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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. We suck??? You keep dangling this beauty in front of us....teasing us...and then when you decide to keep her and we move on to lesser quality whores, she's on the market again. You sir, are a pimp.
  2. You're killing me. I had $15,000 in my hand to play with a week ago. Bastard!!! You keep teasing me!!
  3. The fact that this is still news disturbs me. The fact that I work near here makes me want to drive to our downtown office today. The fact that even though this was planned, the cell phone video is still shitty is disappointing. The fact that the reporter in the story is hot makes me want to fap.
  4. I had a 7x14 just like this...sold it because eveyone else was using it more than me. If I had somewhere to store this...I'd probably be all over it.
  5. Beware of the gravel on 260. It's bad...mmmm kay. The last 8 to 9 miles were great...but everything north of that has got gravel in most of the corners.
  6. ^ You're only allowed if you give me a copy of the video from last Sunday.
  7. Not a problem. We actually skipped 564 and 145 and took 78 the whole way. Man...was that painfully boring. I'm not sure if I'll be able to ride this weekend yet. I'll keep an eye on the new posts just in case.
  8. 78 was boring in more than a few stretches. Any NEO'ers doing this may want to take note of the end of the route and factor that in for your round trip time. If I didn't just do these roads I might jump in...although I wouldn't mind riding 800 all the way up/down.
  9. You can still ride through 255. The road is closed only for like 50 feet. We did it this past sunday.
  10. ^ Don't run Fickel out of town yet !! Damn!! Let him coach a season first. I would be SHOCKED and I'll eat crow if Urban comes here while OSU is under sanctions for bowl games or anything else that would hurt recruiting. If OSU escapes the BAN hammer, I can see Fickel doing one and done, unless he does exceptionally well (it's possible...OSU still has a lot of good talent on the field)...then Urban slides in.
  11. THIS Except Carr was a decent coach, but he was predictable and didn't adjust as well as he should've. Still, it was good to see his last game was a Bowl Game victory. UM was so desperate to beat OSU and run up some points that they abandoned their traditional solid D and sold their soul to get Rich Rod. They even fumbled the Les Miles ordeal (note to self: don't leak the fact that you have an agreement with a coach who hasn't even played their bowl game yet). Anyways...I think Fickle will surprise people. And if he comes out the gate winning 8 games, you have to give him a serious look at a permament coaching gig.
  12. Michigan is still a work in progress this season. DRob has to learn to drop back and pass from the pro set..but his backup is one of the most accurate passers ..short and long...I've ever seen. The secondary is still a ??? and they don't have a consistant running threat. Having said that, they are stacked for the 2012 season and beyond. Emphasis on stacked.
  13. They signed contracts with the NCAA, and broke those contracts. I'd call that sports related. Yes, it didn't happen on the field, but they broke the rules and then tried to cover it up. And you can't pin this all on TP. This has been going on before he ever came to the school. ESPN or any other organization trying to get more information on this story is not what I call over saturation. Yes, it does occur in some cases..but if organizations are left unchecked, they tend to want to cover things up. If there is more to the story and OSU is hiding something, the public deserves to know. Does anyone think this is all 'new' to OSU and they had no idea what was going on? I highly doubt it. Especially since Tressel was allowed to 'resign' and he doesn't have to pay the fine anymore. Guess what? He'll show up at the hearing in August and say it was him...the school had no knowledge of it. Mark my words. Why else would the school give him this gift?
  14. OSU will be fine. Last time I checked, they still have an assload of scholorship athletes on the field. Their recruiting will take a hit...but they'll survive and rebuild in 2-3 years. Don't be mad at the media or people posting news about this scandal...be mad at the school, the coach and the athletes that allowed it to happen.
  15. The majority of the 'fans' will be doing the same. It's the ones that come out and say 'I'm sick of hearing about it' or 'OSU football doesn't matter to me' or 'There are more important things in life' .....etc...etc... when they were jumping on the bandwagon for the last 9 years that piss me off and reek of fair weather-ism. You should support your team through thick and thin if you're a 'fan'. If sports don't mean shit to you, then so be it. But don't rah rah rah when OSU is winning and then play the 'sports aint shit' card when OSU is down.
  16. This is hilarious to me... When OSU is riding high or beating Michigan, everyone is all in for OSU. Everyone is posting their "Fuck MICHIGAN, GO BUCKS" rants. But when it comes out that OSU athletes and coaches have been breaking rules, and it looks like the football program is in for some hard times, all of a sudden OSU football isn't that important to them, or they don't care anymore. These will be the very SAME people that will jump BACK on the bandwagon when OSU starts winning again. You're either a fan, or you're not. Don't jump ship and act like you weren't really paying attention to them when you think shit is about to go downhill. Stay afloat or go down in flames, but stay on the fucking boat. This shit is pathetic if you ask me. Ok, I'm done with my rant.
  17. Make sure you post up the video he took.
  18. The last 8 miles of 260 south to 7 was NICE. 255 and 260 used to be some of my favs...not anymore (gravel). I can't believe 60 and 83 are in better shape!
  19. I joke... WTF? Roads are definately rideable...but barely. Way too much gravel to get in a constant groove for more than a few turns at a time. I spent the entire ride on gravel duty. Still...it beat NOT riding. Tpoppa..i'll take u up on your route next time. We skipped the loop after 78 w and just took 78 w to 83. We also skipped 666..but in hindsight that was a bad idea. The new ZX10 with the race ECU is the truth. Wow. Jinx left me in the dust twice as quick as he usually does.
  20. Made it back. I didn't see any gravel.
  21. This will be fun. Insomnia strikes. I've had about 2 hours of sleep. EC stack for the whole day!! I'll see at least a few of you before 8.
  22. UP knows I'm just messin with him. I had already decided a long while ago in the other thread that I wasn't changing anything.
  23. That's funny....cause that is originally how I was going to get home. BUT I was trying to catch the west part of 541 and 60 on the way back. I was trying to keep the twisties going as long as possible on the way back, and the 250 stretch north of Urichsville looked flat all the way to Wooster.
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