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Everything posted by serpentracer

  1. still no one has ever proven they work. you can't always feel a unbalanced tire. hell I seen a guy riding down the highway one day with his front tire bouncing off the ground. he just happen to exit at the same exit as I. so I mentioned it to him and he was shocked that it was doing so and said he couldn't feel it. that just proves you can't feel it. but your suspension can. put a tire on a balancing machine with them in there and video tape it balancing itself. it's that simple. then post it all over the internet to prove they work. why hasn't anyone especially innovative balancing.com done this? until then, I still call it snake oil.
  2. I think people are confusing the liquid balancing stuff with the dynabeads. metzeler's site clearly says "liquid balancer". it's all in Theory. which sounds wonderful. of course it does when the seller tells you about them. lol but I want to see a tire on a balance machine balance itself.
  3. here's another person claiming he's a engineer. and pretty much said what I was saying. I'm a mechanical engineer and here's what I know about the physics involved. As the wheel spins, the beads are going to be propelled outwards via centrifugal force. If there is any one spot on the inside of the tire that is further away from the center (axle in this case), that is where the beads would end up. Given the modern tire manufacturing makes for are very uniform tire, I don't think there is such a spot, unless it's a really cheap, crappy tire. (On a side note, modern tires are so well made that when you change a tire, you can typically leave the wheel weights on and it'll be very well balanced as the wheels are more out of balance than the rubber. It's been discussed at length here. Do a search). Now, if there is indeed an out of balance situation, the heavy spot on the tire is going to cause that spot to be pulled a little further away from the axle via the same centrifugal force and the beads will want to settle there thus increasing the out of balance situation. The physics of the system dictate that the beads should make the balance situation worse. On bigger vehicles, like trucks, the insanely huge mass of the tires is such that the beads have little noticable effect. I think that those who swear by them are suffering from the placebo effect. On a motorcycle, where the rotational mass is less and if the tires are perfectly (or very nearly so) round, my guess is that the beads distribute themselves pretty evenly as the tire gets up to speed and provide virtually no effect one way or the other.
  4. here's one good question I think we should all be asking, if it truly worked, why doesn't Ford or Chevy or Honda or BMW come with Dynabeads? If they could get rid of all the cost of balancing tires and wheels in an assembly plant, and replace it with a squirt or two of these magic beads don't you think they would?
  5. I'm not going to sit here and tell you guys they do not work. frankly I can't. but I'd rather know my tire is balanced. sure, the weight kind will get off and might need redone every 1k miles. but I know when I put it on my bike it's not going to be off. what I'd really like to see is a tire on a good balance machine. one that does static balance and dynamic balance and see if they really do work. because you could add weights on the rim and the beads should counter that right? someone needs to do this. lol then I'll use them if it works because in theory they sound like the ideal thing. as long as they can work in hard acceleration, stopping, and directional changes what if you get headshake, will the beads make it worse? these things are so new they haven't been proven in my eyes yet.
  6. actually if you search the net long enough you will find people finding these things glued themselves in place around the inside of the tire. http://www.vtxoa.com/forums/showthread.php?t=246602 there are several more examples. looks like using them in a metzeler also voids the warranty http://www.hdforums.com/forum/general-harley-davidson-chat/509776-new-metzelers-w-dyna-beads-voids-warranty-want-opinions.html
  7. so what if you put 2 ounces of them in a tire that is already perfectly balanced? it's going to be out of balance right? besides, I've never had to use more than 3-4 1/4oz weights on any tire. adding 2oz just for the hell of it sounds like a lot. and the last time I checked a physics book, when something is spinning you want the counter weight on the opposite side..the beads will seek the heavy spot thus making it heavier. there is a thing called gravity at play. you put a weight in a out of balance spinning object it's going to the heavy spot.
  8. only in theory. you never know if they are working or not.
  9. who wants some fresh snake oil? get your snake oil here! I don't know about you guys, but I'd rather KNOW my tires are balanced than HOPE they are.
  10. no they had a sale by my house...I win! (I'm only kidding) eg, fucking with isaac's papa.
  11. I hate to repeat myself but your bike...get used to everything falling apart lol. I had one..got rid of it before it hit 20 miles lol. I fixed about 8 things on it at that point. from a leaking carb to broken screws and rotted away rubber parts/hoses. yes, before it hit 20 miles.
  12. wow I just got the same one from home depot for $35
  13. you are going to have an extremely hard time getting any parts for a rocketa especially that one. I couldn't get anything from anywhere for mine. if it's the one like I had. I had a 2007 with the big diameter gold forks that look like they are nice but are junk. lol. that bike was the biggest pile of poop I ever seen. everything made of rubber including all the hoses rotted away in 2 years. every bolt needed loctite which they didn't use, some of them even broke just by trying to thead them in (seat and tank etc) and it leaked fuel because the float in the carb wasn't adjusted correctly from the factory. even the rear brake locked up on me once. and this thing only had 15 miles on it when I got rid of it for $600. I had to give it away practically. sorry to rip on your bike dude but it's a big pile of junk. this is the one I had, http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.curtismall.net/scooters/products_pictures/roketa-db-27a-110cc-dirt-bike-320.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.curtismall.net/scooters/index.php%3FproductID%3D27&usg=__3uVGAD-ElCc0OJ6CTpe9mBxs42Q=&h=383&w=320&sz=51&hl=en&start=6&sig2=ZNAqnLSNPaWeTkc0laKoCw&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=zTLLPny7j-70WM:&tbnh=123&tbnw=103&prev=/images%3Fq%3D2007%2Broketa%2B200%2Bdirt%2Bbike%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rls%3Dcom.microsoft:en-us%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=U1gZTLmzC8H7nAfyxK2oCg
  14. toyota...moving forward even if you don't want to...bada bing!
  15. he was just practicing his fence jumping skills...get it? fence jumping skills...
  16. if you make a good product, people will buy it. people want cheap prices and then bitch it turns out to be a piece of shit. take harbor freight tools for example. you know why snapon and craftsman tools are more expensive? they are better tools. not so much they pay the workers more. and lets not get into the government and how efficient they are. there are thousands of examples of government work that is done very well. military, the DOT, army corp of engineers, USDA, FDA, FCC, etc etc. ok back on topic, Police cars. I say they need little slow ass cars so they can't catch anyone.
  17. I was wondering if you knew I was kidding.
  18. hey now, you race in novice clases for 600's on a 750 and finish 4th out of 5 others hot shot.
  19. cincy is a mecca of riders. you'll find plenty of us. and we have some nice roads down in KY to ride on... not everyone hangs out on this forum. there are a few other ones too. localriders.com and assfaultjunkies. (yes they spell it ass faultjunkies LOL) don't know why. but they have a huge squiddy member base. not all of them are that way but a lot of them seem to be. and localriders are a bunch of old men who bitch all the time. lol I used to meet up with a bunch of guys down at the AA shell in wilder KY. it's a mile south of 275. which is about a mile west of 471. so its not real far away. they used to meet every sunday around 11am. I haven't been down there since last fall so I don't know who or if anyone still shows up. if you ever want to go pm or email me. I'm always down for a ride. I live on the west side of cincy. we have a few good roads around close too. the KY rides take a few hours. you'll be out till 3-4pm depending how far everyone feels like going. but it's a good time. plenty of good roads
  20. yeah you ride all the in-town boring shit. sometimes I do too but it's not worth writing about.
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