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Everything posted by PrincessPratt

  1. then come on out Andre! Nobody is stopping you....you're invited!
  2. I miss the rep! There's been some funny stuff on here today. And I was teasing about the highjacking! So it looks like about 10 or 15 people will be there for sure. I bought some stuff for meatballs, veggie tray, yummy cheese dip. What other stuff do you think we need to munch on?
  3. Well I saw Liz today at Meijer while I was doing some shopping and she's coming out with us too! For those of you who don't know her name she's the smokin hot bartender we had during our time at BWR!
  4. I went to give you pos rep for this one and then realized the thread I was in....kinda like what Casper did.
  5. Fix.....NOT tomorrow but FRIDAY! sorry:D
  6. Well I didn't get the extra word in there that i'm NOT fast. My bike is fast to the experienced rider. Nobody with any experience except my friend John has actually rode my bike. I've been riding for a long time but get vewy vewy intimidated in the corners. At my last track day I finally realized that the faster you go the easier the corners are but I refuse to get that way on the road with all the conditions that can kill a person hence I'm getting a cruiser next season for the street. I understand Pauly. Usually every few months I get a wild hair up my butt and refuse to post for a while too. From what I hear your wife can ride the hell outta her bike. She SHOULD join in! I know SEVERAL female riders than can put about 90% of the men on this board to shame.
  7. Is that what you want Kev? FYI....am i still picking you up tomorrow after work to come over? No spooning but lots of beer and food.
  8. OK so I'm going to get some food tomorrow after work. I need a head count. Most have sent me texts, pms, or facebooked me. This is open to anyone and those of you who have been to my home knows that it's the more the merrier. Again....614 563 0392.
  9. ^^^ME!!!!!! Awww shucks thanks guys! I'd give you rep but I was one of those people that abused my rep b/c I gave rep to about everyone today. I was in a great mood! But unfortunately I'm all tapped out on rep. I'll hit u up tomorrow tho.
  10. Oh Nick! STOP while you're ahead.
  11. Honestly I rep people all the time especially this last week. I've been on the board the last few days more than probably the last 3 months. I've been in a really good mood lately and I like to rep people. Nick and I have gone back and forth quite a few times but owell. I voted for the rep to stay but if it gets taken away no biggie. I do like MJ's suggestion of still being able to leave comments about specific posts. I would like to be able to really see who left the rep tho. I ussed to not care but I get some pretty weird rep from time to time being a female on majority male forum.
  12. how did this statement get in here Nicky?
  13. I NEED SOME SUN! I think I'm gonna schedule a trip in december to the carribean or maybe back to mexico! I need another break from life. Or maybe a cruise. I haven't done one of since last october!
  14. I wish shoei fit my head better! Arai is the only thing that doesn't give me headaches. DANG IT!
  15. ^^^^we'll see. There are tons of people that were there last year and they're all gonna be on this fancy cruise during the party getting hitched or something like that.
  16. Ya I heard that you and JRMiii are kinda internet thugs.
  17. ^^^I wrote that it wasn't directed at you....just everything after what I asked. I was being serious. I know I'm not a great rider but that is what the track is for right? To practice no? I only got to do one track weekend this past season b/c I unfortuntately let other things take up my time and money. With my income tax I fully intend on purchasing an enclosed trailor seeing that I can use if for MANY other things as well. Then I won't have to depend on anyone to help me out. WELL....maybe getting the bike in the trailor without me dropping it. LOL.
  18. I was doing the PC/tuning to make it run better not so much for the HP b/c I'm using the HP I have now. Why is it that every time a female comes on here asking questions people have to give her a bunch of bullshit? Then we wonder why more females don't post on here for more than intermittent rides, etc. Geesh! And that wasn't directed at you I just happened to quote you to answer the HP question.
  19. So how much does it cost to get tuned anyway? I've been looking for a PC for my bike recently and am trying to budget how much this will cost me total bill. Kreator thinks I should get a new exhaust on my bike too....maybe b/f doing the tuning? If I do all this stuff I really need to push myself next season so I can actually use the extra HP instead of riding like a sissy all the time fearing me going down.
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