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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. so it may have been my fault. they assured me nothing changes with the software updates they just add new bikes to it. so he walked me through it. I thought i had my kill switch in the run position. on the new R1 the kill switch is also the starter button. it has off, run and push it to start. I thought it it didn't matter which position it was in so the code 50 was because of that. once I got that figured out another code came up for the exup servo. on the new R1 you cannot access any of the menus unless you clear the codes. so thank god I never threw out my servo motor. I had to take some of the bike apart to get to the wiring i tucked up. once plugged in and erased the bike flashed normally. I really thought it was fucked up. it would be nice if woolich opened up their forums. this could have been posted and saved others a headache if they did this little oversight of the kill switch on the R1.
  2. stop hiring the cheap guys. when someone low balls the hell out of a job that means they don't know what they're doing.
  3. I'm not good with inspiring words. but I wish you all the best.
  4. kind of makes ya proud to be a buckeye for once https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/490114-fda-approves-mask-sterilization-technology-promoted-by-trump
  5. buy bridgestone. be the envy of your friends
  6. look up rotor hone http://www.brushresearch.com/brushes.php?c1=6
  7. I can't believe what you did to that guy. you ruined his whole life
  8. man guys, I really can't recommend this company to anyone. I just tried to flash my bike and now the ecu seems to be screwed up from the new software update. has fault code 50 that means faulty memory in ecu. I hope to god it didn't fry it. I cannot erase it in diagnostic mode so that means whatever is wrong is now permanent. I can't access the menus or settings. it's basically bricked. now I just got to wait till they respond to a support ticket again and wait till they find a fix with a new update I guess. I wish there was a way to roll back this software update.
  9. someone beat me to it. now i got my eye on this, look at this monster garage lol https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/5145-Murray-Corner-Rd-Fayetteville-OH-45118/91952114_zpid/ I just don't really want a project right away. the house looks like a modular home and kind of run down. I don't mind fixing things as I do a lot of construction type jobs anyway but when you have to move into something tore up it's a pain in the ass. I want to move in and settle for a while. the first thing i'd do is replace all carpet. right off the bat that's a few grand.
  10. so I took a ride out to this place today. I can see why it's been up for sale for 5 1/2 months. first of all the owner is letting a construction co use the garage and they have it a mess. excavating and dump trucks have the driveway all torn up. other equipment all over the property. the one garage door has been smashed into with something big. I'm going to assume they have the interior a mess as well now. I noticed at the driveway going into the garage there is a drain going under the road to the property across the street. it literally has about 3 feet of standing water in the yard. so there is some kind of drainage issue going on. the pipe comes over into the property for sale. and there is a large 4foot diameter black pipe sticking up out of the ground about a foot. I assume its full of water. then the roof of the house has been patched 20 times by someone that doesnt know how to install metal roofing. some of it is lifting up at the gutters. the ridge of the gable has a significant dip in it. so it has some kind of structure issues in the attic. I'm sure it's a modular home now looking that close. the deck outside the rear door has a tarp over it for some reason. the front of the house there is now a large propane tank which wasn't there when the realtor took the pics. on the county auditor site the property shows the house has it's own address and so does the garage. so I'm sure there's some kind of extra property tax shit going on. it shows the annual taxes for each place is 1180 a year. so I figure double that is what I'll pay. which is about the norm everywhere else. there is a about a 12'x12' billboard erected with poles in the property too advertising state farm insurance. it's a significant structure with lighting on it. meant to be permanent. now, I wouldn't mind letting it stay if I got paid for it. a half page add in a reach magazine is 1200 a month. i figure that billboard is worth at least $3000 a month. if they want to pay me they can leave it. then I will have a free place to live. there's a reason the place has been for sale for so long. I also noticed the realtor took pics of a fully stocked kitchen. well if you read the listing closer it doesn't come with anything in the garage or the refrigerators. the owners seem scammy to me. I'll get my realtor to ask about the billboard, if they pay me what I want for it then I'll take the house since I can pay the mortgage with the billboard money.
  11. all the nice inexpensive houses are way out in the boonies lol. you get a ton of house for half what they go for closer to the city
  12. it's more than 5 miles past where I live. the miles from work to that place is 55. where I live now to work is 34. however because the highways are always backed up it does take me 60 mins to get to work most of the time. where that other place is is way out on 2 lane roads. hence why google maps says it's 1 hr 4 mins. and I have to drive way out of the way because theres no straight path to work from there. I want to live there because its way out in the country. I don't have to listen to assholes car stereos, their annoying kids, I can make all the noise I want without bugging anyone, I have a place for a trailer(even indoors), lots of room for cars, bikes, my RC planes. and to kick it all off, I can get in there for under $1k a month. it's only $129,000 http://home-for-sale-cincinnati.ownerland.com/idx/details/listing/a079/1634133/7544-Fenner-Lane here's my drive though,
  13. on the other hand, if you keep your bike nice it makes you take less stupid risks....
  14. I wanna know is it louder than shingles when it's raining.
  15. so how far would you be willing to travel every day 2 times a day 5 days a week for a perfect house? I found one in my price range that I can't get out of my head. the problem is it's 58 mins away from my job. it has a 64x42 workshop with living quarters. offic, full bath, kitchen, livingroom. I could run a shop out of it like the old owner who painted cars there. it's so Fing cool. but I already drive 48 mins and it's killing me. my company pays for my gas but their van gets 12mpg so they just let me fill my truck up to compensate me since everyone else lives closer and gets to take the van home. I don't even care about the house lol I just want the garage. I'm seriously considering putting an offer on this place even though it's so far away. who else would do it?
  16. just don't buy shit like heroic that's made in pakistan. not worth the price. if you have a odd body shape or want a proper fit at all, I would only suggest custom leathers. vanson or syed. both made in usa. barnacle bill will not make you one. I've asked him several times and he's always too busy. so I gave up. don't cheap out on your gear. I've learned it's better to pay more now than a lot later or again too soon. for boots I would only suggest something with great ankle support. if it doesnt have it don't buy it.
  17. don't be a cheapskate. lol my bike uses 4.5qts. so I have to buy 5. you only need to change it once a year because it's so good. remember this oil is 100% real synthetic with no petroleum additives. most commercially available so called full synthetic oils on the market are in fact not synthetic oil at all. it's just highly refined more than standard oil. you're not getting what you pay for. and what do they want for it? $11 a qt. I sent a sample of motul 300v in to blackstone and paid for the TBN test. it will tell you how long the oil is good for. 12 months of use and it was still above where they said most oils start off.
  18. I bought my bike a serta dual pillow top perfect sleeper.
  19. shit dude I was quoted 2300 a year on my R1. I can thank all the Dbags that get a rock chip and need a new set of fairings or leave it outside to get stolen or do wheelies down the highway and run from the cops. remember, we pay the price for their ways.
  20. so, they finally got a lawyer to respond. so, basically, its all my fault so they increased the deactivation time from 3 months to 12. and whined this will open them up to attacks. lol. wtf. it's still bullshit they don't tell you any of this before you buy it. as far as i'm aware there is no mention of this limitation in any documents on their website. the whole blaming me thing is ridiculous. and i will not recommend this brand to anyone.
  21. i'm honestly surprised some of you guys are so easily hypnotised by a conman. I figured you guys were a lot smarter than this. just because he's a republican? this should tell you something about how well his economy is doing... it's like putting flex seal on a ship haul https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/fed-repo-injects-another-75-billion-into-market-4th-day-2019-9-1028541586
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