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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. If I take 83 to 250 I can probably get there quicker. If you slab it down 71 I can meet you in Lodi.
  2. Don't worry about it..this works for me. I've got a lot going on next week and I need as much time preparing as I can cram into a day. This lets me get my 2 wheel fix in before I leave so I don't snap and kill someone while I'm in Ocean City.
  3. Anyone from the CLE area heading down from this? It's about 90 mins or so from Grafton. So far, count me in.
  4. Start another thread...sounds like a plan. Bolivar ...DQ? You both suck.
  5. I'm down for an early departure on Sunday...along with an early return. Honestly, I've gotta get stuff ready for my trip so the more time I get doing that, the better. That kind of trip sort of eliminates the most southern parts of Ohio. I'm down with riding the Akron (or Coshocton) areas if it saves time, but someone else familiar with the roads should plan the route/lead.
  6. I might do the 8-10 date..but I need to order new boots like NOW and I'm leaving for the Cayman's the very next day so I need to juggle some stuff around.
  7. If anyone plans on going to the meet and greet..this is the wrong thread. Trying to organize a stop at a function like that and getting everyone to get back on their bikes and leave in a timely manner is a recipe for fail. I just want to hit some corners at ridiculous amounts of speed and then get home in one piece and with some daylight to spare.
  8. Sunday is looking to be the popular option. I was PM'ed a route from IP a while back...but I've never ridden it...I think the only road I remember being on is 164. It was south of Akron if memory serves me right. I sorta like to scout unknown roads by myself or with a small group before leading a group...so I guess I'll sit back and see if anyone else has anything better in mind. Wait for it......
  9. My weekdays tend to get out of control.
  10. You'll have to get rid of 26 between 260 and 255. 260 north of 26 was full of gravel. I can usually just point it out with my foot and keep it moving, but it was excessive and made that part of the ride shitty. Conditions may have changed since then. South of 26 was chock full of win...that was one of the best 8-9 miles of road I've ridden in a while. I had a when we hit the river. 555 doesn't rub my taint as much as it does yours...except for the southern half...which you'll be missing. SO the short answer is..maybe. I'll be in Ocean City next week. Woot. And tell him we want the video from that ride! I refuse to believe you ride on the weekends anymore.
  11. If anyone is riding this weekend, I MAY be interested. 800 has become a bore to me though (only because of the type of road, not because of my abilities)..so it depends on the route.
  12. I just realized this is probably my last chance to ride for a month. Is anyone doing any actual riding, or is it just a weekend for standing around and consuming pork?
  13. I obviously wasn't in the meeting...but I'd be willing to bet my next check that the terms of his leaving was engineered to secure his cooperation with the NCAA and fall on the sword so OSU stayed as far away from the scandal as possible. This clears the way for Urban M to come sooner..rather than later due to the limited damage to the program. Really..what was the NCAA gonna do...make em pay back the bowl game $$? The quicker this goes away ..the better..for the NCAA.
  14. InyaAzz


    BUMP shameless bump for a carfox!
  15. Ohh come on!!! More notice next time!!!! DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. Somebody...please...take my job. I'm Splunk'ed, ASA'ed, SPLAT'ed and Squid'ed out.
  17. Moving $$ from one place to another.
  18. Nothing says dinner like STD.
  19. Ohhh...I like that dirty talk...... The K1300S is a damn fine ride.
  20. My priorities have changed...I need to move out of this city before I exact justice on someone. otherwise, I'd be all over it.
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