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Everything posted by HotCarl

  1. My brother's got one, its really nice but it feels like a fucking cannon. Then again it is a fullsize gun. I thought 1911's were alot more expensive than $500? Could've sworn i read they were base price around $700 or so. Then again there are alot of different companies who make 1911's so maybe?
  2. Isnt there a violent crime like every 10 seconds down there? Car jacking's are the norm everyday too... sounds awesome.
  3. HotCarl


    If anyone has a bootlegged copy they'd be willing to sell or even an original that they're not using but would sell I would be interested in taking it off your hands. My regular workout's have kind hit a plataeu (spelling anyone?) and its driving me nuts. I wouldnt mind giving it a shot.
  4. How about the right not to illegal search and seizure or at the very least having probable cause to do so Tim? You cant simply pick a car and say "im going to check and make sure they're not breaking the law" you have to have a ligitamate reason to do so. And no an officer does not have the 'right' to simply stop you just to check and make sure everything is kosher. A simple for instance, a few months ago I drove a co-worker home late one night (after 1am) he happens to live in a shady part of town. After i drop off my friend, I make my way out of the neighborhood a Columbus Police officer pulls a U-turn to follow me. Now I am of course a law abiding citizen so I have nothing to worry about. He follows me for a few blocks then pulls me over. As always, I act kindly and cordially give him my information letting him do his job. Then I asked him, in a completely non-confrontation way, what his reason was for pulling me over. "well there's alot of dope running around this area". Are you fucking kidding me? And thats my problem how? Because I happen to be driving late at night? The only reason I didnt say anything more about the subject was, as it turns out, he was a member of my sister's church growing up and I actually knew the guy way back in the day. AGAIN, I have no problem with cops and for the most part most of them do their job admirably but I just dont agree with this tactic thats all. Oh and tristanlee, dont mistake my viewpoint as a defense of drunk drivers, i am far from it. If you drink and drive you deserve the consequence's.
  5. Very nice. Though Ive heard their somewhat unreliable after 120kish, is this true?
  6. You think not? Hey I love cops just like everyone else here but the law gives officers ALOT of discretion (which can be both a good and bad thing). Say you dont look him in the eye when he asks if you've been drinking? or your tired and your speech is slurred a bit? Then you get asked to step out of the car and that 60 seconds you were so happy to give up turns into a half an hour of trying to prove your innocense to a bunch of ticket writing cowboys out on a witchhunt. (refering to the Dublin PD of course) Again, I love cops and hate drunk drivers. I live and drive around Bethel/Sawmill rd everyday and know this is one of the worst area's int he city for both. I cant tell you how many idiots i know who have been busted for DUI's (and rightfully so), I just never thought this was the right way to go about catching the few who actually break the law.
  7. oooo i see what you did there, good move.
  8. I usually hit up that shady "home theater installation" truck that always pimps out the walmart parking lots looking for people who just cashed their WICA checks. They've never steered me wrong For some reason those guys always have a 'spare' set of tower speakers 'left over' from an installation. Seriously though, that sounds like a killer deal. If i didnt just drop 600 on a new tv and a few hundred more on misc shit I'd scoop it up.
  9. Are you kidding me? An officer stops you just to check you out? hey how about he search's your home "just in case" or checks your computer because "you kinda look like you MIGHT like kiddie porn". Hell why not just sign away all your rights? right? Hey everyone hates a drunk driver but that doesnt give Officer's the right to stop every single car on the road trying to find the bad ones.
  10. This may be a bit old but I've been without internet for a week. If your like myself and your employed hourly (which i think you are) you can claim exempt. In fact I know alot of guys who do it during the busier season's to take full advantage of the OT they put in. Though Ive never heard it refered to ask "claiming 11"? Personally I've always stayed away from this simply because I dont have any dependants and it would probably kill my tax return completely, however if you do claim more than just yourself (wife, kids, mother in law, etc...) this can be very benefitial. I use to be good friend with a guy who had 5 dependants, claimed exempt all year and still got a tax return when he filed, of course this is an extreme case. Keep in mind I believe claiming exempt on your taxes only relates to federal taxes, not state.
  11. Is it possible to revoke your woman-card for this? My vote is for the notebook. I didnt cry but i did enjoy it more than i thought i would.
  12. That fucking nurse is worthless, at least the doctor (when he was still there) made an attempt to help out in all areas, all that fucking bitch does is sew her own 'dresses' and play arts and crafts. They were going on a little scouting run and she was wearing high heels, FUCKING HIGH HEELS! BITCH ITS THE END OF THE WORLD AND YOUR WEARING HIGH HEELS?! I guess she just annoys me a bit, just a bit though. Disclaimer: Id still throw a few ropes of knuckle children across her face dont get me wrong.
  13. Im still watching it. The crazy shit these guys build are fucking insane. I had no idea you could purify water with ozone, or that there was even such thing as wood-gas?! That added to the fact of all the random shit they build is pretty impressive. Though i thought they focused WAY too much on creature comforts rather than defense or food/water supplies. Of course its far from a real case scenario but its entertaining nonetheless.
  14. Technically there is a way that someone can look at your criminal record prior to your 18th birthday but from what I understand its really hard and they'd have to go through alot of trouble to get it. I think we have all made some bad decisions when we were younger (mine were MUCH worse than yours, which not only included being arrested but a short stay in juvie, that was a blast) but as someone pointed out. Its your juvenile record for a reason. Ive never had a problem getting a job or any backround checks whatsoever, Hell i havent even gotten so much as a speeding ticket in the last 4 years. Needless to say speaking in terms of the law Im pretty straight edge now. Everyone screws up when they're young.
  15. My brother's had a 36" for the past 2 years, looks pretty good still.
  16. Man i gotta learn how to take pictures like that. Looks gorgeous.
  17. My girl is looking for a used car. Mileage and price are on point, i know she'll be interested. She's not too keen on driving a manual but i'll talk to her about it.
  18. By far the funnest car I've ever owned was a '84 VW rabbit diesel i bought off silvercobramike for 250$. I beat the shit outta that car and loved every minute of it. After i didnt drive it for a few months and it wouldnt start i sold it to a VW enthusiast from this board for $250 (he of course got it started the first time, oh well), man i miss that car. Second most enjoyable '4 figure car' was my 98 eclipse gst. Kind of a pain in the ass to drive at times and it was far from fast but i really did love that car.
  19. what he wanted recommendations?
  20. Glock 26 w/ a grip extension. That's all.
  21. HotCarl

    Last day

    I'll refrain from the usual "your too young to get married" arguments for now, hey man if your happy your happy, congrats.
  22. Good job Sean keep it up. What have you been doing to take it off besides play hockey?
  23. Im down. Ive never done a fantsy league in anything but im sure it cant be THAT hard and I usually follow during the season. Let me know the details.
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