Threads like this is what gets us through the winter. Very serious business for sure. Scottie, Maybe the thing to do is let this thread die. Its cool that you went and rode when there was snow on the ground. The first winter I had my bike I was out riding as long as the roads were dry. But after being uncomfortable, accelerating my chances of getting a cold, salty roads, and less available traction I will not get back on my bike until it is over 50 degrees again. If a motorcycle is your only means of transportation then by all means ride year round. Personally I like keeping my bike nice and do not want to take un necessary chances in having an accident. Body work is way to expensive to be replacing. The more you keep replying to this thread the more crap you are going to get. The people that I personally know giving you shit in this thread are good people and only giving crap when you make comments like kicking sideways at 140 mph. Maybe I should even be posting in this thread because of my business. Just let it die and people will stop giving you a bunch of shit.