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Everything posted by BDBGoalie

  1. Open carry does offer significant tactical advantages. An open strong side holster is much faster to bring the weapon out. It allows the shooter to never worry about clearing a shirt out of the way when drawing. You get you weapon on target faster because it is smoother to draw. It is also easier to reholster in most cases. That being said, I still don't Open Carry due to the attention and the loss of my tactical advantage I have when my carrying status is unknown. But I've said that before.
  2. Interesting. I've never looked into the company because I don't like kydex holsters. I always had thought the name was a reference to the different materials. That being said, i despise organized religion. Having your own beliefs is great, and I support that. Preaching about those beliefs or thinking that others are wrong for not thinking the same way is just retarded. So religious icons/affiliation on products/services is something I always avoid. Just like I refuse to support businesses that prohibit firearms. However, everyone has their own values. If you feel you that not supporting a business that is opposed to your values is a statement you want to make, then make the statement. If you don't care, keep buying their crap. That is a decision that really only effects you, (Losing one customer, and potentially his friends and family isn't going to kill a business) so who gives a shit what others think about it.
  3. I had tried a few different IWB designs (Galco, DeSantis, Wilson...) over the years and have never really been impressed. I finally decided to go looking for a better solution. The Assistant Manager at Blackwing turned me on to C5 Leather. I gave them a look and they seemed to turn out quality products similar to Milt Sparks and the other big name custom makers. They also claimed a 3-5 week turn around time. All for only $80. I started a conversation with the owner and after a week of sorting out details, I placed my order. I ended up requesting a few things he did not offer (Off-white stitching with black leather, soft interior leather), and he said he likely would not be able to accommodate those requests but he would try. Two and a half weeks later I had a holster at my door with a matching belt. Talk about fast service! Even better the belt and holster were stitched in off-white, and was lined in goat skin for the softness I was looking for. The retention is great in this holster. It does not move around on you. It keeps the weapon tight to your body and limits printing. It is much more comfortable than any other holster I've had. All the little details are perfectly done. One handed reholstering is almost effortless. The customer service was awesome too. He answered all of my questions and explained all the little things. He got the job done right the first time, and he did it fast. I'd recommend this style of holster to anyone that carries. I'd recommend this company to anyone that needs leather work done. Just tell Jim that Ben from Ft. Campbell sent you and he'll get you taken care of. http://www.c5leather.com/
  4. Looking for a full frame or a smaller weapon? A SIG Mosquito works great. Walther P22s aren't bad. There are 1911s and M&Ps chambered in .22LR as well. I'd advise headed to your nearest shooting range and renting a few and letting her see what feels best.
  5. No no no. The order is handgun, long gun, then track bike. Hookers and blow go in there somewhere too.
  6. Sadly, it also doesn't allow me to set up shop on the perimeter and "exercise" my rifle when they are carrying my stuff outside.
  7. Wow. That looks like a great option. Thanks!!
  8. Sorry about your luck, and best of luck with the job search. I do agree with the others though. You should always prioritize the FT job over the PT. IMO, you had already missed the training twice. You're lucky you weren't fired earlier.
  9. I come back from dinner, and you're still a moron. His actions prior to the shooting were wrong. His actions during his self defense were correct. When he was confronted he had no clear escape route. Did he put himself in that situation? Yes. Did he start the fight? No. He felt his life was in danger. He was the defensive party at that point. That is all you need to use deadly force. The Stand Your Ground law doesn't even apply in this situation.
  10. I agree with the idea here. The business owner has the ability to make whatever rules he wants, but he has to convey them to the customers. And not only when they violate rules they didn't know. However, if I see a no firearms sign (Even if only for OC), I do not support that business, and I encourage my friends to do the same. I've annoyed groups before because we pick a place to eat, I see the sign, and we have to change venues.
  11. You're an asshole. I'd make you walk before I let you ride in my vehicle after you threw me out of yours. And yet you always have something to input about the laws you don't know and situations you haven't experienced.
  12. But that's just so you can salute me when I pass you.
  13. No. You are still wrong. He was wrong for following the kid. He was wrong for ignoring the dispatcher. He was attacked outside his vehicle, at close range, without a clear exit strategy. He felt his life was in danger. His use of force was justified in FL, and it would have been here in OH as well. If he were to have been charged with Involuntary Manslaughter/Manslaughter, he would be guilty in both states.
  14. That is your choice, but a safely stored weapon in a safe will not kill anyone. A kid that has never seen or touched a weapon can kill someone/themselves just from curiosity. But again, your kids, your rules. Again, your choice. I'd rather be prepared for the random nonsense that happens. However I also train with my CCW consistently, including tactical situational based training. I feel anyone that carries should, but I've been over that. If you carry a weapon to and from the range without a license, you are wrong. No loaded ammo for you except at home or the range. Although if you don't have weapons in your home I suppose the Firearm Fairy must care for them when you are not at the range. Where do you get that Zimmerman didn't respect his weapon? No one has said he was waving it around screaming "Look at me". He was totally wrong in pursuing Trevyon. However, when he was attacked and felt his life was in danger, he was 100% justified in using deadly force. I agree that firearms are a last resort. There is no room for brandishing or drawing to try and pacify the situation. If my weapon clears leather, the enemy has forced a situation that has placed myself or another person in mortal danger, and I will fire to defend myself or another. Again, Zimmerman did not go hunting. He incorrectly followed what he perceived as a threat to the neighborhood. He caused Trevyon to become defensive. He did not cause Trevyon to attack him. He was attacked, and he defended himself. I agree that far too many people carry without taking the proper things into consideration, or just to be cool and carry a gun. Zimmerman fucked up the first part of the altercation by provoking it. However, he did not throw a blow first, nor was his use of force unjustified.
  15. The EMP is the exception to the 3" 1911 rule, but then again it isn't really a true 1911. It has been proven to be very reliable and decently accurate. Kimber = IMO
  16. Yea. That's like how I found that 20oz bottles threaded directly into the air outlets on the walls. And if you filled the bottle with a 1/4 water it sounded like a cannon and made co-workers crap themselves. Of course if you didn't move your arm in time you get hit with plastic shrapnel.... Or filling parking cones with acetylene and chucking lit things at the base of the cone. We got a few to hit the ceiling...
  17. Well go to CIF and get your extra eyes. Geeez. Yea, a crappy situation. I try to never allow unknowns to get within a 10ft bubble before facing and addressing them. Yes, the criminal would choose me over you when you are Open Carrying and I am concealed. That also means they won't always draw initially as well and just bank on intimidation. But this could go on and on with hypothetical. Both methods have their ups and downs and each will choose what works best for them. (But my way is still better. )
  18. Because our government is a giant broken mess.
  19. See, that same mentality led to a shop-wide stun gun war. The results were comical. The quality of work on the cars after may have suffered slightly.
  20. True, but that's just because of poor shot placement. Two .45ACP slugs in center mass around the "x-ring" is the answer for that. I mean you're going to get sued anyways, why leave two sides to tell the story?
  21. Well, I verified the story and need to correct it slightly. I managed to forget the date already. Stupid memory. Chick was drugged in Wings and Rings bar. Raped and beaten to near death in parking lot. Went to Urgent Care where she was taken to Mount Carmel. So Wings and Rings can't really take the blame for that. My bad. Although I still hate them for their "service".
  22. See, I spent a year in Korea, so I know it firsthand. Them crazy GIs and wearing swords in scabbards into the PXs...
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