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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. InyaAzz

    Ride 6/9?

    Are you planning on riding with the other group once you get to Newark?
  2. InyaAzz

    Ride 6/9?

    I might be game for about 6 hours of riding.
  3. This. An ass load of RAM will carry you a LONG time.
  4. Z68. Save the money. I built a system back in December for one of my sons for xmas. I had the same questions you have Jbot. I ended up going with 2 small mirrored SSD's to boot off of, and a spinner for data/porn. The intel boards also have that fancy smancy caching feature caching frequently accessed data on a small SSD and booting off of a spinner, but I just decided to be baller and go balls deep. The folks who are recommending value over performance, IMHO are steering you down the right path. The i5/Z68 will be more than sufficient for what you want to do, and the cutting edge in current CPU's don't justify their cost. Again, IMHO. The best advice I could give you...is if you can wait until xmas time....WAIT. The deals will be out of this world. You'll have to deal with a lot of rebates, but I received every single one I mailed out (made copies too...it was almost $300 in rebates) and there are a lot of combo deals for free games or GPU's. Worth the wait.
  5. No words can make it any better. I'm sorry you or anyone else has to go through this with someone they love. I watched someone really close to me get destroyed by pancreatic cancer 2 years ago. Fuck cancer.
  6. The leg hump is strong in this thread
  7. How else are you gonna stream it and make money? I thought everyone was doing this??? No??? Shit
  8. InyaAzz

    5/20 Sunday

    I guess I did good by staying on the shitter. ?!?! The lurker made it out? Man...I really missed out. Sorry to hear about the accident...been there done that.
  9. InyaAzz

    5/20 Sunday

    I'm out. There's no way I'd catch you by now. It takes me 20 mins just to get to the Circle K..which puts you about 40 mins ahead of me on 83. Next time.
  10. InyaAzz

    5/20 Sunday

    I'm gonna try...but I'm gonna be late. I'll catch up to you on 83. Don't wait for me. If I shit my pants before then, I'll text you so you're not looking for me.
  11. InyaAzz

    5/20 Sunday

    I might not make this ride after all. I think I might have a slight case of food poisoning.I'm gonna give it about 20 minutes and if I can't stay out of the bathroom, I'm not going anywhere.
  12. InyaAzz

    5/20 Sunday

    I think I've been profiled.... This is my first ride for the season and I'll be taking it easy. Even if I wasn't taking it easy, I'm not one to brutalize. Any ride I've ever organized or been lead on, I've made sure we all stick together. No one gets left behind. Everyone is free to go at their own pace in the twisties and we all meet up at the next major intersection. This isn't my ride, so I can't comment on how the pace is gonna be.
  13. InyaAzz

    5/20 Sunday

    Are you on 2? 10am meet at 82/83 Circle K sounds good. I hope we don't have to pull straws to get someone to lead though.
  14. InyaAzz

    5/20 Sunday

    I think I'm in for Sunday. I still have to put some pads on, but it won't stop me from riding if I don't. I'm not in ride leading shape..not yet. I'll help out any way I can as always, but the body and mind are out of riding shape right now.
  15. InyaAzz

    5/20 Sunday

    I'd be game. I haven't been out yet this year so I need a warm up. I'm not in 'I'll plan the route' mode yet this year...don't know if I've got enough time and patience...but I'll gladly tag along.
  16. I haven't been on a ride yet this season, so I'm looking to get out....I just don't want to roll solo from the west side because my panties are delicate. This weekend is perfect...except for some outpatient surgery on Friday that hopefully won't kill me. Any one else on the west side of CLE looking to get out? Hailwood...what are you plans for Sat?
  17. Do something in the realm of what reddit is doing with their mobile interface, and we can haz surprise butt sex. No?? Yeah....didn't appeal to me either.
  18. I haven't even been on the bike yet. School...Cisco cert training work and juggling two houses leaves me with no free time. Hopefully soon I can get away.
  19. All of this. I grew up in MI..from Saginaw, Ann Arbor, Flint, Grand Blanc, Ypsilanti....etc. Wished I had spent more time near Traverse City and a little north of the bay, but when you're young, all you wanna do is head south towards Detroit. Good luck.
  20. Or you could just eat a white woman.
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