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Everything posted by 31rx7

  2. Shoot. This is a deal. My father in law would love one. How do I get one?
  3. Yes, it sounds kind of strange, but really looks pretty nice. I'd really like to move this as it takes up room in the garage. PM or email me an offer. Also, I am open for trades: - Bike stuff for my 75 CB750 and 75 GL1000 - Maybe some rider stuff? A jacket for my wife? - Guitars - Stereo stuff, especially a receiver newer than 1990 (mine is a vintage Marantz, circa 1974!) - Car stuff (05 Suburban, 00 S2000, 96 Neon, 90 Acclaim, 89 Civic) - ????
  4. WE ARE DEALING - MAKE AN OFFER - I WANT THIS GONE THIS WEEKEND This is a very nice full size bed. It is a high quality set, and an all steel design with decorative steel complimented with a canopy (no fabric but could be added). The finish is a natural steel finish with some oxidation designed into it and coated in a clear laquer to protect it. The bed is very sturdy as the frame itself and the canopy are each one piece. This was originally purchased at Macy's about five years ago. The original price was around $500. It is our daughter's but she has remodeled and it ended up in our garage. $125 / OBO. We would really like to sell it ASAP. Might be able to help with delivery. The bed is only four pieces (headboard, footboard, mattress frame, canopy frame) and each piece is fairly large so you will need a pickup truck for transport. *** Might be able to assist with delivery in the Hilliard / Dublin / Worthington / Arlington area for a small fee ***
  5. WE ARE DEALING - MAKE AN OFFER - I WANT THIS GONE THIS WEEKEND This is a very nice full size bed. It is a high quality set, and an all steel design with decorative steel complimented with a canopy (no fabric but could be added). The finish is a natural steel finish with some oxidation designed into it and coated in a clear laquer to protect it. The bed is very sturdy as the frame itself and the canopy are each one piece. This was originally purchased at Macy's about five years ago. The original price was around $500. It is our daughter's but she has remodeled and it ended up in our garage. $125 / OBO. We would really like to sell it ASAP. Might be able to help with delivery. The bed is only four pieces (headboard, footboard, mattress frame, canopy frame) and each piece is fairly large so you will need a pickup truck for transport. *** Might trade for parts for my vehicles, guitar, stereo equipment, digital video camera, etc. **** *** Might be able to assist with delivery in the Hilliard / Dublin / Worthington / Arlington area for a small fee *** http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r228/31rx7/Junk/CIMG2158.jpg http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r228/31rx7/Junk/CIMG2159.jpg http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r228/31rx7/Junk/CIMG2160.jpg
  6. The health care system in this country has evolved to the point that most family MD's just consider symptoms and treat them, and the specialists take only a narrow view of the patient from within their specialty. On top of that, the way insurance works doc's have to minimize patient time so they get paid so they have gotten in the habit to where they don't take time to really listen and discern what is going on. They just hear an answer and move on to the next question. What I might suggest is that you do some research on your own via WebMD or other resources to see what the collective symptoms might indicate. Then from there go to a doctor and have a more in depth conversation. There could be one, two, three or more factors at play, and none of them serious enough at the moment to make it evident what is really going on. I am BY FAR not a physician or even educated enough to diagnose, but when I read your post, I started thinking about things like: - What are your eating habits like? When do you eat? What do you eat? Do you stay hydrated during the day? Blood sugar variations produce some of the symptoms you describe. - What are your sleeping habits like? While I am a bit older than you, I find that lack of or great variation in my sleep pattern plays havoc with my system. A good doc should have asked you these kinds of questions. Accurate answers are important. Start keeping a notebook of when these symptoms occur and what yoou were doing / eating at that time. You can maybe develop a pattern that will clue a good doc in to what is going on. My parents have all sorts of issues, and if I have learned nothing else it's that we have to manage our own health issues because the docs aren't going to do it until we get really sick, and even then it is questionable. Be an educated health care consumer as much as possible.
  7. The higher rate springs will make a huge difference in ensuring that you maintain ground clearance, particularly with r compound tires.
  8. Flexible on price! Please don't make me send it to Evil-Bay!
  9. Particularly if you are going to do any track days. One off course at a place like Nelson or even Mid Ohio will bottom out your car and break things. Also, as you are likely aware, when you lower the car particulalrly more than an inch or so, you have to pay attention to many things in order to gain performance benefit from lowering. Things like bump steer, shock travel, bump stop clearance, etc. While lowering generally makes the car look better, if it isn't done in concert with other things it can actually have a detrimental impact on handling.
  10. Also open to trades for items that will work with my vehicles or stereo equipment.
  11. Crime Guard 745i4 Car Alarm / Keyless Entry unit, new in box with all instructions. My son bought this about 2 years ago from Crutchfield and never installed it. This is a nice unit with many features. Per the manufacturer: - A dual-zone shock sensor that detects violations around your car's interior and exterior. The sensor chirps when the vehicle's bumped and sets off the alarm with multiple bumps or an interior violation; - Glass-breakage detection for added property protection; - Two dual-zone impact sensor ports for more flexibility when setting up the system; - A powerful siren that warns of an intrusion; - A starter interrupt feature which prevents the starter from operating during unauthorized use - A patented databus port for easier integration with your car's electrical system. It comes with two remote control key fobs. You can read more about car alarms on Crutchfield's site. The installation instructions are really good. New price for this unit was $199.95. Would like to get $75 for it but will consider offers. Rich http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r228/31rx7/Junk/103.jpg http://i145.photobucket.com/albums/r228/31rx7/Junk/105.jpg
  12. Just like driving on the street...except that you are 100 mph, turning, downhill, on a 35 ft wide bumpy road. At least if you are doing it right.
  13. Now don't be too harsh on Matt. Most of us that road race are used to taking any twisted pile of junk and turning it into something that can be aligned (with coercion) and driven. Regarding the insurance, as mentioned elsewhere, if you can get something to document the value of the car over book, like receipts or sales of comparably modded Camaro's you might have a chance. My son's old Neon was totalled and they offered $2100 for it but I was able to get $2700 for it by showing the receipts from the added parts. Plus, it helped that it was an ACR version so if this one is an SS or 1LE or has any option combo that would make it special, see if you can show that.
  14. I always felt the broken asphalt at the apexes and generally bumpiness was part of the track's charm, kind of keeping with the agrarian nature of the rest of the facility.
  15. It was almost warm enough to ride today.
  16. Thanks to Derek and the guys at NTB downtown for hooking me up with a set of tires for my daughter's car. Great price and service! Rich
  17. Do you have the boot disk and all the manuals for it?
  18. Thanks. Will be in Tuesday morning around 10.
  19. I've known John since he autocrossed in the late '70's and early '80's. Good guy and nice family. His kid is pretty quick also. I've also known Randy for quite some time.
  20. Before shelling out for new tires, thought I would check to see if anyone here had a very good (at least 7/32" depth) to excellent set of tires. Looking for all season radials for a 1990 Plymouth Acclaim, 195/70-14 or 205/70-14. PM or email me. Thanks. Rich
  21. Both NASCAR and Drifting require a high level of skill but both are very lame. NASCAR has lost all its fire, and drifting, well, any sport that is judged can hardly be called a competition. I'd rather go to CMS or KC or Mid Ohio and watch the locals race.
  22. I have a pair of Hoosier 225/45-13 tires that have some life left in them that I thought somebody might be able to use. They are old - 4 years or more - and model A3S03. Tread depth is around 2/32". If not picked up within the next few days they go to the scrapper. I am in Hilliard, near St. Brendan's Church. Must be picked up. PM or email me. Rich
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