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Everything posted by Howabusa

  1. Did we run off Tonik? Haven’t seen him on here in a while.
  2. I live close to the Delaware range. I haven’t seen it open in a while.
  3. Sounds like your younger girlfriend is wearing you out. Lol
  4. Welcome! I am between Marion and Cardington.
  5. You can’t, it’s who you are!
  6. I have the same setup on my Bell Qualifier helmet. I am very happy with it.
  7. Wish that you could block people on here.
  8. Too cold for me to be riding!
  9. I miss Pauly the motorcyclist. Nothing stays the same.
  10. It is looking pretty cool next weekend.
  11. It will be 4 weeks Friday. She is doing well and improves everyday. The pain is down to just 3 or 4 pills a day.
  12. There were 2 Morgan deputies in the car. One of them training. The older cop said, he could have got you for Reckless op. that’s 6 points. Thank you!!!
  13. I agree! 24 over and only $111.
  14. Paid it at clerks office in McConnellsville.
  15. I just go a speeding ticket on 78 outside McConnellsville. Paid $111! 79 in a 55, could have got me for reckless op. They didn’t! 2 Morgan county deputies. Fuck! I was overdue, never had a ticket on the bike, ever!
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