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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. They have an RSS feed to the local police department accident reports. When I was hit from behind, I think it was on a Thursday evening. I had snail mail and phone calls by Monday.
  2. That's State Farm for ya. Good rates...until you have a claim..or you notice you don't have medical coverage. They did me a favor by dropping me. I hope everything works out for ya. If you haven't retained a lawyer yet, now's the time. You CAN do this all on your own, but it will be time consuming, difficult and frustrating. The insurance companies will prey on the fact that you are handling it on your own, assuming you don't know what you're doing. Good luck and keep us posted.
  3. I'm down to ride, Saturday AM works good, and Sunday is open too. I've got some mystery rotator cuff shoulder injury that hurts like a MF'er, so I'm not sure how it's going to affect my riding ability. ANd since I can't ride worth a damn, it can only help. I sooo want to head all the way south, but I'm almost 100% sure my shoulder is not gonna let me ride 500 miles. I'm gonna ibuprofen and heat it up all day today, so we'l see where I stand later..but I'm definitely looking to get on 2.
  4. No...no rides at all this weekend. My kids are taking me to CP for my bday on Sunday...that trumps everything. Next week.
  5. My bad..still doesn't change the fact that I have crap to do tomorrow too. Renting my house...unfortunately... trumps this ride. Tpoppa...bite me. And no I haven't swapped my plugs yet... so expect sub 30mpg next time you see me.
  6. Count me in. I've gotta get every little bit I can in before the season is over. I've only been on one ride this year.
  7. All of you suck. I'll be @ Cedar Point this Sunday, for the first time in about 8 years. Ride safe, I'll catch the next one.
  8. I'm allergic to the slab, but I've only had time for one ride this season so I guess I need to get my priorities straight. Hmmm
  9. I'd be game, but not a fan of the long early morning ride to the meetup from up here.
  10. I thought this thread was about me....nevermind.
  11. I didn't realize the AMA was this weekend. I don't plan on going....but it seems like there isn't much interest in riding this weekend. I will probably push it to Sunday if I do go out. Early start...maybe 7 or 8 at the latest.
  12. Nada man...what's good with you? Hell, I NEED to be on a bicycle. I wanna come hang out with you two in Cbus soon. Let me know, July is the best month to make it happen. I hear ya...I'm not getting many riding days this season, but maybe we'll hook up before it gets cold. I can start earlier...not a problem. I'm just seeing who's interested at this point. I haven't even thought of a route yet. Next time.
  13. As the title says.. I can get away this weekend on one of these days. I like riding Saturday because I get to have all day Sunday to get shit done, but I'm not a fan of the traffic on the way back home. I'm thinking...out by 9 ...in by 4 type of ride. I'm not trying to win the Iron Butt, I'm just trying to bend some corners. And no, I didn't replace my plugs and filter yet so plan on stopping every 90 miles. Don't judge me.
  14. I've got a Glock 27. If anyone is in the area and wants to check it out, let me know. Again, thanks Tod.
  15. Trades...as in? Price...as in?
  16. I was one of the lucky few to get one a few months back I guess....Thanks again Tod. If you haven't ordered one yet, it's your loss.
  17. I took today off so I didn't have to deal with encryption and intrusion prevention. Stop it.
  18. I used that little spill as a learning experience. And ultimately became a safer (and faster) rider. But yeah..you don't want a shingina. It's just now getting to the point where the nerve endings aren't causing severe pain whenever it's touched.
  19. InyaAzz

    6-30 or 7-1

    I might be down for something this weekend. What's your route?
  20. InyaAzz

    Ride 6/9?

    Kawasaki envy ^^^^^^^ Okay...I said this was my first ride. I didn't know my gas mileage had changed that dramatically since last year. I'll go sit in the corner now while I order my plugs. BTW Thanks for letting me tag along. Nice ride for me to start the season out with...short, sweet and to the point. The only bad spot was the traffic, which was definitely worse on Saturday than my normal Sunday rides. I think I'll have to start getting out on Saturday's from now on. Don't let Justin fool you...the guys on liter bikes are just better riders.
  21. InyaAzz

    Ride 6/9?

    If I get back by 12 Kevin will give you a hand job. True story.
  22. InyaAzz

    Ride 6/9?

    8am at Circle K Prometheus was meh.
  23. InyaAzz

    Ride 6/9?

    I'll confirm later tonight...after prometheus. It looks like I'm in though.
  24. InyaAzz

    Ride 6/9?

    Same here. I'm in the middle of installing a floor and I'd like to get home in the early afternoon and get back at it. I'm most likely in if we're not trying to join another ride. This is gonna be my first ride of the season...hopefully...so I need to shake the rust off.
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