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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. InyaAzz

    9/18 Ride to SEO

    It would have to be full body heated gear, and right now my funds are busy doing other things. Besides, my shrinkage is a sore spot.
  2. InyaAzz

    9/18 Ride to SEO

    I've got family in town this weekend...but most important is the start time and temp when I leave my house. It's not gonna be warm enough for me to ride that early in the AM and get to the meet spot. Don't ask. I can't control it. Looks like my riding season is coming to an abrupt end.
  3. I'm a definite maybe. I wouldn't have a problem with leading, but these roads aren't as familiar to me as the ones near Coshocton. This may have been brought up before, but have you planned out your fuel stops? Communication between group leaders/sweepers?
  4. InyaAzz

    9/18 Ride to SEO

    If I could be back at home by 4pm, I'd do this. Maybe I can break off and head north at some point.
  5. The world is coming to an end. Has to be.
  6. InyaAzz

    9/18 Ride to SEO

    I had plans this day...but I may have to bail on them. Not sure.....depends on the weather/temps.
  7. 18th is bad for me. Any rain or weather <60 is bad for me. Huge group rides at anything other than cruising speed tend to end up being a mess. I guess I'll have to play it by ear to see how this shapes up.
  8. I've been to that dealer not more than 4 weeks ago while looking for a decent used car. After seeing how badly this Acura was misrepresented (I wish I had kept the pictures), I wouldn't be surprised if this Lambo's interior was full of dead hooker juice and the freshly harvested tears of several recently deceased panda bears. They seem to specialize in flipping cars "wholesale", so you better believe there's more to this car than you can see in this ad. I'd sure as shit like to take it for a test drive though.
  9. I'm looking for a short ride...and I don't normally stop for food on my rides, so that probably won't work. I might just ride somewhat locally...
  10. The 1000 looks like a do-all bike. I'd love to sit on one. That stock can is god awful though.
  11. If your checking account was low on funds, you could have easily bounced a check created an NSF on one or more of your transactions. You maybe have been expecting one balance when your actual balance was almost $200 lower. Another reason to not use your debit card. I've had my credit card number compromised about 3-4 times over the years. Every time it happened, it was due to a security breach on a merchant's database. Not my problem. I received a new card and kept it moving. None of my assets were ever in jeopardy.
  12. I'll be at Rock N Rumble on Saturday..starts at 6. I don't think I can get out and back in quick enough to get all purdy and down to the flats in time to catch the start. We'll see. I'm not looking for a long ride...out by 10..in by 4??
  13. Being scared is what keeps you alive. I'd be afraid to roll with anyone who said they never got nervous or scared...tell her to embrace it. Rambo only exists in the movies.
  14. I get spam/scam and trades on an equal basis vs actual interested parties. maybe 3 to 1. It depends on the item. I think the trolls are ...well...trolling...for certain keywords. I especially love the "Interested in your item" emails.
  15. I've been running Klipsch for the last 25 years...and I still have a pair of Klipschorns from back then. My currently surround system is modest, but it's a Klipsch setup that is about 14 years old, and still sounds great.
  16. We saw Captain America and Thor going at it.
  17. I'm probably out...due to family and previous commitments. If we were doing a Coshocton ride..with like a 10am roll out and a 4pm return time, I would be all over this. Please reconsider. Maybe I'll even lead. Edit:Just checked the forecast. Not looking good.
  18. I think Justin covered my point well enough. If someone rips off your debit card, it's not your fluid cash they're messing with. If someone rips off your debit card, there goes your grocery money until you can get it taken care of. I'm not saying most people won't have access to another account somewhere...but you never know. All I can say is, I'd rather have someone dick around with the bank's money instead of my own.
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