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Everything posted by fusion

  1. fusion

    iPhone OS 4.0

    So to prove a point I ran my latest install of Vista without AV or anything for over two years. Just this past weekend I installed AV and ran malware tools and miracles of all miracles.....nada, nothing, not a single damn thing. Of course that not saying Windows isn't more prone to them since it's definitely a popular target, but there's a reason though Apple recommends AV for Macs also. Every system is potentially vulnerable.
  2. What part of her not going out and doing any campaigning other than those appearances did you miss? You realize he supported the Mass health care plan right? Health care might have been part of it, but it wasn't the sole reason he was voted in. If it was the people are morons.
  3. Those are definitely kick ass. Good work man.
  4. fusion

    iPhone OS 4.0

    Funny enough my Droid is the only phone I haven't needed a replacement for or felt the need for a second. That would be great if the IPhone is finally getting one.
  5. fusion

    iPhone OS 4.0

    I can change my battery.
  6. fusion


    I'm not sure how many of you check out APOD everyday, but I thought the video today was pretty cool. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html
  7. Yeah you can hit some decent streaks especially if you pay attention to the challenges and change up weapons based on the maps. Also playing things like Domination (or Ground War) can yield more XP I've found. I'm only 45 though so I've got a bit to go to 70.
  8. I saw a few like this, but saw more people unhappy with the economy. Anecdotal I know, but this includes my wifes family who all live in Massachusetts. Beyond pondering why anyone would want to live in Mass to begin with, I wondered about the health care concerns. I haven't seen anything pointed out in any current bill that would necessarily affect the people of Massachusetts and their current coverage. If you have a source for that I'd love to see it.
  9. I don't know health care is the reason they did. Massachusetts has health care similar to the bill being worked currently. I think it more likely they are unhappy with the economy and think the HCB is the wrong thing to be concentrating on right now. We might also be in a period of politics where we see a pendulum affect until the economy improves a bit. Having said that we do know that Coakley mailed it in and hardly campaigned at all for the seat while Brown worked his ass off getting his message out to the people. Brown definitely got out there and did a much better job than Coakley for a seat that I think was more of a toss up given issues like the economy than people thought. In the end I said both were bad candidates and Coakley was the worse choice of the two. I don't think either was deserving of the seat.
  10. Meh, that was more of a loss for Coakley than a win for Brown. Both are bad candidates, but Coakley was by far the worst of the two.
  11. My coworker has the Moment from Sprint. I played with it a bit and it seems pretty great and he hasn't had any real complaints with it. It's cool there are carrier and phone options for the Android OS other than getting stuck with a single phone and single carrier.
  12. That whole thread kicks ass. He's got 'shooting from the hip' down no doubt.
  13. Vandalia does have a good assortment of rentals. Let me know when you guys go and if i can get away I'll run up and bring the XD9 sub and Glock 23.
  14. If that was your point I agree. That would make them both whores no matter the conversation.
  15. That was in response to the way someone else replied to me. Personally I think most politicians these days are pretty much whores. Last I read he was giving the money to charities. Not sure what came out of that. I could care less if he did or not.
  16. So you think becoming the President of the United States is equal to becoming a whore?
  17. So leaving the Senate to become President is the same as leaving the Governorship to self promote and become a Fox News shill? The first is like resigning one position to take another higher position in the same firm, the other is like quiting a job you can't handle and becoming a whore.
  18. Wow I actually cringed reading that and I've seen some nasty stuff. Hope it heals quick.
  19. It's going to be a mess. Beautiful place but access to a lot of locations isn't going to be easy if there is a lot of damage. It's a pretty poor country with almost no emergency services to begin with.
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