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Everything posted by Howabusa

  1. This hating everyone and everything is not really amusing anymore. Just saying.
  2. 555 was closed south of 669. I ended up on a lot of roads that I haven’t been on in a while. 676, 313, 284, 666, 79 and 541. It was one of those ride where it felt perfect. I was hitting it so hard that I got 35 mpg for most of the ride. Total of 340 miles. Another 300 and I will have 80,000 miles on the FJR.
  3. I am not sure how much riding I will get to do with my new job. Taking a ride tomorrow down to Zanesville. Picking up 555 and riding it to 7. Jumping on 339 and running it up to 676. 676 to 555, then south to 550 and heading west on it. Start heading north towards home.
  4. I did get unemployment for a few months. I was actively seeking jobs. Then the state decided that I shouldn’t have got unemployment. I owe the state $3550 for what they gave me. Fuck the state of Ohio!
  5. I haven’t been looking for a job for a while. My wife is a RN and is a Director of Nursing over a 75 bed facility. In other words she is making a lot of money.
  6. Welcome to the OR circus
  7. I am going back to work after 2 years and 8 months of unemployment. Going to be driving vans for PTI shuttling train crews around the state. I start training Thursday. Going for a long ride tomorrow!
  8. Howabusa

    Hey Tpoppa

    Bam bam moved to Washington and went to work for Microsoft. If I remember correctly. Pauly still has contact with him, I think. I am also an old core guy.
  9. Howabusa

    New Bike

    He posted what he got in his first post. What is it with you and these contests? Grow up, old man!
  10. Howabusa

    New Bike

    What? Are you drunk already?
  11. Howabusa

    New Bike

    Supercharged sport tourer, that sounds like fun! Congrats!
  12. So, September 14 the wife has to have total knee replacement. They will be putting in a titanium knee. This came as a shock to both of us. Never expected this! This is long past getting old! We have been dealing with this since last September, when she injured her knee. We pretty much have no life!
  13. Sounds like you are enjoying that new Ducati, LOL.
  14. Where are you heading? I was thinking of moving from deer to whales!
  15. Good luck with getting everything sorted out. I know that when I traded my Busa for my 2009 FJR I wasn’t unhappy with the power of the FJR.
  16. Talking tires, I really like the PR3 rear that I got from PJ. I don’t like the PR4s, but this PR3 feels good and is wearing really well.
  17. I thought it was T30, T30 GT, and T30 Evo?
  18. Driving the wife up to her monthly meeting in Mayfield Heights tomorrow. Her knee is getting worse. She has another month before her surgery. Thinking about checking out Nelson Kennedy ledges. I will have a few hours to kill while she is at her meeting.
  19. I got a new T30 Evo Bridgestone front tire at IP. They are on clearance, $114.
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