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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. Got my tire mounted..and GPS cradle came today. I'm gonna spend the rest of the day after work getting her back together and wiring the GPS up. Weather is showing between 30 to 40 pct chance of rain...unless that dramatically changes or its raining when we start out, this ride is ON. It would be nice to get a head count...but hey..I'll be there no matter what.
  2. I noticed that. I was looking for a car last winter at a dealer and he wanted like 16K for one. Wow. I think I bought mine back in....98,99-ish. Sold it around 2002.
  3. I bought a 96 Dark Cherry Metallic when the Big 3 stopped making RWD's. I figured it was an end of an era and it would hold its value. It did. I rarely drove it, except when I was fishtailing through right and left turns. Sold it. Profit. $$$. Man that thing was a boat.
  4. +1 and put it on buellxb.com. A lot of my stuff (and my bike) sold on there.
  5. I'm shooting for two days myself...time and weather permitting. I'll let you know.
  6. She could get under 5 for it ...I don't see why not. Low miles...great shape. Unfortunately blue book and market value are two different animals in this case.
  7. Please don't ride it to any OR rides. Because this ^...... is exactly what you'll be called. Ask me how I know.
  8. I sold my XB9 last year..for what I thought was a price I was DAMN lucky to get. I guess they didn't have the fire sale in Canada. Someone drove a trailer about 7 hours to come get it. As far as market value goes...she's most likely not gonna get what she owes on it. But you never know...there's one born every minute. I loved my XB9. It was the best cornering bike I ever rode. It sounded bad ass with the Hawk muffler too. UP got to hear it once and he did a double take.
  9. I opted for the tried and true BT016. I'll pick another day to press my luck.
  10. InyaAzz


    When I was in MI this past weekend, there were stories over the last week...at least three different incidents where pit bull 'types' were shot by the police after attacking people. There was a vicious dog ordinance passed in the city...so folks were taking these dogs and dropping them off in the township in a rural area. I guess pets and owners alike were under siege. I don't blame the animals one bit....it's the dumb ass owners.
  11. Got my new GPS...just waiting for the new cradle to come. The local Jinx is doing his rain dance for Saturday...but according to my last check the chance of rain dropped to 30% from 50%. Getting my new rear sometime tomorrow.
  12. Looking forward to having you. See the first post. Pace in the corners is whatever you are comfortable with. If you're a 'big boy' then you'll most likely be near the front. Hell, you can pass me for all I care...ride your own ride. BUT...and this is a big BUT...I WILL be waiting for everyone at every intersection. Just like in way (in theory) no one gets left behind. ^---- Fits right in
  13. Yeah I normally don't ride on the holiday weekends because of increased LEO presence..but I need to get em in while I can this year. I can't ride when the fall comes, so my season is SHORT.
  14. Let's discuss a make up day, if weather cancels this.
  15. Looks like 8/10 and 9/27 were added to the schedule. 7/21 Novice and 7/25 Intermediate is sold out.
  16. Same here. I'm keeping an eye on the thread and calendar. July 25th was a day I had in mind...but with things to do right before and after...it's gonna be a hectic week.
  17. Saturday is looking 50/50 for rain. Just FYI.
  18. I hear it's high in protein? I can hear you coughing from here. Yeah..about an hour. You're talking about the Speedway right?
  19. We'll have to draw straws and find out who is gonna get the short end of this ride first. I may have just made this ride an unappealing event. Always a pleasure. Just pick a spot.
  20. Here's the route I plan to take, 447 miles from start to finish. We'll be leaving the Circle K on 82/83 at 8am. 432 Miles. http://www.mapquest.com/?version=1.0&hk=10-erLfzvXL Stands up and rolling out at 8am. I won't be stopping for 'lunch' during this ride. Bring whatever you need to eat or drink. Otherwise, we'll be snacking on whatever fine dining we find at our gas stops. We fill up at every stop. Eat/drink..use the bathroom. Stretch..whatever...then keep it moving. I (we) usually do 70-ish in the straights and I pass on the double yellow to get around traffic. Only pass when it's safe for YOU. Don't feel you need to keep up. No one gets left behind (I can't stress that enough. There's no need to feel you have to keep up if you're in the back). In the corners, ride whatever you feel safe and comfortable with. If my pace is too slow for you, please feel free to pass me!! If anyone is behind you and wanting to pass, wave 'em on. Single file in the curves please...and don't ride directly behind the rider in front of you. You'll thank me later. I know this is common sense and old hat to most of you, but it seems there are a lot of new riders on the forum (a good thing), and most of you guys...if not all but one or two on this ride..I've never ridden with before. I like to set the tone up front so everyone knows what to expect. If you can't pass on double yellow and do 70-ish in the straights, then this might not be the ride for you. That's not because we're going to be doing sub sonic speeds...it's because we have almost 500 miles to cover (for the NEO'ers) and we're bound to run into traffic at some point that we need to get around. Wear your gear. If you're coming without a helmet, then please find another ride. I have NOTHING against those that choose not to wear one. I've gone without one once or twice....but never on a ride like this. Just FYI. It's gotta be HOT and humid, so dress accordingly. When we get to SE Ohio, the gas stops are going to be closer together, only because once you get in the good stuff, you won't find anywhere to stop. It's just an FYI in case you're wondering why we're stopping so often. The liter bikes can get thirsty, and I don't want anyone to run out of gas down there. This means that you top off at every stop....unless you're sure you can go another 100 miles. And even then, I'd feel better if you top off. Kent, I planned a stop in Lewisville. We can part ways there. Mykill, we should roll through New Concord (22/40) sometime after 10:30. It looks like there is a Fuel Mart on the corner of 83 and 22/40. We'll be passing right past there.
  21. I'll post this in a new thread, 447 miles start to finish:
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