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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Someone else will have to run with it. I couldn't do the same route if I was able to get out.
  2. Radar looks like shite. See below Sorry....no one wanted to ride more than me today. I'm gonna cancel this one altogether. Any roads that I would have ridden on a shortened route are being dumped on as I type this. I guess mother nature is having the last laugh on this one....we're the ones on the receiving end of the bukkake. I promised the kids and the girlfriend some quality time tomorrow, so I don't think I'll be getting out. This sucks.
  3. Yeah I noticed the same thing on the way home...sun is coming out HERE...but I'm sure OE Ohio will be different. I'll need someone from the Coshocton crew to plan a route/lead down there since you'll have first hand knowledge of the roads and conditions. I have limited knowledge of all the fun stuff there. I'm going to eyeball a noon restart...with a much shorter route. As far as the Akron/Canton crew goes..this may or may not be worth your time??
  4. I'm here now. Yeah..i'm thinking of trying something for later. Between 10 and noon start time maybe. Gonna go home and watch the weather. It'll be a much dryer ride in coshocton county. I'll stay here until 8..then head home. We won't be head to SE OHIO today guys.....sorry. But...if the roads get dry in Coshocton we can ride there. I'll need the coshocton guys to chime in on the road conditions in a few hours.
  5. DAMMIT..I'm gonna call this ride. Maybe a re-do for the morning. Depends on the rest of the familia. I'm head to the Circle K to meet everyone anyways.
  6. It would be very difficult to 'delay' this ride...at least for the NEO'ers. It's a 10 hr day and I don't want to ride at night. I guess if we cut the route short to compensate that would work....but the problem, the rain is following us down south, exactly where we need to go. And even if we delay, we have to deal with wet roads, especially where you have trees overhanging the road surface.
  7. Well, it looks like the rain is gonna be heading south. Just my luck. It looks like it will be through Coshocton by 10...BUT the roads are gonna be wet. There wont be enough time and sunlight to dry em up yet.
  8. We're going to draw pubes at the last gas stop. What did I miss? I guess I should've been reading that thread more. +1 And he has the herp, so it hurts to talk mostly.
  9. So this means you're coming, right? Well, since this is a Bukakke themed ride...we're all essentially ....coming...
  10. ^ Sounds good to me. I bought a cheap one to use last season, but it takes crap for video.
  11. IF everything goes ok...you should be in Wooster around 5. If we have a rider go down or some other issue, then obviously that estimate is going to change. Having said that...everyone PLEASE make sure your bikes are in working order. Don't show up with leaking fluids...a bad chain...cords showing on your tires...etc. That's just wrong.
  12. Thanks for the info cabman. I'll get something together around noon.
  13. I seem em all the time. Little stickers posted on the doors or near by as you walk in. Your mileage may vary.
  14. If the business is on private property, the owner can still keep you from carrying by posting a No Guns Allowed sign, which most already have. So...unless the owner is Pro Carry....don't expect a lot of change.
  15. **Edit** Never mind. You're north of Columbus..I'll let you know when I figure it out soon. We'll be in Coshocton gassing up @ BP around 10. **Edit #2** I need to call ODOT to figure out exactly what part of 26 is closed. That's gonna make a big difference in the route. Also, I'm taking 536 off.
  16. FUCK MapQuest and Chrome. I had been working for HOURS on this route and I get a "Aww..we're sorry, something went wrong"...and the whole thing is gone. And neither MapQuest or Google Maps can figure out that I want to double back on my route..without reorganizing everything. Bastards.
  17. The NEO'ers should be there sometime between 8:45 and 9AM..if nothing goes wrong. This is going to be more of a rolling stop. I'd like to keep it moving..we've got almost 500 miles to cover and I'm sure we'd all like to get back early enough to enjoy the rest of the day. If we have an issue along the way, that will eat into the time frame...so I'd like to be as ahead of the curve as possible. Wooster makers more sense. If he goes to Grafton, he'll have to head NW, then back south. Might as well just head SW. I'm changing the route a little bit. I think we'll add some 800 N and then 541 W back into Coshocton instead of taking 78W all the way back to 83. I'm planning gas stops approx every 100 miles. My bike is probably one of the thirstiest and I get 130 miles to the tank when I'm acting sane. So at 100 miles, it's time to start looking for gas. The stops may be a bit sooner than 100 miles, depending on what's available (or not available) ahead of us. If someone at the Wooster stop can PM their cell, I'll text when we're headed down. Any volunteers to ride sweep?
  18. I had it confused with the gas station before you jump on the highway. It's a Stop-N-Go...I know which one you're talking about...right on the corner.
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