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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. And miss desperate housewives? Hellz NO!
  2. That would be the one. The weather is showing high of 71 now. Woot! I wonder how brrrrr it will be around 8pm tho.
  3. I think Jenny Selby and I are gonna head up to the last QSL bike night this Wednesday. Do you have to work? :)

  4. I'm planning on riding up with my friend Jenny but we'll meet you guys there.
  5. I got my yearly flu shot but I will not be getting the H1N1. It has not been researched enough and I'll take my chances even in the environment I work in.
  6. Chris I didn't do anything last thursday b/c I honestly didn't want to be out around anyone. I'm sorry if you're offended b/c I put up a post about a thursday night at BWR vs. the KOC. If you put a post about asking people to come to the Koc I surely wouldn't come in the thread and ask everyone to come to somewhere else instead. That's all I'm saying. And the "atmosphere" wasn't a slam. I like to go different places all the time. I haven't been to BWR in three weeks and you can ask anyone about me skipping weeks at bwr over the summer b/c I got sick of that scene every once in a while.
  7. Chris if it's too much to get the extra strawberry that's cool. I'm not plannin on really drinking anyway. Apparently I get a bit crazy when I get a bit tipsy!
  8. If I didn't live so far away from campus I'd let you stay with me. I'm actually thinking about getting a roommate.
  9. OK well I leave for work at 7am tomorrow so let me know b/f then if you want me to bring it. I'll be up by 0530.
  10. MJ I have an electric heater. I can take it to work with me tomorrow. I work at Riverside. Up to you. ???
  11. The Koc isn't a restaurant. You have to order food in. And the atmosphere is a bit different than BWR. We don't have to go to the Koc every week nor do we have to go to BWR every week. This week the majority of the people I've spoken to already either on here or facebook are going to BWR. Most are driving their cars so the weather shouldn't be an issue. I was just letting the rest of you know what some of us are doing.
  12. Coming to BWR on Thursday with us?

  13. Coming to BWR on Thursday with us?

  14. Coming to BWR on Thursday?

  15. You coming to BWR on thursday with us?

  16. You coming to BWR with us on Thursday?

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