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Everything posted by 31rx7

  1. Contact TCR Group, 888-8100, ask for Phil. He always has cheap used tires around.
  2. 1 Set ACR Wheels from 1995 Neon, white. Very good shape. $125. 1 Set American Racing Wheels, 9 spoke, polished face with black accents in holes. The wheels everybody bought for autocrossing back in the day. Very good condition. $175. Both sets are 14x6, 5x100 bolt pattern, have some minor flaws but are very presentable. Will ship from Columbus, OH. I haven't weighed them yet for an estimate, but assume two 15" x 15" x 15" boxes at 30 lbs each per set (two wheels packed in each box. A picture of the American Racing rims are on http://www.cardomain.com/id/31rx7
  3. Nice neighborhood - I used to live there. Easy to get downtown or anywhere else for that matter.
  4. Buckeye, Sorry about your luck on this. I called Iggy and asked him to respond to the emails he received, at least to acknowledge them. Rich
  5. Not mine, belongs to a neighbor. 1995 Neon High-Line Sedan. SOHC, Five Speed, AC. One owner, metallic blue, 5 lug wheels. Somewhere around 100k miles. New clutch last year. Overall good shape for a daily driver, but has some minor issues. The car was involved in a minor accident that scuffed the rear bumper, and then bent the hood - easy to replace the hood and repaint rear bumper, or drive as is. Drives OK. He is asking $500 but open to offers. Would make a good beater / driver for somebody. Even good base for a race car... Contact Iggy at iggygalli@columbus.rr.com
  6. TCR Group - 614-888-8100. North end by High St. and I270. Ask for Phil.
  7. The Northend Wrench on Indianola, between Morse and Cooke roads. 263-4978. Dave will take a look at it.
  8. Ooh, you really hit a hot button with me! Please bear with me on this rant, as I have just spent the better part of a weekend organizing and boxing up and throwing away! I have been married to a wonderful woman for (coincidentally) over 23 years, and plan on staying married for another 50 or so, Lord willing. Her one flaw? She keeps EVERYTHING, valuable or not, for "...the memories". I love her dearly, but after 23 years of marriage, our house is full of crap. Our closets and cabinets are full. We have school papers from when the kids were in grade school - they are now 17 and 20. We have almost all their toys and games - most are broken and missing pieces. We have some of her grandmother's furniture - real junk that is pressboard with fake woodgrain. We have Christmas decorations that have not come out of boxes for years. And it goes on. Most of it ends up in the basement. It is not to the point where it is obsessive, but there are days I wonder! When ever she is gone for a few days, I go through and throw out stuff. She has yet to notice anything missing. Don't confuse keeping junk around with memories. At your age you have more to look forward to than to look behind on! Thanks for listening. It may have not done much for you, but I am much better now!
  9. I found this in my basement and the car is long gone. From a 1998 Sebring JXi - may fit other years but no guarantee! Gray in color. Good condition. Make offer - will ship if needed. PM me on this board or email rgrunenw@yahoo.com
  10. 1998 Chrysler Sebring JXi - White, Black Top, Grey cloth interior. 112k miles. 2.5l V6. I helped my daughter buy this car a year ago, and it was in excellent shape when she bought it, and had a clean history. However, she is in a financial bind and needs to sell it. Overall, it is in good to very good shape. Top is very good, overall body is good, mechanically it drives good. All accessories work fine. Issues I am aware of: - Will need new tires before winter - Front end shimmy at certain speeds. I thought it was the LF wheel bearing, and I replaced it. The shimmy lessened, but it still has it, so I suspect the RF wheel bearing. - Front bumper cover and hood have minor damange from parking lot incident. Both can be repaired. The hood is slightly out of alignment. - Drivers seat is dirty; should be able to be cleaned. - Alloy wheels have corrosion on them; should be able to be cleaned up. Asking price is $3,000 - way below book value - but she really needs to sell ASAP. This is a deal for somebody who can give it a little TLC. Located in central Ohio. I would buy it myself but I already have 6 cars...and only a 2 car garage! rgrunenw@columbus.rr.com
  11. Now on eBay. Item number: 4562844806 http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/MAZDA-RX7-GS-Adult-Owned-History-Appropriate-Mods_W0QQitemZ4562844806QQcategoryZ6327QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  12. Please email pics. rgrunenw@columbus.rr.com Thanks!
  13. Thanks! Believe it or not, I am in sales, and have consistently found total honesty is the best policy. I really want this car to go to a good home.
  14. Hood is in fair condition. Wheel is 15x7 or so alloy with tire. Come pick this stuff up. Goes in the trash on July 19. PM or email at rgrunenw@columbus.rr.com
  15. Thanks. I really hate to sell her, but could use the cash and storage.
  16. Great car. Was well maintained and mods were done correctly. Red. Weber, Racing Beat Exhaust, Eibach, etc. For all the details, go to: http://columbus.craigslist.org/car/82638658.html For pics, go to: http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/rgrunenw/my_photos I am asking $4500 for everything. Final price is dependent on the combination of spares, rims, carb setup, etc. For example, I would sell the car for significantly less if I put the stock carb back on, stock rims, and kept the spares for myself. The ad on craiglist is pretty descriptive. I can also email the same info to you. I will be a the Arthritis Foundation Car show this Friday and Saturday with it if you want to see it. Rich
  17. 31rx7

    FREE Parts

    NOS50: emailed you. I should be home all day Sunday.
  18. 31rx7

    FREE Parts

    Infiniti J30 hood: scratched with some minor creases that will need filled. Burgundy paint. 1986 Mazda RX7 15" rim. Five lug. With tire that holds air. Please don't ask for photos or shipping - this is a way low effort deal! email rgrunenw@columbus.rr.com
  19. Hood from Inifiniti J30. Fits all years. Burgundy metallic paint. Fair condition; many scractches and some minor dings / dents. Could easily be refinished. Needs to GO! $50 / OBO.
  20. 31rx7

    WTB 6x9's

    I have a pair of brand new Jensen's. $20 cheap enough? rgrunenw at columbus.rr.com
  21. From a '91 Sentra SER with 6k of racing / street miles on it. Minor rust on flywheel from basement flood last week. Please email rgrunenw@columbus.rr.com
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