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Everything posted by fusion

  1. They average like $100k-$175k for the FMTV's. I think the Army is still in the middle of a major purchase of these. I'd be willing to bet that was increased with the Iraq and Afghanistan operations. If those cranes were bought new they can run as much as $375k a piece or more. My Aunt used to work at a factory that built mobile cranes.
  2. Come on. If a court ruled it was their duty they would probably get sued out of existence or out of being any worth at all. *can hear the comments now* They would get sued every time some one got robbed, mugged, injured, killed... and police weren't there to stop it.
  3. ..and that makes sense if you think about it. If they rule the other way it opens the doors to suing the police every time they aren't there to prevent something. I'm not sure that's a precedent anyone would really want set.
  4. You're all still worthless bitches
  5. I just lob grenades at would be attackers.
  6. Kicking is a valid strategy. Take his legs out from underneath him. Neither engaged early on and that drug it out. Kimbo showed improvement, but you would hope so with all the training he's been able to get the past few years. Houston Alexander isn't considered a great fighter so it really didn't say much about either. 20 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
  7. That's only the 720p version.
  8. I'll have to check both of those out. How much do they normally run?
  9. I'd like a smaller knife I can carry and I rather it be fixed blade, but I'm not sure convenient that would be.
  10. I'm willing to bet they were saying the same thing in their states as well when these laws were new.
  11. Holy crap, that really is awesome. Man that must have been a cool experience. They ever get aggressive?
  12. No I didn't. I actually bothered to read both articles. They ripped Bush in the first as much as they claimed 11,000 jobs was "a big improvement." in the second. They did neither. I guess the point is people like to make shit up? I should clarify the second sentence more, but people keep making me work. What are they thinking? I guess it is true though if you only read the headline meant to grab your attention and not bother to read through the articles. So you win, I'm busy.
  13. AMA probably isn't concerned because there are other states with the same or similar wording and strict enforcement without any issues. Parts of CA have units devoted to going after "street racers" and chirping your tires near them wouldn't make them bat an eye. Peeling out though will get your car taken and yes there's an obvious difference even my 9 yo could tell. I agree the language is a bit vague (and the punishment in some cases complete BS), but I'm willing to bet this is nothing new to the AMA. We are no where near the first state to use that kind of language.
  14. I think we've covered the whole unemployment as a lagging indicator thing already. Losing less jobs is an improvement and it may or may not be a big or little indicator. It's a slow, slow process.
  15. As long as you don't take your log to the dog while at the vet you should be A-OK.
  16. That they do. There's challenges on all sort of sites and most of them seem like fun. Thought it might be a good idea here since the number of shooters of all levels continues to grow here.
  17. Well that's good to hear. Still disappointed they didn't make it known especially you were putting forth all that effort to get him.
  18. Either they are trying to keep it or don't care if it gets put to sleep. A little harsh maybe, but the OP seemed a bit urgent. You would think they would be all over communicating with those willing to take the dog.
  19. What does everyone think about having a monthly photo challenge? Could be a great way to get shooting and see what others come up with. Sometimes figuring out what to shoot is a challenge in its self and seeing how others approach a topic is always interesting. Each month we can have a different topic or subject due by the end of that month. To start we can make it just as a goal for something to shoot and share. I think keeping critique out of it would be a good idea and best saved for the critique thread or starting your own.
  20. I spend way too much time there. I'm jfusion over there. What's everyone think about a monthly photo challenge? I won't make it so that its motorcycle specific every month so that it's easy to mix up. Of course any any ideas for monthly challenges would be great as well.
  21. The book is great and the way it's written is perfect for a beginner. On POTN this forum Know How: General Photography has a bunch of great threads. This thread from there Know How: General Photography Links has a ton of great resources for all sorts of things. There's a few links in the top section that should be good for beginning photographer info and even tutorials.
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