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Everything posted by fusion

  1. fusion


    "Hack the Planet!" not "Trash the planet".
  2. Yeah just trying to give the guy benefit of the doubt by suggesting he meant a revolver clip even though I really thought he used the wrong term also.
  3. Same here. Company pays for everything right off the bat.
  4. I emailed him and asked. I'll post up if I get a response.
  5. Pretty cool shots of bullets cutting through water droplets. Bunch of other high speed shots in the gallery too. http://www.lex-augusteijn.nl/Gallery/High%20speed/Bullets/slides/IMG_5606-enh2.html
  6. Yeah well we know this crap never makes a ton of sense a lot times especially when it comes to oh so scary guns.
  7. I think this is what they are going to argue and is the basis of the "on" vs "in". Being on a bike with the weapon in plain view isn't concealed in any way. In a car (truck, van,...) the vehicle its self conceals the weapon even if worn openly.
  8. There was an article about this with one of the tire manufacturers (Pirelli maybe) a while back saying basically the same thing. Older tires may have been slick, but modern tires aren't made or mounted the same way anymore and aren't.
  9. Nope. Of course it also depends on the round. Either way it may not have the affect of stopping someone with a single shot especially with adrenaline running. Shot placement and type of round matter before caliber.
  10. We have an XD9 subcompact my wife and I both really like. Real easy to shoot, the grip is not too small for my hand and not too big for my wife's.
  11. Because the numbers have been declining over the years and the 9 number is from recent years. Safety equipment and rule changes have reduced death and injury rates.
  12. Most of the time I've seen numbers of deaths related to something like football they conveniently don't include things like heat related deaths during practices or games because they are considered "indirect". Including direct and indirect deaths there are about 14 (9 indirect, 5 direct) a year in football combining all levels of play.
  13. Snowboarding, skiing, cart racing, BMX, hockey, boxing, martial arts in general, soccer, cycling, climbing the stairs, mowing the grass, crossing the street, McDonald's,...
  14. I wanted to punch that one bitch in her face as I was watching it. The guy did a good job covering the other angle though.
  15. Fantastic shots thanks for sharing. I'm definitely going to have to make it out next year.
  16. Except in Beck's defense (that hurt just typing it) he's straight up said his company is an entertainment company. "With a deadpan, Beck insists that he is not political: "I could give a flying crap about the political process." Making money, on the other hand, is to be taken very seriously, and controversy is its own coinage. "We're an entertainment company," Beck says" - Forbes (04/26)
  17. http://www.facebook.com/jblurton
  18. That's exactly what it does.
  19. Ummmm no. Most accidents happen close to home, because most travel is close to home not because of how close you are to it. If most travel was done no where near home, most accidents would occur no where near home.
  20. Have seen those in fires out in Idaho.
  21. Who else would control capitalism? The people that own and control the capital and product (banks and business). For the most part people's influence is only as great as the options presented. Once business grows to a certain point that's all you get. Completely free and wild capitalism works about as well as a pure democracy, it doesn't.
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