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Everything posted by gaewsky1

  1. I just used it last week on my Accord that had a few chips on the front bumper and key scratches by the door lock. Overall I give it a grade of A. It completely took care of the key scratches, so good that you couldn't even tell they were there. I will say I tried to cover the scratches up with OEM paint bought from Honda and it looked like sh!t compared to the DrColorchips product. The few chips I had on my bumper were covered up nicely but you could still tell it was chipped at some point. I guess its more for protection than anything else. The product is very easy to use and clean up. I wouldn't hesitate to use the product again on any of my cars. (I meant to take pics of the process but forgot and have since then sold my Accord.)
  2. To those who have done it, where is a clear walkthrough including all files found? THX.
  3. If they don't do it you can still get the car seat really tight with the buckle. If you want professional help take it to one of your local fire dept and they usually have someone trained to install them correctly. Here is a list of some of them: http://safekidscentralohio.org/Upcoming%20Events.htm
  4. gaewsky1


    Its still available. I have someone possibly interested on Kahrtalk for $125 shipped. If someone buys it local, I'll sell it for $120.00 which would be my lowest price.
  5. Like everyone else said get a 10/22. Bought my wife one and it shoots great. There are so many options to add/change. Its also nice because I can take my 8 yr old son to the range and he has fun shooting it.
  6. gaewsky1


    Any reasonable offers?
  7. http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/60VHxs/:1RJeqZ-Jd:44sL_otW/www.autosalon-singen.de/_virtueller_Rundgang/tourdaten_fuer_website/tour_en.html/
  8. Looks great, and like said above, that last picture is awesome.
  9. Are there any night time hours, or is it all daytime? Would they allow 4 10 hour days? Wouldn't matter what days. Reason I ask is my wife is a nurse and works 3 12's. She usually works the weekend and then picks up a weekday. If I could work 4 10's then we wouldn't have to find childcare for one day. Just curious. Thanks.
  10. That looks really good!:fuckyeah: I know its a different beast than the Suby but how do you like driving it? I know gas mileage is better but do you miss the turbo (larger engine/turbo)? edit: forgot it was turbo diesel.
  11. Go with the 3/4ths. I have 5/8ths on the bottom of our shed and it is pretty bouncy when I walk on it.
  12. 204.4 at the half mile! Wow. I like the paint job too. Would like to see pics of that.
  13. Kind of like Ford's Friends and Family discount. They give you a low price (sometimes) plus you get all the incentives and I think the paperwork/doc fee is capped at $75.00. By searching it seems that it may be possible to get a lower price than the X plan but using the plan gets you there right off the bat in negotiating.
  14. Thanks for the info. Looking possibly at a 2013 Mustang Performance white or Kona Blue, V6, Auto, Performance Package and Tech Package. Basically for my wife but something I could still have some fun in. (if it was mine it would be V8 manual). I also see if I join a few clubs I can get the PIN too. What dealer do you work for?
  15. Has anyone used the X plan before? Did it save you more money than talking down the price yourself? I model year 2013 is out can it be used on a new 2012? Did you know the person who gave you the PIN or did you work something out with the salesperson? Can I get the plan if I own Ford stock? Thanks.
  16. You really can feel it kick in:fuckyeah::lolguy:
  17. Try some grass fed Bison. Delicious.
  18. Cool just wish I had a cool car to bring:(. I also like the video on the C&C website.
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