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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. +1 on tressel and meyer. I've told osu fan this tike and time again...but most dont want to hear it. I'm not a mich homer...i appreciate skill and talent no matter the time. At the same time, Tressel let me down when he did what he did....we wont get into that. The majority of OSU fans i've encountered wont have a civilized discussion....im hoping they arent all like that. Im sure mich has their share of rabid fans....but...anyways. excuse my spelling....at the wake in amherst and typing this on my phone.back on topic.
  2. THANK YOU. Alabama has better players on the bench than most teams have starting. IMHO, Mich should not have been rated in the top 10. Last year, there were a number of games that they probably should have lost..but didn't. Denard is a baller..there's no quit in him, but he's not the QB they need right now. Gardner could've been that QB, but he'll never get playing time unless DRob goes down. Having said that...there are two QB's in the pipeline that will make a lot of folks very happy. Anyways..this is a thread about the OSU schedule. Carry on.
  3. First of all, sit down while grown folks are talking. No one said OSU always has a cake schedule. I said THIS year was cushy. Nobody is shit talking, and no one is on a high horse. The fact is, THIS year....yes..2012...the OSU schedule is easier because of a number of factors, one of which being that the traditionally tougher teams are being played at home versus on the road. So before you go accusing folks of spreading falsehoods, scroll up and re-read everything I said. I never bashed OSU...and I gave UP a hard time because I have man love for him and he knew I couldn't resist his troll bait. Lighten the fuck up.
  4. We're all riding to the wake and funeral with Danny...jeans n t-shirts for both.
  5. A rather slow rolling burn out...on a huge bike...that got away from him. If you get ejected from a bike and hit the ground head first without a helmet...no matter the speed...this is what happens.
  6. Young guy...loved by all. A gentle giant if you ever saw one. Unfortunately..he didn't respect the bike enough.
  7. The rider who died is a friend of mine. Stand up guy...no one will say anything bad about him. I'm not going to get into what he did, other than to say he shouldn't have been doing it...and now he's gone. RIP
  8. I assure you, I was referencing the corny joke It's a tall order...you won't get anything different out of me. On paper, it's an L, but it's not impossible. Alabama isn't invincible. Crimes that had nothing to do with football or the school, versus violation of NCAA rules. Not only violations, but cover ups!! Two different animals. Both players were immediately suspended from the team, which is a far cry from what happened at OSU. Your turn. Oh, and fix the 'I need to change my email' crap on my account because I've been getting emails fine for a long time now. Pretty please. You do realize that your question isn't relevant, right? Of course they schedule the games in advance...that's not the point. The point is, OSU's schedule is borderline soft this year. Michigan's isn't. I don't care when they made the schedule up, it isn't relevant.
  9. When you schedule Alabama as the first game of the season, come see me. Otherwise, suck a dick. I love you.
  10. InyaAzz

    Bike Night

    Next weekend, the 8th or the 9th, are free.
  11. This. I would tell the story, and leave it at that.
  12. InyaAzz

    Bike Night

    You have to ride south for a little over an hour to get to any roads worth riding, or head east to WV or PA. The 10 is fine, I'm the one with the problem. Real life and responsibilities have gotten in the way this season....but it's all for the better. I'm hoping to hit the roads on the weekends in Sep before the weather turns. Hit me up if you want to get out one Sat or Sun.
  13. If you ever roll through Lodi, you had best be doing the speed limit because they are not shy about clocking you from the sky. We've got a few folks on here that can testify to that.
  14. InyaAzz

    Bike Night

    Nope...My 10 is black. I'm pretty sure you haven't seen it this year.....only because I haven't seen it either. I don't really do much city riding, I like my roads with lots of curves. I'm not against gettin' on 2 to meet some new riders though. I just don't make a habit of hitting the bike nights like I did a few years ago.
  15. InyaAzz

    Bike Night

    I just moved to Avon in June. I don't do bike nights much anymore, unless it's to meet up for a ride. I haven't been to any this season...too much going on with kids/work/home/school. I'd be lucky if I could say I've been on 2 more than 3 times this year. Tuesdays and Thursdays the kids have football games, I'm coming from Strongsville to make the games, and then heading to class from 6-8, so those days my schedule is packed.
  16. If you doubt this ^, you're an idiot. Cops will be all over this weekend.
  17. I bought the Pioneer VSX-1121 earlier this year. I've only had it up and running since July, and I haven't run it through a lot of paces, but so far so good. It support Apple AirPlay..DLNA, 2 zone support...and every surround sound format that exists or you might want to invent. I think I paid $350. Pioneer also has an iOS/Android app that lets you have a ton of control over the configuration. Just an FYI.
  18. I've got a bunch of family coming into town this weekend..no go for me. I try to avoid riding around the holidays because of extra traffic and increased LEO activity. Be careful/safe.
  19. I'm in, depending on the weather and kids football schedule. At that time of year, I have to worry about temps on the way out, and the way back in. Edit: Having been on this type of ride before, I typically try to avoid them, because they most always turn into a management nightmare. LEO, late people, mechanical issues, idiots...etc. My one suggestion would be to have the designated leaders and sweeps of each group exchange phone #'s, and those #'s be exchanged with you and at least one more person. That way in case something DOES come up on the way there, everyone standing around waiting knows what's going on.
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