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Everything posted by fusion

  1. I'm not saying anything, going to keep it a surprise. I'll post up a photo or two as soon as I can pick it up. It's supposed to be ready tomorrow.
  2. Married with kids also and I'm planning on being there. That is of course unless my new bike is ready to be picked up.
  3. Yeah that was the first thing I thought too.
  4. 1st an F4i isn't a 600rr, that was my only point. 2nd you brought up the difference I just addressed it. I never said it was or wasn't enough. ...and to answer your question, it's not enough power even for running up to the corner store to pick up 40's and condoms for your mom and I.
  5. Yeah, yeah, yeah and we can do that with every suggestion and every comment in this thread and in every other where we are comparing bikes and never get anywhere. All things being the same with the rider the 650R will not keep up with a 600.
  6. Seriously though even my wife wished she had gone with a 600 or at least an F4i after having it for a bit. The 650r isn't keeping up with a modern 600 and it surely won't keep up with the 1000 .
  7. You plan on racing with your imagination?
  8. We have a 650r. The wife likes it but there's no way that bike is keeping up with any 600 no matter the weight difference. Well maybe if the 600 rider was 300lbs. Not to mention it's top speed is really only about 120 and I wouldn't say it exactly rockets to it's top end.
  9. I loved my '06 600rr. You can't go wrong with any in that class though.
  10. Take it to Southside if you need to take it anywhere. I won't take anything to Sporty's anymore.
  11. Yeah I bet it was a glitch I've ordered in the past from them with no problems. They are also the guys that helped me out when I broke a clip-on at Putnam.
  12. fusion

    Skydiving Meet

    That's pretty much how I feel about it. Maybe a couple of review jumps for my AFF.
  13. The government is in our heads, man! They're coming for us! Our guns! Our freedoms! They use our brainwaves to read our minds and influence our decisions, man! Nothing you see is real! DON'T TRUST ANYONE, MAN! *hides in bunker*
  14. fusion

    Skydiving Meet

    I'd rather static line than tandem. The AFF programs are fun. I didn't get to finish mine though . Didn't have the time or money to finish my A license at the time.
  15. fusion

    Skydiving Meet

    Tandems are ghey...
  16. Yup no different than posting a picture of your bike, car, imaginary girlfriend, tinfoil lined helmet...
  17. Wow a lot of whips be cracked. Pussies.
  18. Hey the 14 could win...if he could get them to stop first.
  19. Early is good for me. That means I can be back in time to get crap done at home.
  20. I think Nick and I both want to roll out there. I probably won't stay long but definitely want to ride in with our local crew and see everyone again.
  21. I'd like to roll down with the Dayton crew if nothing else just to see everyone again and say hey. I probably wouldn't stay long, I have a ton of stuff I need to get done for work and around the house.

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