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Everything posted by InyaAzz

  1. I'm as serious as the apostrophe and the letter 'e' missing in your sentence.
  2. Are these only good for torx screws? They seem expensive.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Bhex7E0zkU
  4. Who the fuck wants to worry about racking a round at the LEAST opportune time?
  5. I speak for my fellow white man, when I say I'm ashamed of what took place here.
  6. Sat is looking iffy for rain. Thanks for the offer Woodchuck. I'll keep you in mind. I was gonna run and get the tire today but the weather is looking spotty, and Sunday is Father's day, so I'll just lay low this weekend I guess.
  7. I think I have ...maybe...200 + miles left on my rear. Anyone not going to the OR stuff this weekend? I might get away for a few hours.
  8. Man, if I can get a tire installed in short order, I'll join you.. I like to get home by 4ish too..which would mean an 8am start. But...the kids are home this weekend and I hate riding and leaving them there by themselves (just a guilt thiing..I'll get over it)
  9. There's no way OSU was gonna let him step on the field again. I'm willing to bet he took stock of everything he had done and realized that his best bet was to leave town. I'm telling you guys and gals...there's a LOT more to this story.
  10. Hmm...I' don't want to use my gmail address of my phone will die in 5 minutes. I'll have to come up with another address then.
  11. It's not looking good for OSU...Gee/Smith ain't gonna be happy come Aug 11.
  12. Dammit... Now I'm really gonna have to build a new rig for this. The only thing holding me back.....I spend my whole work day looking at an LCD. This game will pobably make me spend the rest of my life there too.
  13. LOL there's a reason it's called crunch bang. Linux newbs should start off (IMHO) on one of the more mainstream distros...then work their way back to the good stuff. APT FTMFW!! Love it.
  14. QFT! And he won't go into the NFL as a QB. His mechanics are all off, and he had little desire to fix them. He's an average passer who can run and has some size.
  15. How? The feds found out about the gear. Tressel found out the feds knew and didn't tell anyone. Then he tried to cover it up. How is it all Pryor's fault? (I don't care for Pryor...FYI)
  16. When beaver comes out in the streets looking for you, it can be the best of times....or the worst of times.
  17. You're seriously delusional if you read ANYTHING I've typed that says JT is responsible for everything his players did. You took something I typed (whatever that was) and ran with it because that was your only argument. Good luck with that. JT KNEW about the rules being violated...and did nothing. He LIED to the NCAA and to the school. What don't you understand? My other point was that people are blaming Pryor for this whole incident and acting like JT knew nothing. This isn't Pryor's fault! It's been going on for years! Of course he shares blame, but so do a lot of athletes...going back to 2002! What part of that do you not understand? And yeah, he resigned...but he was forced out. Do you really think for one second the school was going to stand behind him after he lied and the cover up? Really? You don't think for one second that the school said "Resign or we'll fire you"? If you don't believe that, then are you saying JT is bigger than OSU football? Doesn't matter...we're only just hearing the surface. There's more coming out in the future, and it won't stop at Tressel. Oh yeah..one last parting shot. OSU did it's own investigation, and found no other violations. The March presser was more of a pep rally. A magazine comes in ....from the OUTSIDE...and digs up way more info. Sure, the NCAA hasn't ruled on this yet..but I feel pretty confident there is at least SOME merit to what SI found. So, here you have the fox guarding the hen house. Yeah...nothing to see here...keep it moving. Give me a break. And yeah, I got cut from Tressel's YSU squad. You found me out. Coach said I didn't have enough tats and I wasn't stroking enough booster egos...so he let me go. I would've been the G.O.A.T. I still got it in me though...I'm just waiting for another shot.
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