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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. If we ride Coshocton, I'd want a tour guide...I won't be able to scout before hand. This will most likely be a SE Ohio ride..at least an 8 hour day.
  2. Yeah you're right Jbot..I need to get over there since they finally activated my account. I need to check that KTM demo school calendar too. I'm gonna treat myself to one..or two of those days this year.
  3. I'm not saying that this dealership did ...or didn't do anything wrong here, but I would have to believe that being as open about it and doing it for as long as it has supposedly been going on, that they are smart enough to not get caught by the BMV. It's the BMV...not the FBI or the CIA. Having said that...there had to be SOME incentive for the players to keep going back to the same dealer.
  4. I normally don't like to ride on the holiday weekends due to increased LEO presence, but I'm trying to get in as much seat time NOW because come the rest of July and August it's going to be tough for me to get away. I'm just putting a feeler out there....I know most everyone has family plans. Which day works better, Saturday the 2nd or Sunday the 3rd?
  5. Well, at least I don't feel so bad for my morning being a complete waste.
  6. If anything occurred with these car deals, I'm sure the dealership would have been smart enough to know how to work the system. I think this whole car deal fiasco is just a side note to the bigger issue anyways. My question is, what is the BMV using to validate the purchase price and whether or not the dealer made any money? Just curious.
  7. InyaAzz


    I had a dealer tell me "We only provide the carfax upon delivery of the vehicle" lulz...wut??
  8. InyaAzz


    I can get Autocheck...not a proble. But Autocheck doesn't have as complete a record as Carfax does in all my test cases. I would gather that Autocheck is cheaper, and that's why dealerships are going that route. I may be wrong.
  9. It's not a prank. Really? There is no punchline in this.
  10. Awesome story! My 13yr old made a card and inside it said that he would change my diapers when I get old because he loved me. That right there, was enough for me to almost lose it. And by lose it, I mean my emotions, not my bowels. Of course, later I somehow had to pay for the movies for all 4 of my sons and my girlfriend, but hey.....it's the thought that counts. BTW Super 8 was OK. It's not the best summer flick ever made like some of the reviews would have you believe....but it's decent. Worth a look.
  11. R.I.P. Words can't express how sorry we all are for your loss.
  12. He tried to sell it already!! That's why I'm first in line.
  13. InyaAzz


    DO you haz? I needz... Thanx
  14. Wow Mag..sorry to hear bro..but glad you made it in one piece.
  15. I haven't quite decided yet..but a short 200+ mile route..down familiar roads. Probably leaving by 7am...back by 1.
  16. I've got my eye on one in Columbus. Just trying to find one closer.
  17. A bottle of Crystal Head will clear that right up for me. Acura MDX I was thinking of doing an EARLY ride tomorrow...it would be a short 200 mile or so route though. I still haven't changed that rear.
  18. Thanks guys. I'm gonna go buy a few of these and then get my bike on the horsepower treadmill thing and see how much yuuut ugghhhh I gained.
  19. Now I'm really pissed. I was supposed to be car shopping this AM...and someone bought the car before I got there. I was on my way to Strongsville for some Muay Thai and BJJ action....and I got paged from work because they couldn't get ahold of the on-call guy. And then....it was a non issue. So now I missed out on my car, my training, AND this ride. What a fucked up Saturday. I can't ride next weekend, and a July 4th ride is a big ????. So...today is full of FAIL for me. Waaaah. Hope you're having fun by yourself UP. Bastard.
  20. DAMN YOU But I feel you...My riding time this summer took a serious kick in the balls a few days ago when ...well... factors beyond my control decided to f#ck me out of my 'alone time'. Have fun..be safe..all that.
  21. I'm still looking for a final figure on how many ponies buying one of these things will get me on the ZX10.
  22. So how many torx screws are these rated for? How many HP does it add to the bike...lets say if I went with the 1/2 vs the 3/8th?
  23. When I use his services, I plan to put some $$ in his donation cup. If he doesn't have a donation cup, I will shove it down his exhaust pipe where he will be forced to remove it and quickly ride away. That's how I solve THAT problem. I may go pick that tire up tomorrow...but I've gotta head south of Strongsville to look at a car, then back to STrongsville to train, then back to my neck of the woods so it would be around 2 or 3 before I was even ready to ride. It's most likely not gonna happen.
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