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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. some people forget things really quickly and are easily persuaded into believing anything. they are called republicans. do I think obama is a stand out great pres so far? not really. but I hope the road he's paving is the high road. only time will tell. bush was a ultimate failure by all means. and honestly probably the worst pres our country has ever had. he was a puppet of a party that is out of touch with reality. if you do a little research of some of the crooked things he did you'd be singing a different tune. just for one example watch the documentary called "enron, the smartest guys in the room" you know who was in bed with those guys? bush was. and told california to deal with the blackouts on their own when it's the fed gov job to do so. why? because good ol bush and ken lay were good friends and business partners. republican voters preference for emotional engagement over reasonable argument has allowed the Republican Party to blind them to their own real interests. take health care for example. In Texas, where barely two-thirds of the population have full health insurance and over a fifth of all children have no cover at all, opposition to the legislation is currently running at 87% the ones who think it is socialist, godless, a step on the road to a police state - are often the ones it seems designed to help. it blows my mind that many of America's average citizens have a deep emotional attachment to a party that serves the interests of its richest.
  2. the tax and permit thing are local laws. some places have them some don't. I found out about it from a neighbor. the city came to their yard sale and asked for their permit. what a fucking crock of bullshit that is. if you have a permit for something like that the tax people know about it. if you have work done they send a person out to do a property tax evaluation. any way they can steal a buck from you they will
  3. the job stuff is so fucking true. all joking aside, those really are true.
  4. I know someone that used to pull the old kill switch hit on you as he came past you. usually at traffic lights n such but it was always good for a little laugh.
  5. there's no jokes about harley that don't have some truth to it.
  6. you know how many times the guys on rides I've been on needed a frigging tool but they remove their tool sets so it' make their bike "lighter" fucking nimrods. they can't even ride the bike to 30% of it's limits but remove a 2lb tool set to make it faster. well your bike is faster mr.dumbass with it's brake caliper bolts hanging out and you have no way of tightening them. this discovered after his awesome show off 100+mph run. let me get my yamaha tool kit out for you mr.rossi on your race bike that's 2lbs lighter. lol
  7. this post just proves you are so young and naive. you should really stop posting these since it's obvious you are uneducated about the subject at hand and you're trolling for argument sake. they've always taxed your tips. long before you were a twinkle in your daddy's eyes. oh and guess what, did you know you are supposed to apply for yard sale permits so they can tax your earnings? look it up. the gov taxes your taxes too. that's why I think it's great so many people stay on unemployment right now. it's a big fuck you to the gov. for years and years people are taxed to death it's about time they get what's rightfully theirs.
  8. unfortunately it's going to take a lot longer than a year or two or probably even 4 years for the dust to settle on this one. it's going to be more like 10 years, that's what the economist are predicting. your boy elroy and the republican ideology of unregulated greed let it get fucked up that badly. the republican's response was to sit on their hands watch the economy tank.
  9. that makes perfect sense to use the first letter of the word. I do remember that from the day I did with them. but it's just common sense to me that I is intermediate. and for riders that have done a few track days and can pace fast enough.
  10. the short version works better. lengthy isn't always better. 1/2 a movie ends up on the editing floor for a reason. I lost all engagement in the joke from reading the lengthy responses. made it far less funny.
  11. my friend owns a used car lot and it's been so dead this last few weeks he's getting worried about paying his bills. started off this year selling 15 cars a week. now he's lucky to sell 1. the economy is over.
  12. I always assumed b and intermediate are the same thing. a being advanced/race group b being intermediate. above average street riders with some track experience and c being beginners average to slow street riders with no track experience I'm in the same boat as you. I decided to get in the advanced racer group and I was keeping pace with 80% of the other guys. it's still a track day. the pace isn't anywhere near a race pace. I can tell by your video you'll be just fine. but expect the unexpected pass. since this group is pretty much no rules on passing. oh and nice sig. lol.
  13. he's raising money for the terrorists memorial that died heroically flying planes into buildings. rush limbaugh is my only source of info.
  14. this stuff is fantastic, the kit includes everything you need to clean and seal a tank. http://www.kbs-coatings.com/KBS-Cycle-Tank-Sealer-Kit_p_31.html you should be able to find it locally from a auto paint supply store.
  15. no way gravel and sand is a million times softer than the grass. bikes rarely get really messed up in gravel and sand. natedog you obviously haven't been down yet lol I'd rather take spill on the track surface than in the grass. the grass makes you tumble and that's when things get broken. such as your arms n legs.
  16. this is why sand/gravel and lots of run off are important. vir has played host a lot of crashes lately. including that guy that was killed as another rider (who was 12 years old) hit him.
  17. only gay guys have washboard abs. so don't freak out, unless that's your thing and all. and that's cool. this is 2010 so you're accepted unless you want to hang out. then I don't like gay guys. no jews either.
  18. holy fucking 20 mins of loading that pos website....
  19. why do rich people that don't need social security still cash their checks?
  20. don't assume it's just a simple stuck cable problem. I've seen brake shoes come off of the back plates on drum brakes and lodge themselves inside the drum. Dodge neons are notorious for this. if you have disk brakes on the rear wiggle the cable around. this often frees them up.
  21. what makes them so different? I would imagine the variable length intake track being a bigger problem than the fly by wire throttle. hell almost all cars since 03 have had this on them.
  22. did you see what snow blowers were bringing back in the winter? you could buy them new for the same price these dicks were asking for shit that has been sitting for 30 years collecting dust. americans are greedy opportunists.
  23. when mine started doing that the evaporator was leaking freon. it was freezing over and the thawing of the ice is what was running out. you don't even want to know how much it costs to have fixed. but you might want to have someone check it out. pull your panel off and if you have ice all over your coils..expect it to be leaking freon. it's expensive as hell. you could simply have a clog in the drain too.
  24. besides, he said it's a 1997. I've never seen a V6 in one. V8 or I6 yes.
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