How'd I get brought into all this? I think people have taken the costumes on halloween a bit too far. It was a JOKE! Geesh. I have had SO MANY PEOPLE talk crap about me on here but I grew some thick skin, stopped crying about it, and moved on! I was originally banned from this site after signing up for some stupid shit I wrote on CR about my exhusband. Everyone thought of me as a crazy bitch and I lived with that. That is the reason I wore that costume on Halloween. I think we take ourselves way too seriously sometimes. Lighten up ya'll. Not everyone is going to like you in life. We are all adults and should be able to agree to disagree. Carie herself has told me that PM's are not read on this site. Do you think they really have time to work full time jobs AND read everyone's PM's? Believe me you're not that important. And FYI...I have gotten emails from admins about my behavior and my big mouth. I was upset with two people for attacking me so I attacked back. You know what NO sides were taken and these two people were friends with Ben and Carie. I guess the bottom line is......if you don't like the site or the majority of the members then just don't log in. There are tons of other forums out there that do talk about mostly motorcycle stuff and don't hang out on a regular basis. I for one like the fact that I can log on and talk about anything I choose. I love to ride but that's NOT my whole life. What is wrong with posting RIP threads? I think it brings awareness and reminds people to wear their gear b/c NOBODY is exempt! I know death and dying is a touchy subject. I work in palliative medicine and feel very comfortable with it but not everyone does. You don't have to read those threads. There are threads on here that when I know are posted by a certain individual I won't read it b/c I know I'll get upset. Ya and thanks Ben for bringing up the crazy costume not once but TWICE!