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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. my buddy here in cincinnati got a letter from the city stating he has to pay a contractor to fix the sidewalk. he is not allowed to do it himself. he basically told them to fuck off and has never fixed it. that was 2 years ago.
  2. the Z06 corvette with 550 hp still gets better gas mileage than a suv with a v8. (no gas guzzler tax) aerodynamics play a huge role in a cars fuel mileage. the gov is fucking dreaming if they think every car/truck/suv can get 54. ain't going to happen going downhill and with the wind. even toyota was sued by a lady over their fuel mileage claims on her hybrid. it only gets about 28mpg or something like that.
  3. I'm not apposed to the electric bike idea. after all if you don't at least do it you'll never know what the negatives are about it. and some good can come from it I'm sure. but I used to use the cordless tools at work but I soon went back to the corded tools after I delt with expensive replacement batteries. it's not worth it in the long run to use cordless tools. I can't see an electric vehicle doing any better in the long run than just using a internal combustion engine with an alt fuel other than gasoline or diesel. the batteries are going to run dead way too often. hell look how many people have dead batteries in their cars now that don't use the battery for anything other than starting it. and they're mostly at $100 now. even 12 years ago an expensive battery was $70. now $100+ is the norm. I can't fathom a whole bank of batteries it takes to power a car isn't going to cost you the equivelent of a new car. I can see how the car companies would like this idea. everyone's going to need a new car in 4-5 years whent the $10k batteries are dead. the one good thing i can think of with an electric car is no need for all the over complicated sensors and computer systems to run the internal combustion engine. so working on an electric car would be as easy as using a multimeter and some wrenches.
  4. that's just a little itty bit of a head shake. nothing to get excited over. a bike will always correct itself from a head shake.
  5. that looks slow as hell after seeing what bikes are doing. as for the suspension. I would imagine they don't even bother doing anything other than the sag. there is just way too much going on there it's probably a waste of time to try.
  6. check out the frigging dip in this bend http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21sXWXVBTZM&feature=related
  7. hell maybe you're right. I was looking through isle of man videos and this one was in the search results. come to think of it I don't recall seeing this on the onboard videos.
  8. I'd shoot kenny chesney over a kenny chesney tune. country music makes my ears bleed
  9. waiting for the day I get pulled over for my helmet being too dark and no seatbelt
  10. how do you put a "restraint" on someone on a motorcycle again? this cop and the people reporting the story are all idiots.
  11. this just might be #1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvM3jvT-1jI&feature=related
  12. make it run on water then you'll be a god. btw I might be interested in some of your spare parts. the lack of engine sound makes me giggle http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqqpHGExEAs
  13. well that and there are more out in the boonies roads to ride on that twist and turn and all that good stuff.
  14. yeah man I hate to be a dick about it but $1k isn't going to get you anything worth the gun powder to blow it up.
  15. well if my dog isn't smart enough to run out with me then I guess it was meant to be. lol but I'd grab my new TV of course.
  16. looks like that site has a history of making up shit like fox news does. pat dollard is a very outspoken anti obama critic and very conservative film maker. and that site has some very questionable stories. almost looks like a news spoof site like the onion but less obvious. there seems to be tons of anti-obama stories that seem way far fetched to be taken serious. I really hope none of you get your news from a place like that.
  17. dude I tried to watch that last night and couldn't make it past the first 25 min. now I see what my parents were always talking about:lol:
  18. some dude on www.sportbikes.net made that I think. he made a few other ones about other members on the site too.
  19. good luck hoblick. just remember to keep up on your taxes. ohio makes you file 2 times a year fyi.
  20. welcome to the site. I live in bridgetown. we're neighbors. you'll have to check out ky if you like to ride. that's where all the good roads are around here.
  21. just look up welding supplies here I"ll help you. www.yp.com
  22. DVD's are such a huge waste of money. I can't think of anything worse to spend money on. if they were all $5 then ok. but damn some are $20 or more.
  23. I hope ben proves all the haters wrong. I think he has what it takes to win in motogp.
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