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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Where does it say that the 'second' rally was the problem? I'm not saying these things didn't happen (I don't doubt it for one minute)...but it looks like the info you posted points to all rallies.
  2. Trust me, there are a lot of people who will be taking their money elsewhere. On a good note, some business owners sued the city a few months ago. The helmet law is for people riding within the city limit of MB, which conflicts with the state law which does not require a helmet.
  3. I saw posts about this a few months ago. This new law doesn't apply to the north side of Myrtle Beach (if I remember the direction correctly). You can go to that side of the city and be as loud and obnoxious as you care to be. Also, a lot of people have been talking about Daytona as an alternative location. I'm guessing here, but I bet Daytona will see a record amount of people this year.
  4. I had about 4 different jokes for them being meat'ed...but decided it was just easier to watch porn.
  6. If they aren't bright enough to figure that out..who says they are looking out for their OWN kids' interests in a responsible way? You are missing the point when it comes to Child Services. They can't just up and take the kids. The courts have to be involved...they needed a judge to say "Yes, you have a point" before they took custody of the kids. And to get to the whole name issue, naming your children Adolf Hitler CAN be considered a form of abuse. The children are too young to do anything about that name...and having a name like that will cause them grief ALL of their lives. Love him or hate him, you must recognize the fact that he is considered an evil person by most of the people on this earth, and naming your child after him is just setting them up for ridicule and possibly harm. So yes..it is a form of abuse.
  7. The point is seeing their new models...most of it is window shopping. That's like saying we won't miss Ducati if they don't show up. Most of us won't be buying a Ducati anytime soon, but we still want to go and drool.
  8. LOL..I had to google nische. yeah The Duc booth was nice..they had a naked bike there that was really nice. I think BMW and another manuf. that I can't think of right now, pulling out, soured it for some people. The show must go on though... I'll take my fries with a little vinegar please.
  9. Just FYI guys. The DSB folks are saying the show sucked this year. BMW was no where to be seen. The show overall didn't compete with last years. But..it's an excuse to get together so it doesn't really matter so much. I need to check out the KTM RC8!!
  10. I heard you are all married now and working from home. Congrats!! Yeah..my shit is at the stealer gettin all dirty and shit. Boooo!!!! Don't ever take your rims to Greber in Elyria! Hell, don't take ANYTHING there!! I've got a new spot now..and they're doing it right..and CHEAPER...which is always good. Once I get the beast back and rip off the god ugly turn signals I'll snap some pics.
  11. 2008 ZX10. Fastest to 180. I had to jump in...and now I'm jumping out. Have fun girls! LOL
  12. I need to take my sheep back to walmart then. I always end up with sheep shit on the floor after a shag session.
  13. I had some really silly issues I had to focus on..like kids, work, life. You know, the shit that doesn't really matter. Plus I've been trying to get my new ride from the fucking dealer for MONTHS now. Long story short, I took my rims to the powder coater from hell. Yeah..we definitely need to hook up. My home is open if you guys want to crash or whatever...I only ask that you wipe your own piss up in the bathroom, and please, no sex on my kids' bunk beds (they won't be here that weekend). LOL. Sex on the floor is OK though.
  14. I'll say this..there is a State Trooper that works the turnpike, that is one of the good guys. Not too many times you can get caught in triple digits and ride home to tell about it...no points.
  15. I was dead...yes. My family found a temporal displacement machine left behind by Cyberdyne Systems, and was able to jump back in time and fix everything. They just haven't been able to fix my bike...still working on it. Fucking T1000.
  16. Not all cops are bad..and you hear about bad cops more than you do good cops, which is fucked up, but that's the way EVERYTHING is. Having said that, if you carry a gun and a taser, it is assumed that you are trained to know which one is which. Yes humans make mistakes, but if you are on the trigger end of a tool that can end an innocent persons life, you better know your fucking limits...and you better find another line of work if you can't tell the difference between a taser and a glock. Yeah..these guys (cops) are in high pressure situations all the time...but this guy was NOT posing any serious threat to the cop, judging by the video. THERE IS NO FUCKING EXCUSE FOR THIS SHOOTING. I don't care how you spin it. Like the baseball player in Texas who the cops shot while he was on the ground....yeah..,.um..because they thought his car was stolen and he sat up and asked why the cops were slamming his mom against a wall? Sorry..but shooting someone for sitting up on the ground is not justified. There are a lot of stories that get twisted in the media...but there are just as many that they get right ...and THIS particular story has the video to back it up. Just think..how many shootings and beatings have occured where there wasn't any proof?? Again, not all cops are bad...but there are a LOT of cops out there who abuse their power..especially since they know it's their word against yours. Most of the time, they probably deserve some slack...but when it comes to a loss of life? Fuck that. In my experience, there are two kinds of cops...the ones who are power hungy, who were picked on in life or have a chip on their shoulder and want to be in a position of power..to ultimately abuse it, and the other kind, who REALLY and TRULY want to make a difference, but get so sick of the bullshit they see (on both sides) and give it up.
  17. I took a break from my posting hiatus to jump in here... I usually hit the Novi show with Detroit Sport Bikes. I didn't make it this year..and I'm thinking about hitting the CLE show. I'm not a fan of giving them my hard earned cash, since I pretty much know it's not gonna be much different than last year...but the allure of food and drinks afterwards has a certain attraction to it. I live on the West side...about 20 mins from the IX center. If you guys need somewhere to wipe your ass, PS3/360 it up, or drink until you grow a third nipple, let me know.
  18. Get over it...damn leg humping on bike forums is legendary.
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