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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Any Saturday is the Chilli cook off, for those who want a different type of burn in their seat.
  2. Well it looks like both Saturday and Sunday are going to be excellent weather wise. I normally do Sunday rides, but I was planning on heading to Royal Oak this Sunday. But...that's not set in stone. And actually, I'm game with doing short rides on BOTH days. So you guys who want to ride on Sunday....speak up. If there's enough interest I'll stay in town and do both. These won't be rides far south though..I don't want to be on the road when it starts to get dark and if I'm riding two days in a row, I need to save a little in the tank for Sunday. I haven't put any thought into the route yet. Something close-ish...which would either be the Coshocton area or around the Bolivar area meet spot.
  3. I promise not to get track day fast on the street. Mostly. Seriously though...anyone who's gone with me on a ride that I've led has never been left behind and I always make sure everyone is riding their own ride. It's gonna be spirited....but not stupid. Especially since I won't be scouting before hand. And NinjaDoc I never committed to your ride. You volunteered me for the lead..which I was fine with...but I never said I was 100pct in.
  4. Hells yeah...I'm calling Saturday Oct 8th out right NAW! This will most likely be the last day I can get a ride in, unless Sunday wants to co-operate and I may ride both days. I haven't put a route together yet, I just want to get this out there in case anyone else was too busy stabbin' the brown eye the morning of NinjaDoc's epic ride. I know I wasn't the only one....right? Come on..I couldn't have been the only one who was covered in the saline tears of an eager Latina concubine. No?!? This won't be a mega-cruise. It'll be a spirited ride through this shitty state's highways. More details to follow if the forecast holds up.
  5. So I'm not sure...did I have more fun sodomizing hookers until 7am than I would have had on this ride? Wish I could've been there (I think)...but lack of sleep over the past 3 days would've made me a dangerous rider.
  6. I'm out. I just txt'ed Justin. Lack of sleep...can't find my GPS...and well...I've been busy the last few hours. Ride safe.
  7. Txt back copper top. So far i'm in....sleep deprived...but in. If I'm leading a group it will be a spirited pace up front...but no one gets left behind. I havent put shit in the gps yet so no confirmation as to if i'm 100pct leading. Wheels rolling at 830 if we meet at Circle K.
  8. Sooooo I have to ask... Are group leads and sweeps already picked? Just sayin'...from experience...you might want to try and get that handled as much as possible before tomorrow. Granted, some folks may not show, but at least if you get it organized before hand you'll know who has/needs GPS/Maps/Phone #'s etc.
  9. If anyone on the west side is going....and I'm not 100% that I'm in yet....I'll be taking 83S down. I don't see the point in heading to the 77/BP meet. I'm gonna wait a few hours and then do a check on the weather to see what the temps are gonna be like at 8AM.
  10. I concur. Rampage is too one dimensional..maybe more so now than ever is his career.
  11. You read it right the first time. I have RA and Lupus. Go figure. I've tried every drug out there...and none of em work well enough or give me severe side effects. Back on topic.
  12. Weather is looking a tad bit better.... If I can make it to Bolivar...and back home...without the toes and fingers turning blue and going numb in below 60 weather, I'm in.
  13. I'm sorry, but when I got the email from Ben and Jerry's announcing Schweaty Balls, I almost passed out from laughing so hard. A+ for marketing. D- if it tastes like actual balls.
  14. Looking at the radar on wednesday to forecast the weather on sunday? The radar isn't the tool for that.
  15. Rain and low temps are the deciding factors for me. I thought I was gonna make this...but the temps keep dropping. We'll see.
  16. InyaAzz

    9/18 Ride to SEO

    I was instructed...no..ordered ..... To never do another track day. And yeah...the Busa ordeal was good for some lulz...but I have to hand it to the guy...he rode it like he stole it. I let him pass me so he could go play with Jinx. Fill in the blanks there. I had to pass him in a corner ( which is something I never do) because he was in over his head or I was trying to keep that ZX10 from hell in front of me. Maybe both.
  17. InyaAzz

    9/18 Ride to SEO

    You all suck. Especially UP. I hope I get to ride next weekend and you all get mono.
  18. Apologize? I was agreeing with you!!
  19. 4 lane road. The law says you don't have to stop for a bus traveling in the other direction. There's nothing for your brother-in-law or anyone else to interpret.
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