get pulled over for driving on the wrong side of the road there.
There's a guy on my hockey team going through the same thing except in a divorce. Its his second divorce the big difference this time is her kids are involved and he's been involved in raising them for the past 10 years. Im sure your close to them but you gottathink of yourself sometimes. I suppose you can always offer to take her boy to drag races and such just to be a good influence in his life? Either way sounds like you've made your decision goodluck, there are good girls out there and hell even some good ones that DO have kids.
retarded or not that was kinda funny.
Im all for putting more money into performance but if your taking pics of your car to put as a sig, then you should probably take some sort of pride in what it looks like. At the very least pick an angle that doesnt look like shit. (no offense of course)
I saw a guy riding his harley in Dublin wearing flip flops and swimming trunks only... no im not kidding. At first i thought, "damn does he know how expensive and painful skin graphs are", then I realized it wont matter since he'll be dead if he wrecks anyway. Oh well.
Bringing up a good point. theres plenty of competition out there. If you feel it neccessary to boycott a certain ISP b/c they censor (i know its wrong) a certain site then choose from one of the many other options on the market, simple.
Tell me this isnt true? if it is I find no need to object.
HOWEVER, thorne as compassionate as you are on so many subjects i can see your point. I wouldnt want ANYONE restricting anything I see regardless of what they deem neccessary.
Mensan, I honestly have no fucking clue what 4chan is therefore i made the post.
My family would die of laughter. IF i ever get married im doing something crazy, but its gotta be unique so i wont steal this idea. However, if i were to do this i would neglect to tell the minister, the look on his/her face would be priceless.