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Everything posted by fusion

  1. I guess we have to throw out all of the other comments by others as well from around that time. So let's see, if it goes against this country being founded on Christian principles it was just a political comment and if it supports the notion it's absolutely true. I get that right? Is that how it's going to work? Must be all of those biblical references I missed in the Constitution.
  2. fusion


    Congrats on the new piece. Haven't shot one ye,t but my Dad and I were just looking at a P99 the other day.
  3. As it's been pointed out already in this thread this country was not founded on Christian principles. "The United States is in no sense founded upon Christian Doctrine" - George Washington
  4. because like this issue things aren't simple. One example is if there are complications after needle insertion and they need to hold of but the person to be executed suffers infection that makes him ill or causes his death the state seeing to the execution is going to be feeling a rather hefty law suit for pain and suffering, cruel and unusual punishment, wrongful death type stuff... They don't actually use needles you sterilize before use for tings like that anymore. It comes that way and then are disposed.
  5. Ummm no. That was let's try and keep this simple and hope not to have to spell it out more.
  6. Partially correct I go into more later, but I'm getting the feeling you didn't actually read the entire thread.
  7. You just don't get it, maybe it's beyond you.
  8. ...and once again I'll tell you it's not about teaching them to do it correctly. Until you understand that you won't understand the role it plays in recovery.
  9. Actually sometimes the ends do justify the means. The problem using a term like that is it doesn't always apply. In this case there's a bigger picture which you apparently cant grasp.
  10. Oh yeah didn't think of that. The situations are a bit different, but they just may have been onto something. I say we start with the Harley riders as a test group.
  11. You're right and if none of them will follow what it says, ever, why would they follow anything? Lets just put them all on an island since none of them will never have any sense of clarity ever that may lead them to getting better. Once they die off we can move on to the next group.
  12. I'll say this...if they had it under control they wouldn't be using heroine to begin with. Those who use a drug like that are already making bad decisions. Next thing you know you've contracted hepatitis from someone who had it under control, because while shooting up they shared a needle just once.
  13. Once again it's not black and white. Use can can become worse leading down even worse paths especially if there are additional issues to deal with. Poor use can create these additional problems whether they be mental or physical. That one page is meant to help alleviate that so that seeking help and/or quiting is more likely. Also, heroine addicts aren't a closed system, they affect themselves and those around them. You might not even be able to tell if someone is one just by looking at them. They could be cooking your food, teaching our children, cleaning your teeth, having sex with you... Unless of course you watch too much TV and think they just crash out in drug houses and in hallways of run down apartment buildings...
  14. Because the other issues can hinder quiting...or worse.
  15. Once again the point is missed. It's not let me show you how to do it right, it's let me show you how to do this more safely so you don't die (or worse) before being able to quit. The whole context is seeking help, not making things worse and eventually quiting. It's not a since you're already doing it thing.
  16. and once again you also miss the point. The whole point of the pamphlet is stopping and to seek help. This page is added to help lessen other health risks that can compound issues while these people are to be seeking help. You realize are only looking at a single page of many right?
  17. You can make that claim about anything. Love the caps though, nice touch. If you didn't do such and such in the first place then such and such wouldn't be needed/happening..legal or illegal. Glad you live in a black and white world where most don't.
  18. No. Like I said it's ~1 page out of 10, it's about context. They have a large problem with heroine related illnesses/death and are trying to alleviate that. I don't care for the delivery of that page but in context it's not that bad.
  19. The point was merely taking a single page out of context of the whole pamphlet. Sex is legal and there are already pamphlets on safer sex.
  20. It's not a how to from scratch guide. It's a please do it safer guide in an attempt to lessen issues they commonly see with heroine users. The guide also encourages seeking help to quit, but I guess we can continue to concentrate on this one page. That's like reading one page from a self defense shooting manual that depicts the best placement for shots and claiming it encourages shooting or killing people.
  21. I don't think they are condoning it. I don't read it that way. You only see a single page out of ~10 in that article. If someone is going to use they are going to use and they certainly don't need a pamphlet to learn how to do it. They are going to learn/start from a dealer or other user.
  22. That's a bit of a leap. It's still illegal and I'm guessing there is more to the pamphlets, I'm too lazy to look at the moment. I will say they are a bit to simple or cartoonish in their delivery.
  23. Yeah I probably shouldn't laugh but :lol:
  24. I think you missed the point on both accounts. People do all sorts of stupid stuff, it's the reason abstinence only education doesn't work. The point is in saying if you are going to at least do or don't do this, this or that. Distraction of having to treat additional issues such as AIDS, infections, and whatever nastiness. Also, helping reduce the risk of passing said nasties to others. Needles users can look just like everyone else. There is a reason a slippery slope argument is considered a logical fallacy btw.
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